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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL Cluster (reset)
MySQL Cluster 7.1.18 is available to download

The binary version for MySQL Cluster 7.1.18 has now been made available at (GPL version) or (commercial version)

A description of all of the changes (fixes) that have gone into MySQL Cluster 7.1.18 (compared to 7.1.17) will appear in the 7.1.18 Change log soon.

New White Papers from SkySQL on MariaDB, MySQL Cluster, HA & Enterprise Monitor

Just in time for the holidays, SkySQL has published new white papers to keep you occupied while dealing with holiday travel delays, waiting for your turkey to roast, or hiding from your in-laws! Download them, today:

  • "Should I Migrate to Version 5.3 of the MariaDB Database?" - Written by Mark Riddoch, SkySQL's Senior Software Architect, this white paper looks at those features that have been added in the version 5.3 of the MariaDB™ database and compares them to what is available with version 5.5 of the MySQL® database. This white paper addresses the value that might be gained from migrating from version 5.5 of the MySQL database (or earlier) to version 5.3 of the MariaDB database.
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MySQL Cluster to MySQL Server ... Part 2

I previously posted blog about the topic of a MySQL Cluster set up and replication to a MySQL Server. The first blog was just the installation, now lets test the cluster and get replication started. Both are extremely easy. Some people might ask, “Why set up replication from a cluster? It is a HA system why replication?”The ability to move data out of the cluster and allow others to do reporting, data exports, simple backups all can be done easily with it replicated into another MySQL server. Yes a Cluster can do all of those queries, but taking advantage of the replication to keep some users and queries out of your production database is rarely a bad thing.
Testing the Cluster Install. Of course more MySQL Documentation:

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MySQL Cluster to MySQL Server Part 1

Recently I was working on a MySQL Cluster that is replicated to a MySQL server. I will create a few blog posts to show how all of this can be done. This is of course not the only way to do this.. Any feedback or other options are welcomed in comments for the community to use.

Part one: the install

First the MySQL Documentation about MySQL Cluster is very good I will make references to it for your convenience.
You can go about this a few different ways but this is a simple RPM install:

Download all the related rpms from and install.

MySQL Documentation ( is here to help you with the installs …

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MySQL HA Solutions – webinar replay

If you were unable to attend the live webinar (or you want to go back and listen to it again) then it’s now available to view on-line here.

Databases are the center of today’s web and enterprise applications, storing and protecting an organization’s most valuable assets and supporting business-critical applications. Just minutes of downtime can result in significant lost revenue and dissatisfied customers. Ensuring database highly availability is therefore a top priority for any organization. Tune into this webcast to learn more.

The session discusses:

  1. Causes, effect and impact of downtime
  2. Methodologies to map applications to HA solution
  3. Overview of MySQL HA solutions …
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Enhanced conflict resolution with MySQL Cluster active-active replication

Detecting conflicts

Part of the latest MySQL Cluster Development Milestone Release (MySQL Cluster 7.2.1 – select the “Development Release” tab at is a couple of enhancements to the conflict detection and resolution mechanism for active-active (multi-master) replication. While MySQL Cluster has had conflict detection for years it has now been made much more complete and a lot easier to use:

  • No changes needed to the application schema
  • Entire conflicting transaction is rolled back together with any dependent transactions

The focus of this post will be to step through how to use this feature – while it will also attempt to explain how it works at …

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MySQL Cluster 7.1.17 available

The binary version for MySQL Cluster 7.1.17 has now been made available at (GPL version) or (commercial version)

A description of all of the changes (fixes) that have gone into MySQL Cluster 7.1.17 (compared to 7.1.15a) can be found by combining the summaries from the official MySQL Cluster documentation for Cluster – 7.1.16 Change log & 7.1.17 Change log.

MySQl Cluster 7.2 — a single node cluster

Today we will get MySQL Cluster running on a single node.

A few years ago I created as presentation on running MySQL Cluster 5.1 on a laptop using Virtualbox that has proven to be the most popular download from with over nine hundred downloads.  Now MySQL 7.2 is in development milestone release and I find that I have some catching up to do.

Those of you with access to the Carrier Grade Edition (CGE) of Cluster, check out MySQL Cluster Manager 1.1 and Andrew Morgan’s  blog.  You can set up a cluster with minimal editing of configuration files or perform online software upgrades.

But MySQL Cluster 7.2 from is not CGE.  I started reading other …

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High Performance PHP Session Storage on Scale

One of the great things about the HTTP protocol, besides status code 418, is that it's stateless. A web server therefore is not required to store any information on the user or allocate resources for a user after the individual request is done. By that a single web server can handle many many many different users easily, and well if it can't anymore one can add a new server, put a simple load balancer in front and scale out. Each of those web servers then handles its requests without the need for communication which leads to linear scaling (assuming network provides enough bandwidth etc.).

Now the Web isn't used for serving static documents only anymore but we have all these fancy web apps. And those applications often have the need for a state. The most trivial information they need is the current user. HTTP is a great protocol and provides a way to do authentication which …

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Come Hear about MySQL Cluster Internals at the DOAG Conference

If you’re in Nuremberg Germany next week (November 15-17th) and have anything to do with Oracle or their products, then the DOAG (German Oracle User Group) conference is the place to be. I will be representing SkySQL Ab at the conference, giving a talk about the internal architecture of MySQL Cluster. The talk will look at the internals of MySQL Cluster and at the different processes that ensure the High Availability of MySQL Cluster. Beyond that, the talk will also look at how the data is stored on the data nodes, how different types of queries are resolved in the cluster, and how a primary key lookup is executed differs significantly from a tree index search. The talk will also look at the resources involved in resolving the queries.

So if any of the above sounds interesting come and listen to my talk in room Singapur at 13:00 on Tuesday!

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