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Displaying posts with tag: Python (reset)
Installing MySQLdb on MacOS Lion

I ran into an issue installing the MySQLdb module.

>>> import MySQLdb
/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/MySQL_python-1.2.3-py2.7-macosx-10.7-intel.egg/ UserWarning: Module _mysql was already imported from /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/MySQL_python-1.2.3-py2.7-macosx-10.7-intel.egg/_mysql.pyc, but /Users/jhaddad/Downloads/MySQL-python-1.2.3 is being added to sys.path
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ““, line 1, in
File “MySQLdb/”, line 19, in
import _mysql
File “build/bdist.macosx-10.7-intel/egg/”, line 7, in
File “build/bdist.macosx-10.7-intel/egg/”, line 6, in __bootstrap__
ImportError: dlopen(/var/root/.python-eggs/MySQL_python-1.2.3-py2.7-macosx-10.7-intel.egg-tmp/, 2): Library not loaded: …

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MySQL Connector/Python available through the Python Package Index

Today we registered MySQL Connector/Python with the Python Package Index (PyPI). It makes installing your favorite connector even easier (provided you first install setuptools or pip):

shell> easy_install mysql-connector
shell> pip install mysql-connector

Please report problems either using Launchpad or MySQL Bugs website.

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MySQL Connector/Python bug category on

In addition to reporting MySQL Connector/Python bugs on Launchpad, it is now also possible to enter them using

My New Job at Oracle: Working on MySQL Connector/Python

After more than 6 years doing MySQL Support for MySQL AB, Sun Microsystems, and Oracle, it’s time for a change. Time to get back to development!

As of November 2011 I’ll be working full-time on MySQL Connector/Python and other goodies within the MySQL development team at Oracle. Before, this was more or less a pet project done after working hours. However, with the birth of our son Tomas more than a year ago, I’ve been slacking and family got priority.

The idea is to make MySQL Connector/Python the best choice for connecting to MySQL from within your Python code. We still got …

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MySQL Utilities Release 1.0.3

The MySQL Utilities project continues to evolve with key new features for
replication and export. The latest release, 1.0.3, is no exception.

MySQL Utilities is included in the MySQL Workbench product which can be
downloaded from HTTP://

If you want the latest developments for MySQL Utilities, you can create a
bazaar branch using the following command:

bzr branch lp:~mysql/mysql-utilities/trunk

New Utility - mysqlrplshow

You can now view a list of the slaves attached to your master with
mysqlrplshow. The utility displays a graph of the master and its slaves y
default but you can also get a list of the slaves in GRID, CSV, TAB, or
VERTICAL format as follows.

  • GRID - Displays output formatted like that of the mysql monitor in a grid or table …
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Python Interface to MySQL

There has been a lot of discussions lately about various non-SQL languages that provide access to databases without having to resort to using SQL. I wondered how difficult it would be to implement such an interface, so as an experiment, I implemented a simple interface in Python that similar to the document-oriented interfaces available elsewhere. The interface generate SQL queries to query the database, but does not require any knowlegdge of SQL to use. The syntax is inspired by JQuery, but since JQuery works with documents, the semantics is slightly different.

A simple example would look like this:

from native_db import *
server = Server(host='')
server.test.t1.insert({'more': 3, 'magic': 'just a test', 'count': 0})
server.test.t1.insert({'more': 3, 'magic': 'just another test', 'count': 0})
server.test.t1.insert({'more': 4, 'magic': 'quadrant', 'count': 0}) …
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On Password Strength

XKCD (as usual) makes a very good point – this time about password strength, and I reckon it’s something app developers need to consider urgently. Geeks can debate the exact amount of entropy, but that’s not really the issue: insisting on mixed upper/lower and/or non-alpha and/or numerical components to a user password does not really improve security, and definitely makes life more difficult for users.

So basically, the functions that do a “is this a strong password” should seriously reconsider their approach, particularly if they’re used to have the app decide whether to accept the password as “good enough” at all.

Update: Jeff Preshing has written an xkcd password generator. Users probably should choose their own four …

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Generating dimension data for dates

Most analytical and BI databases have date dimension table(s). One frequently needs to generate and populate such data. I present a solution below for such data generation, written in Python. Please use different database drivers/modules to connect to your specific database server (MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, etc.) for data population.


1. It takes 2 parameters, start date and end date, in YYYYMMDD format, inclusive. Extensive error checking is built in, but let me know if you have comments/suggestions;

2. The script produce a Python dictionary (associated array) and print out its content;

3. The output includes dayNumber: a day’s position in a year. For example, 2011-02-01 is the 32ed day in 2011, therefore its dayNumber is 32;

4. The output includes weekNumber: a week’s position in a year. The week number in year is based on ISO standard. From documentation: the ISO year consists of 52 or 53 …

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Connecting to MySQL with Perl

When I was designing web sites, for a long time I wrote my HTML code the “hard” way – by opening a text editor and manually typing in the code (this was before I purchased Adobe DreamWeaver).

During that time of manual HTML writing, I had a project that required forms on a web page, and I needed a place to store the information. After talking with a few tech friends, I decided to use MySQL as my web site database, and Perl as my scripting language.

I had written complex Bourne shell scripts before, but Perl was something entirely new. With a little help from a buddy of mine, after a few hours I was off and running. I was amazed at how easy it was to connect to a MySQL database with Perl.

This example will show you how to use Perl to connect to a …

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A comparison of HandlerSocket and mysql client libraries with Python

I’ve done some benchmark testing of 2 Python modules for MySQL data retrieval: MySQLdb and pyhs. MySQLdb uses MySQL’s client libraries, whereas pyhs uses HandlerSocket that bypasses MySQL’s client layer and interfaces Innodb storage engine’s files directly. In my testing, HandlerSocket results in 82% improvement over mysql client libraries based on number of rows retrieved. The tests were conducted under different conditions: right after a start when cache is cold, a warmed up cache after running SELECT * FROM customer, and alternating the execution order of those 2 Python files. The results are fairly consistent in that they all fall in the same range. …

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