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Displaying posts with tag: Linux (reset)
Building a MySQL Private Cloud: Step 1

Building clusters is usually a fun time. Here’s one of my setups at the Equinix LAX1 facility that is being used for VPN services, OpenVZ clustering, and general RADIUS and MySQL clustering integration. Once the clustering design is finalized, it’s still in flux state while I try out different setups, I’ll post some physical+logical architecture diagrams to show “How to Build a Fault Tolerant Infrastructure for Virtualized MySQL NDB Cluster + Python-based VPN systems.” Stay tuned for more.

Percona Server on the Nexus 7: Your own MySQL Database Server on an Android Tablet

Percona Server on the Nexus 7: Your own MySQL Database Server on an Android Tablet

Following Roel’s post, Percona Server on the Raspberry Pi: Your own MySQL Database Server , I thought what other crazy gadget can I run Percona Server on? And having an Asus Nexus 7 Android tablet I decided to give it a try.

Anything below contains a risk that you break your tablet if you do not know what you are doing, so be advised.

First, we need rooted tablet, most likely with custom ROM. I personally use …

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Installing Apache2 With PHP5 And MySQL Support On Scientific Linux 6.3 (LAMP)

Installing Apache2 With PHP5 And MySQL Support On Scientific Linux 6.3 (LAMP)

LAMP is short for Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP. This tutorial shows how you can install an Apache2 webserver on a Scientific Linux 6.3 server with PHP5 support (mod_php) and MySQL support.

OpenVZ and Amazon S3: how to solve the dreaded connection throttle failure

Sometimes we encounter odd application responses that seem to make no sense. One of these such issues is related to running virtual server instances (OS Containers not Para-Virtualized VMs) and attempting to back up their data to Amazon’s S3 cloud storage. For moderately sized virtual machines running MySQL databases or Python/PHP based websites and code repositories this can be an inexpensive, quickly provisioned, and easy way to provide disaster recovery backups in numerous geographic locations, since we generally want DR content to be located in a physically distant location. Nevertheless, we can encounter errors if using an S3 mount in a distance location from our server if the timezone/sync data is incorrect.

The commonly seen error is as follows – and it doesn’t give much information for troubleshooting and resolution.

WARNING: Upload failed:  ([Errno 32] Broken pipe)
WARNING: Retrying on lower speed (throttle=0.00) …
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#DBHangOps 02/27/13

EDIT: Video from today’s #DBHangOps!

Hey there peeps!

February 27th at 12:00pm PST it is! Check back here for more info and keep a watchful eye on the twitter search (and feel free to join the conversation!). The topics we’re looking to cover this week are:

  • Day-to-day pain points (what takes more time than it should?)
    • rolling restarts and upgrades
    • Performing checksums on your data
      $ /usr/bin/pt-table-checksum \
      --quiet \
      formance_schema \
      --lock-wait-time=50 \
      --chunk-size-limit=0 \
      --no-check-plan \
      --no-check-binlog-format \
      --max-lag=1 \
      --replicate percona.checksums \
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Installing a driver for Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase ASE in Linux and Mac

In a recent post we showed you how to migrate a SQL Server database to MySQL. There, we used the oficial Microsoft ODBC driver and that’s OK if you are running MySQL Workbench in Windows. But what if your desktop OS is some Linux variant or Mac OS X?

It turns out that Microsoft has recently released an ODBC driver for Linux. However, you can’t use this driver with MySQL Workbench for Linux. (Actually you can, but you would have to rebuild Workbench). The main reason is that this ODBC driver was linked against unixODBC (an ODBC driver manager), while Workbench uses another ODBC driver manager: iODBC and the two of them can’t coexist in the same system.

So for Linux …

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The InnoDB Quick Reference Guide is now available

I’m pleased to announce that my first book, the InnoDB Quick Reference Guide, is now available from Packt Publishing and you can download it by clicking here. It covers the most common topics of InnoDB usage in the enterprise, including: general overview of its use and benefits, detailed explanation of seventeen static variables and seven dynamic variables, load testing methodology, maintenance and monitoring, as well as troubleshooting and useful analytics for the engine. The current version of MySQL ships with InnoDB as the default table engine, so whether you program your MySQL enabled applications with PHP, Python, Perl or otherwise, you’ll likely benefit from this concise but comprehensive reference guide for InnoDB databases.

Here are the chapter overviews …

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MySQL Performance: MySQL 5.6 GA -vs- MySQL 5.5 tuning details

This post is the next part following the initial article about MySQL 5.6 vs 5.5 benchmark results (and MySQL 5.6 scalability).

The focus in this article is on the "tuning impact" used during the published tests, and also I have for you few more test results to present which were missed initially -- Sysbench tests using 8 tables instead of a single one (as it does by default).

All my.conf setting I've used during the tests was already presented within an initial article, so let's go directly to details about special tuning setting. While many parameters are pretty important (like use or not use O_DIRECT, choose a right REDO log and Buffer Pool size, flush or not …

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MySQL Performance: MySQL 5.6 GA and MySQL 5.5 scalability

As promised, this is the first part of details about MySQL 5.6 vs 5.5 benchmark results I've published earlier last week. The following graphs are representing scalability results obtained for both MySQL versions on the published tests (and I have yet more test results to present to you, but these test's are still running)..

Few remarks based on comments and discussions I've got since then:

  • I'm using a "true" 32cores server (true 32 cores, each one yet has 2 threads (HT), so 64 threads in total)
  • I'm not using "CPU threads" terminology as I'm finding it confusing (for ex. when you're reading "16 CPU threads" you may not really know if there were 16cores with HT-disabled, or 8cores with HT-enabled)..
  • during all the tests I've disabled HT (as it took days and days more to test …
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#DBHangOps on 1/30/13 \o/

UPDATE: Here’s the recording, enjoy!

Hello everybody!

#DBHangOps coming at you this week, Wednesday 1/30/12 at 12:00pm PST. Be sure to check out this blog post tomorrow or check this twitter search to grab the link to join the Google Hangout.

This week’s topics were:
* bug fixes in recent versions
* Plugins
** authorization plugins (e.g. LDAP)
** audit plugin API —
*** state transitions of records in MySQL with a plugin?
* InnoDB Status variables from twitter —
* Table alters/schema changes
** Twitter patch for non-blocking alter table (throws a different error than “lock_wait_timeout”) — …

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Showing entries 291 to 300 of 1335
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