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Displaying posts with tag: PlanetMySQL (english) (reset)
MaxDB series: news but no series posting

Dear MySQL users, MaxDB users and friends,

we have two news for you. The bad one: no MaxDB series posting this week. The good one: german language MaxDB web seminar tomorrow!

My last week has been dominated by preparing the upcoming MaxDB web seminar on MaxDB performance tuning. The web seminar will be held in german tomorrow Thursday, 21.04.2006 at 10 CEST (MEZ). You can still register for the seminar at Don’t expect too much from the 45-minute talk. In 45-minutes one can’t do much more than talk about the very basics and try to give you an overview on the topic. Due to the web seminar and other duties we did not make it to write the next MaxDB series posting on transactions.

We have more good news for you. My co-worker C.J. Collier is …

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MaxDB series: ?just SQL

Dear MySQL users, MaxDB users and friends,

The previous “please wait” posting was caused by a new guideline on series postings. The new guideline says that postings must be written one week before they get published. The week between the writing and the publication is used for corrections. I’m writing these lines on April, 4th but the article won’t be published before Wednesday April, 12th. We hope that in the time between writing and publishing we can catch most of the Gotchas to further improve the quality of the series. However, this series will continue to be more like a collection of blog postings than a book, a magazine article or any other “official documentation”. We try to do our best, but unfortunately we cannot apply the same amount of quality assurance and proof-reading to the MaxDB series that we do for magazine articles, official documentation or official class materials.

In this issue

In …

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MaxDB series: …just SQL

Dear MySQL users, MaxDB users and friends,

The previous “please wait” posting was caused by a new guideline on series postings. The new guideline says that postings must be written one week before they get published. The week between the writing and the publication is used for corrections. I’m writing these lines on April, 4th but the article won’t be published before Wednesday April, 12th. We hope that in the time between writing and publishing we can catch most of the Gotchas to further improve the quality of the series. However, this series will continue to be more like a collection of blog postings than a book, a magazine article or any other “official documentation”. We try to do our best, but unfortunately we cannot apply the same amount of quality assurance and proof-reading to the MaxDB series that we do for magazine articles, official documentation or official class materials.

In this issue

In …

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MaxDB series: when do we publish the next article?

Dear MySQL users, MaxDB users and friends,

it happened what we always told you what might happen: we did not make it to write an article for you in this week. Of course, this is not the end of the series. It will continue, but other duties might force us in the future to skip a week again. As a small “excuse” for you, we have written an FAQ like entry.

Can I recover a MaxDB backup on a different version and/or a different system?

It depends: the processor architecture and the MaxDB version must be compatible. Given these two main preconditions you can take a backup from one system and recover it on a different system. This is a common situation when you are planning to upgrade the database software and the server hardware in one step. In general, we do not recommend to do these two steps at once. The simple reason that we do not is, that you should never change two variables at once. This makes debugging extremly …

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MaxDB series: when do we publish the next article?

Dear MySQL users, MaxDB users and friends,

it happened what we always told you what might happen: we did not make it to write an article for you in this week. Of course, this is not the end of the series. It will continue, but other duties might force us in the future to skip a week again. As a small “excuse” for you, we have written an FAQ like entry.

Can I recover a MaxDB backup on a different version and/or a different system?

It depends: the processor architecture and the MaxDB version must be compatible. Given these two main preconditions you can take a backup from one system and recover it on a different system. This is a common situation when you are planning to upgrade the database software and the server hardware in one step. In general, we do not recommend to do these two steps at once. The simple reason that we do not is, that you should never change two variables at once. This makes debugging extremly …

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MaxDB series: SQL users continued

Dear MySQL users, MaxDB users and friends,

Several co-workers have spoken to me on the length of the MaxDB series postings. I fully agree that most postings are too long for a blog. But we do have a very eager plan to publish a complete online class. This is causing long postings and we can’t make them much shorter. We try to structure the articles in a similar way like a web page to make reading and navigating easier. Every posting has a table of contents, is devided into sections and has a fixed structure. For offline reading, printing and as a reference we will soon publish a PDF document with all postings of the series.

The experiment to use the medium of a blog for a class will continue as long as the readers do not complain. But we will add a “read more” link to the fixed structure of every posting. That means, we will present only the beginning of a posting on PlanetMySQL and you have to click on a “read …

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MaxDB series: SQL users continued

Dear MySQL users, MaxDB users and friends,

Several co-workers have spoken to me on the length of the MaxDB series postings. I fully agree that most postings are too long for a blog. But we do have a very eager plan to publish a complete online class. This is causing long postings and we can’t make them much shorter. We try to structure the articles in a similar way like a web page to make reading and navigating easier. Every posting has a table of contents, is devided into sections and has a fixed structure. For offline reading, printing and as a reference we will soon publish a PDF document with all postings of the series.

The experiment to use the medium of a blog for a class will continue as long as the readers do not complain. But we will add a “read more” link to the fixed structure of every posting. That means, we will present only the beginning of a posting on PlanetMySQL and you have to click on a “read …

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MaxDB series: User concept, authorization and schemata

Dear MySQL users, MaxDB users and friends,

a new version of MaxDB 7.5.00 has been released recently: MaxDB Two versions of MaxDB have the status of General Availability (GA). MaxDB 7.5.00 and MaxDB 7.6.00 can be used in production environments. Open Source users should use the latest release which is 7.6.00. Last weeks release of 7.5.00 Build 34 ( is of interest for all 7.5.00 users. Check the Changelog if it shows “must-have” entries for you.

In this issue

This article is part of a MaxDB series on PlanetMySQL that teaches you how to use MaxDB. We hope that we can write about 40 articles in 2006: roughly one per week, published on wednesdays if time …

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MaxDB series: User concept, authorization and schemata

Dear MySQL users, MaxDB users and friends,

a new version of MaxDB 7.5.00 has been released recently: MaxDB Two versions of MaxDB have the status of General Availability (GA). MaxDB 7.5.00 and MaxDB 7.6.00 can be used in production environments. Open Source users should use the latest release which is 7.6.00. Last weeks release of 7.5.00 Build 34 ( is of interest for all 7.5.00 users. Check the Changelog if it shows “must-have” entries for you.

In this issue

This article is part of a MaxDB series on PlanetMySQL that teaches you how to use MaxDB. We hope that we can write about 40 articles in 2006: roughly one per week, published on wednesdays if time …

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MaxDB series: DBM GUI and dbmcli, SQL Studio and sqlcli

Dear MySQL users, MaxDB users and friends,

this is the fourth posting in our MaxDB series. The series started about four weeks ago and it will very likely take the rest of the year to complete. All postings of the series together will make kind of an online course for MaxDB. Over the last postings we explained what MaxDB is, we explained about the outstanding features of MaxDB and we taught you how to perform a basic MaxDB installation that serves as a basis for all of the following lessons.

In this issue

The today’s MaxDB lesson is about the two most important tools of MaxDB. The first tool is the Database Manager GUI and it’s commandline counterpart dbmcli. The Database Manager GUI is the main tool to perform administrative tasks like shutting down the database, performing backups or doing some basic monitoring of the health status …

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Showing entries 281 to 290 of 301
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