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Displaying posts with tag: cloud (reset)
Which Cloud Provider Performs Better for My Mysql Workload?

More and more people are nowadays thinking of cloud migration. The question of “Which cloud provider performs better for my MySQL workload?” is really common but cannot always be easily answered. However, there are ways to come up with an answer. This question also applies when thinking of moving to any provider, not necessarily a cloud one or DBaaS.

The Problem

The most reliable conclusion can be found if you have a testing environment that is fully identical and can produce the same amount of traffic compared to your production version. In this case, the comparison should be straightforward as what you have to do is point your testing environment against the under-evaluation (cloud) providers, and evaluate the differences in performance. But this is not always easy, as many organizations do not have such environments or it’s not always possible to replay all traffic.

The Idea

In this …

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MySQL Workbench managing MySQL behind a Private IP

There are many users of MySQL in Cloud environment regions. It’s ideal that those MySQL instances are implemented with only private-ips in the respective Subnet. No public-ips. For that matter, all cloud infrastructure resources are ideally placed behind networks that provision only private-ips.  This limits any front-end attack surface for an application stack.  Certainly the up coming MySQL… Read More »

Help Drive the Future of Percona XtraDB Cluster

Percona is happy to announce the experimental release of Percona XtraDB Cluster 8.0. This is a major step for tuning Percona XtraDB Cluster to be more cloud- and user-friendly. This is the second experimental release that combines the updated and feature-rich Galera 4, with substantial improvements made by our development team.

Improvements and New Features in Percona XtraDB Cluster

Galera 4, included in Percona XtraDB Cluster 8.0, has many new features. Here is a list of the most essential improvements:

  • Streaming replication to support large transactions
  • The synchronization functions allow action coordination (wsrep_last_seen_gtid, wsrep_last_written_gtid, wsrep_sync_wait_upto_gtid)
  • More granular and improved error logging. wsrep_debug is …
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Using OCI to install WordPress and MySQL 8.0

Today we will see how to install WordPress in Oracle Cloud (OCI).

We will use Oracle Cloud’s Free Trier and deploy 2 compute instances:

  • the webserver (apache, PHP and WordPress)
  • the database server (MySQL 8.0)

We will use one public IP to reach our site and our two servers will communicate using their own private network:

Deploying 2 compute instances

Let’s start by creating 2 compute instances:

We will use the Oracle Linux 7.7 on Micro Instances:

As I am in Belgium, I use the Frankfurt datacenter.

When our instances are deployed, we can find the public IP of one of them. This is the one we will use as webserver (you can free the public IP on the other one, the MySQL one):

At the creation, we entered a ssh key to access …

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Deploy MySQL InnoDB Cluster in OCI with Terraform

As you know, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (aka OCI) becomes more and more popular. You can find OCI data centers almost everywhere and the price is very attractive.

Something very interesting is the possibility to have different availability domains but also different fault-domains in the same availability one !

Oracle provides a lot of modules to deploy your architecture on OCI using Terraform. Those are called oracle-quickstart repos. You can find them on Github.

There is an official Reference Architecture for MySQL InnoDB Cluster in OCI that I encourage you to read before deploying your MySQL HA solution …

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preFOSDEM MySQL Days: summary and slides

What a great event ! I got very positive feedback for this extended preFOSDEM MySQL Day 2020.

Before my summary, I wanted to thank again all speakers and attendees. Without you this event won’t even exist. And thank you to ICAB for hosting us yet another time !

As you may know, we had 2 parallel tracks for 2 consecutive days. We had very valuable technical content from the MySQL developers and also from the external community members who talked about their favorite database.

There was a large interest in MySQL NDB Cluster and it was obvious that the nice presentations we had, encouraged people to try the worlds highest performance open source in-memory database (and they can even test it on their laptop with DBDeployer). The NDB users were also happy with the new stuff and impressive numbers that Bernd

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How to Measure MySQL Performance in Kubernetes with Sysbench

As our Percona Kubernetes Operator for Percona XtraDB Cluster gains in popularity, I am getting questions about its performance and how to measure it properly. Sysbench is the most popular tool for database performance evaluation, so let’s review how we can use it with Percona XtraDB Cluster Operator.

Operator Setup

I will assume that you have an operator running (if not, this is the topic for a different post). We have the documentation on how to get it going, and we will start a three-node cluster using the following cr.yaml file:

kind: PerconaXtraDBCluster
  name: cluster1
    - delete-pxc-pods-in-order
  secretsName: my-cluster-secrets
  sslSecretName: …
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Use Case: Composite Hybrid-Cloud MySQL Cluster Topologies

Just when we thought that IT and cloud terminology couldn’t get any more confusing, a new term was coined to seemingly simplify it all: hybrid cloud.

As is often the case, one cloud doesn’t fit all, and over the past few years, IT teams around the globe have realized that combining the capabilities of various public clouds (aka multi-cloud) with on-premises private clouds (aka hybrid cloud) enables organizations to tailor their technology environments to match their business drivers more effectively.

In fact, many predicted in 2019 that hybrid cloud would be the future (as opposed to multi-cloud) and it is increasingly looking that way.

“2019 will be the year cloud customers start to abandon the notion of multi-cloud and anchor on a hybrid-cloud future involving a mix of on-premise services, often enabled or augmented by services from their preferred cloud provider, and managed cloud services.” – …

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Setup and Deploy Vitess on Kubernetes (Minikube) for MySQL – Part III of III

In this blog post, we will continue to explore Vitess and test an example database provided in its repository. This is Part III of the previously discussed installation of Vitess on minikube environment, so please make sure to follow those steps to bring the cluster up to the following level.  

$ kubectl get pods,jobs
NAME                                                                READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
po/etcd-global-kbbcqlgvp9                                           1/1       Running   0          43m
po/etcd-zone1-lpc5zmdxxn                                            1/1       Running   0          43m
po/my-release-etcd-operator-etcd-backup-operator-6684dd6d8c-pr4n4   1/1       Running   0          1h
po/my-release-etcd-operator-etcd-operator-86d94989d6-w9lpx          1/1       Running …
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Setup and Deploy Vitess on Kubernetes (Minikube) for MySQL – Part II of III

In this blog post, I’d like to share some experiences in setting up a Vitess environment for local tests and development on OSX/macOS. As previously, I have presented How To Test and Deploy Kubernetes Operator for MySQL(PXC) in OSX/macOS, this time I will be showing how to Run Vitess on Kubernetes.

Since running Kubernetes on a laptop is only experimental, I had faced several issues going through straight forward installation steps so I had to apply a few workarounds to the environment. This setup will have only minimum customization involved.

For a high-level overview of Vitess, please visit Part I of this series, …

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