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Displaying posts with tag: glassfish (reset)
Pentaho Supports GlassFish

Catching up with news from before JavaOne: Pentaho Announced support for GlassFish v2 for Pentaho BI Platform.

Note that Pentaho is one of the more than 40 initial companies listed in the new Sun Partner Program for GlassFish.

New NetBeans, GlassFish and MySQL Bundle

The NetBeans team released a new NB + MySQL + GF bundle (download) a couple of weeks ago but I didn't time to write about it. The bundle includes:

NetBeans 6.1
GlassFish v2 UR2
MySQL Community Server

See reviews and comments from James - a frequent NetBeans …

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451 CAOS Links - 2008.05.09

Sun advances GlassFish. Red Hat announces JBoss momentum. Mandriva releases Linux update. (and more)

Sun Microsystems Announces Technology Preview of Open Source Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server and New Sun GlassFish Communications Server, Sun Microsystems (Press Release)

Red Hat Continues Middleware Industry Momentum, Red Hat (Press Release)

Mandriva presents its latest distribution: Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring, Mandriva (Press Release)

Hyperic Announces MySQL …

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OpenSolaris (and GlassFish and MySQL) on Amazon EC2

You may have seen Jonathan's note on OpenSolaris, MySQL and GlassFish being available on Amazon EC2.

Details on the OpenSolaris portion are available at the EC2 Blog (Welcome, Launch and New Limits), at …

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OpenSolaris, Amazon, MySQL and Glassfish... Clouds Parting

We made some big announcements this week at our annual developer forums, CommunityOne and JavaOne. I thought I'd highlight a couple in particular.

We announced the first commercial release of OpenSolaris - targeting high speed developers and development teams (not consumers...). OpenSolaris focuses on developers wanting to be freed from proprietary software models, who see innovation and automation in operating systems as a source of competitive advantage.

If Solaris 10, OpenSolaris's older brother, is for IT departments prioritizing carrier grade stability over rapid innovation, OpenSolaris targets the exact opposite - developers, from high performance computing to social networking, that prioritize a constantly refreshing repository filled with community innovations (and ZFS-based automated rollback) over an unchanging qualification …

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TOTD #31: CRUD Application using Grails - Hosted on GlassFish and MySQL

TOTD #30 explained how to create CRUD application using Grails and hosted using in-built Jetty servlet engine and in-memory HSQLDB database. Jetty and HSQLDB are built into Grails and allows to start easily. You can also use GlassFish and MySQL for deploying your applications in production environment.

This blog entry walks you through the steps of deploying a Grails application on GlassFish and MySQL.

  1. If MySQL is already installed, then download …
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Saving 300,000 kronor a Year with GlassFish

Computer Sweden has a couple of nice article on OpenSource, GlassFish and MySQL.

The first CS Article covers the trend in IT software spending, specifically in the AppServer market, using GlassFish as an example of both Open Source momentum and Sun's success in that market.

The article has an interview with the chief architect of Net Entertainment's ( …

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Running JavaEE 5 Samples with MySQL

Earlier this week we Announced the availability of our fist MySQL and GlassFish bundle (Download Page). This bundle requires some post-install steps, which are described by Sathyan and in the official docs which shows how to Install, Start and Stop the MySQL Server.

We hope to …

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New GlassFish with MySQL Bundle Now Available

First step in a long-term relationship: we have posted a GlassFish and MySQL bundle to our usual Download Page. This bundle consists of GF V2 U1 with the MySQL Community Server 5.0 (5.0.51a) and MySQL JDBC driver 5.1.6.

The MySQL acquisition was finalized a month ago, on Feb 26th. This first bundle is intended to expose the MySQL Server to the GlassFish community. We will do more complete offerings later in the year, after the …

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OpenSolaris, Security and the NSA (National Security Agency)

We made a very significant announcement last week, of a collaboration with one of the most (if not the most) security sensitive institutions on earth, the United States government's National Security Agency. They've joined the burgeoning OpenSolaris community, to collaborate with Sun and other community members on the future of ultra-secure operating systems.

To put this in context, community engagement has always been one of the most important ways Sun innovates in the marketplace - we partner with those that have extreme demands (whether it's the world's largest supercomputing facility, or the world's most paranoid security professionals (no offense intended), or the world's largest archival storage facilities), and then we leverage that expertise to create products for the mass market. We let extreme customers teach …

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