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Displaying posts with tag: Announcements (reset)
MySQL Workbench Blog is now at

The URL for the MySQL Workbench community blog is being changed to The old URL will soon no longer point to this blog. Nothing else is changing, so update your bookmarks and keep checking for news, announcements and other content of interest for all MySQL Workbench users!

MySQL Workbench 5.2.35 GA Available

The MySQL Developer Tools team is proud to announce the next release of it’s flagship product, MySQL Workbench, version 5.2.35. This is the next maintenance release containing 29 bug fixes as well as new feature additions. We also updated the supported platforms to include most recent editions of Fedora and Ubuntu Linux.

MySQL Workbench 5.2.35 now supports the Native Windows Authentication Method – available in the commercial MySQL server product – and the creation of user accounts utilizing this new authentication method.

For the PHP developers out there, Workbench now also comes with a new set of plugins to turn SQL Queries into PHP code to be put right into your scripts.

A big “Thank You” again to everyone for the large amount of feedback and ideas we have received on how to further improve and extend MySQL Workbench. We are continuously working on improving the functionality and stability of MySQL Workbench …

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Old GUI tools repositories on Launchpad

You might remember that MySQL was aquired by Sun, which later went into Oracle (who won’t? ). As usual in such a process network infrastructure is being merged to ease managing it. Such a merge is currently in process with the effect that previously publicly available servers are now behind Oracle’s firewalls. From a security point of view this is good news, not so for services that relied on this access. One of them is our copy of all old GUI tools repositories on Launchpad. These repositories have been made available 3 years ago when we prepared the switch to MySQL Workbench as our main product. The idea behind it was that anybody who is interested can work on the code and propose patches.

As you can see there this hasn’t worked out well. No merges were proposed during all the time, so we are going to use this interruption of the Launchpad mirroring to stop this …

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2011 DevProConnections nominates dbForge Studio for MySQL as Best IDE Product!

dbForge Studio for MySQL - Best IDE Product

Support Your Favorite Devart Products in 2011 DevProConnections Voting!

We would like to invite you to take part in 2011 DevProConnections voting. The Community Choice Awards, as presented by Windows IT Pro, SQL Server Magazine, and DevProConnections, allow you to decide, which IT products get chosen for acclaim and recognition.

This year Devart dbForge Studio for MySQL is nominated in the following category.

2011 DevProConnections Community Choice Awards:

Category 14 (page 2): Best IDE Product – dbForge Studio for MySQL

If you think that Devart’s MySQL GUI Client is worth of being the best in the given categories, vote now for your favourite Devart products:

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2011 DevProConnections nominates dbForge Studio for MySQL as Best IDE Product!

Support Your Favorite Devart Products in 2011 DevProConnections Voting! We would like to invite you to take part in 2011 DevProConnections voting. The Community Choice Awards, as presented by Windows IT Pro, SQL Server Magazine, and DevProConnections, allow you to decide, which IT products get chosen for acclaim and recognition. This year Devart dbForge Studio [...]

Comic video about developing dbForge Studio for MySQL

Our company has been working on its own MySQL GUI client development for over 6 years. Many features were implemented in this product in accordance with our users’ requests, that acted as task originators for us. We are glad that the development process of our MySQL Front-End goes on and on, and we were able to release version 5.0 of the product. For the release of version 5.0, we decided to make a special video telling about the product history. You can see the result.

Funny video about history of our MySQL GUI tool

We did not intend to have a professional video made by clip-makers. The video was shot frame-by-frame using a common digital camera. After that jpg files were rendered to the mp4 video format. Shooting took almost 7 hours. All models were made by hand from plasticine by one of our employees, whose hobby is design …

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Comic video about developing dbForge Studio for MySQL

Our company has been working on its own MySQL GUI client development for over 6 years. Many features were implemented in this product in accordance with our users’ requests, that acted as task originators for us. We are glad that the development process of our MySQL Front-End goes on and on, and we were able [...]

MySQL Workbench 5.2.34 GA Available

The MySQL Developer Tools team is pleased to announce the next release of it’s flagship product, MySQL Workbench, version 5.2.34. This is a maintenance release containing 100 bug fixes; ranging from stability improvements on all supported platforms – including some that prevented startup in certain environments – to minor but significant usability corrections.

As always, we want to thank everyone for the great feedback we have received. This helps us to continuously improve the functionality and stability of MySQL Workbench – we appreciate all your ideas for improving MySQL Workbench.  Please keep sending us your ideas!

MySQL Workbench 5.2 GA

  • Data Modeling
  • Query (replaces the old MySQL Query Browser)
  • Administration (replaces the old MySQL Administrator)

Please get your copy from our Download site. Sources and binary packages are available for several platforms, …

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MySQL GUI: dbForge Studio for MySQL – new cutting-edge version released!

In the new version we made a lot of improvements and added a whole pack of new features in almost all dbForge Studio’s tools. And the most remarkable thing about this release is that nearly all novelties were suggested by our users. So we hope they will enjoy working with the new version and feel that they have contributed a lot to make it as it is.

Cutting-Edge MySQL GUI Client: dbForge Studio for MySQL

With the help of our users we could work on the product on the new level, and as a result of such successful tight cooperation its standard of quality grew. This new standard includes taking into account actual needs of people using our product and implementing their exact requirements except studying the market in general and implementing features that are theoretically demanded.

When you open the application to get …

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MySQL GUI: dbForge Studio for MySQL – new cutting-edge version released!

In the new version we made a lot of improvements and added a whole pack of new features in almost all dbForge Studio’s tools. And the most remarkable thing about this release is that nearly all novelties were suggested by our users. So we hope they will enjoy working with the new version and feel [...]

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