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Displaying posts with tag: Professional (reset)
Understanding the various MySQL Products & Variants

The MySQL marketplace today is far more complex then simply choosing between a particular version of MySQL that Sun/MySQL produces.
The MySQL server product in general is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL) v2, however you should carefully review the MySQL Legal Policies as a number of exceptions and different license agreements operate for companion tools such as MySQL Cluster, MySQL client libraries and documentation for example.

Looking into the MySQL ecosystem for products, I’ve produced the following categories:

  • Sun/MySQL Official Products
    • MySQL Versions
  • MySQL Variants
    • Community
    • Enterprise
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Beginner CSV Engine issues

I’ve just started using the CSV engine for a practical application and I’ve come across a few subtle and unexpected issues/limitations.

First, you can’t create any columns in your CSV table nullable.

mysql> create table t1(i INT) ENGINE=CSV;
ERROR 1178 (42000): The storage engine for the table doesn't support nullable columns

RTFM shows this was introduced in 5.1.23. See CSV Limitations

The second and more annoying was creating a CSV table, inserting a sample row (just to check the syntax), then replacing the file ([datadir]/[schema]/[table].CSV) with the same format, but with additional generated rows. This was to no avail when attempting to SELECT from the table.

The solution was to do a REPAIR TABLE [table] in order to see the newly refreshed data.
Futhermore, some more RTFM shows in …

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Infobright Community Edition(ICE) - It’s Free

The March NY MySQL Meetup featured a presentation from Infobright, a data warehousing solution built on the MySQL Product.

With a pitch of “Simplicity, Scalability and low TCO” I became more impressed with the capability to delivery on these as the presentation proceeded. Here are some highlights.

  • The company and product has been around for a few years. Infobright started as a compression engine to sit beside Teradata, providing a significant cost saving to clients, and allowing a two way data transfer between Teradata.
  • In September 2008, a open source community edition was released, called ICE. (Which I didn’t know)
  • The technology is based on a Rough Set theory, a mathematical approach
  • Using a …
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Identifying Bad Memory

I was having problems recently with a dedicated production server, that runs my MySQL Server and a number of websites. It’s most annoying when your system crashes without any reporting in /var/log/messages

The tool of choice from the host provider SoftLayer was PassMark BurnInTest Linux which is installed with every dedicated server.

I will need to investigate open source alternatives, as this is a commercial product, but for the purposes of my pain, this included tool was well worth the investment.

Test Start time: Sun Feb 22 16:02:48 2009
Test Stop time: Sun Feb 22 16:07:49 2009
Test Duration: 000h 05m 01s

Test Name Cycles Operations Result Errors Last Error
CPU - Maths 261 488 Billion PASS 0 No errors
Memory (RAM) 2 3.081 Billion FAIL 1 Error verifying …
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Are you monitoring RSS & VSZ?

Monitoring MySQL Memory is a rather critical task because you can’t limit MySQL’s usage of physical memory resources. Improperly configured servers running MySQL can crash because you don’t understand memory usage.

MySQL uses memory in a number of different ways. Using the Oracle analogy, you can divide the mysqld memory usage into main areas of:

  • SGA - System Global Area
  • PGA - Process Global Area

The SGA is the footprint that MySQL uses for startup. This is attributed to the base footprint of the mysqld process and a number of buffers including:

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Testing your system

I have raised this specific topic 3 times this week alone, twice in a MySQL setting.

The fundamental philosophy of testing is NOT to verify features of your product that work, it is to BREAK your system.

One such discussion this week was with a service provider that deployed a new system into an existing ecosystem. The release has been delayed due to development issue, and credibility with customers is now being further damaged because the system is reaching physical hardware limitations after just one month.

With this was described to me, my simple response was. You did not test you system to stress the system to breaking point. To know the limit of your capacity ahead of time is a proactive analysis, not a reactive one.

It’s not that complicated to do, easier in early stage before you have a 50-100-1000 server total environment, but it’s a best practice not see often enough.

Configuration mangement concepts for database objects

Correctly managing your MySQL database objects such as schemas, tables, indexes, base data etc, is critical to the success of a 24×7 online website. I rarely encounter a robust working solution as part of my consulting so I would like to share my experience in identifying the best practices you should be adopting whether your an existing organization or just an individual with a simple website.

Much of the following concept actually pre dates my involvement in MySQL (since 1999), so this is not just applicable for a MySQL RDBMS. For the purposes of this discussion I’d like to focus on the theory successfully used with clients.

Under version control I have the following directory structure:

NOTE If your first observation was “Arrh, Version Control?”, you are in more trouble then you want to be right from day one. You need Version Control such as svn, cvs, bzr, git etc for any website no matter how small.

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Planet MySQL at a new URL

Did anybody notice that now redirects to

Curious to know the reason why, perhaps an official MySQL person can give us some details.
Also it’s a 302 redirect, not a 301 redirect, interesting?

--2009-02-26 14:40:09--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
Location: [following]
--2009-02-26 14:40:10--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: [following]
--2009-02-26 14:40:10-- …
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Eliminating unnecessary internal temporary tables

I can’t stress enough that people look at SQL statements that are being executed against your production MySQL database, and you optimize queries when you can.

Often it’s the improvement to the large number of similar queries executed that can optimize resources. In this example, we take a very simple query, and by removing an unnecessary order by, we eliminate MySQL internally creating a temporary (in memory) table.

So what’s the big deal.

  • The query is simpler to read and understand
  • Memory required for the connection is not assigned
  • A number of internal steps are no longer required (4 of 21 logging messages, not an ideal measurement, but an indication). In this case, it was easily a 10% performance improvement for each query.

This query is executed 10-100 times per second, so the improvement in performance is significant.

mysql> explain select max(mdate) …
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Announcing “MySQL Essentials” Training

Are you having problems getting up to speed on MySQL? Are you asking yourself “Is there a hands-on training course we can send a developer/system admin to learn MySQL?”. In response, at 42SQL we have put together two new training courses, MySQL Essentials and MySQL Operations.

MySQL Essentials Training Details

With MySQL Essentials we tackle the core essentials that a developer/system admin/junior DBA would require in order to support an initial development environment that uses MySQL. Essentials training teaches the following skills:

  • Which version of MySQL to use (including the various different variants and patches available)
  • Backup, retention, and recovery strategies
  • Configuration and Monitoring of MySQL
  • Optimal schema and data objects configuration management
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