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Displaying posts with tag: gtid (reset)
Database Daily Ops Series: GTID Replication and Binary Logs Purge

This blog continues the ongoing series on daily operations and GTID replication.

In this blog, I’m going to investigate why the error below has been appearing in a special environment I’ve been working with on the last few days:

Last_IO_Errno: 1236
Last_IO_Error: Got fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from binary log:
'The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the
master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires.'

The error provides the right message, and explains what is going on. But sometimes, it can be a bit tricky to solve this issue: you need additional information discovered after some tests and readings. We try and keep Managed Services scripted, in the sense that our advice and best practices …

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Database Daily Ops Series: GTID Replication

This post discusses ways of fixing broken GTID replication.

This blog series is all about the daily stories we have in Managed Services, dealing with customers’ environments (mostly when we need to quickly restore a service level within the SLA time).

One of the issues we encounter daily is replication using the GTID protocol. While there are a lot of blogs written about this subject, I would like to just highlight GTID replication operations, and the way you can deal with broken replication.

Most of the time we face way more complex scenarios then the one I’m about to present as an example, but the main goal of this blog is to quickly highlight the tools that can be used to fix issues to resume replication.

After reading this blog, you might ask yourself “Now, we …

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Dockerizing MySQL at Uber Engineering

Uber Engineering’s Schemaless storage system powers some of the biggest services at Uber, such as Mezzanine. Schemaless is a scalable and highly available datastore on top of MySQL¹ clusters. Managing these clusters was fairly easy when we had …

The post Dockerizing MySQL at Uber Engineering appeared first on Uber Engineering Blog.

Improving the design of MySQL replication

Now that MySQL 8.0 has been revealed, it's time to take a deep look at replication features in the latest releases, and review its overall design.

Server UUID vs Server-ID

At the beginning of replication, there was the server_id variable that identified uniquely a node in a replication system. The variable is still here, but in MySQL 5.6 it was joined by another value, which is created during the server initialisation, regardless of its involvement in a replication system. The server_uuid is a string of hexadecimal characters that is the basis for global transaction identifiers:

select @@server_id, @@server_uuid;
| @@server_id | @@server_uuid |
+-------------+--------------------------------------+ …
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How We Made MySQL Great Again, or Upgrading MySQL with Orchestrator

In this blog post, we’ll discuss upgrading MySQL with Orchestrator.

I recently had a client, Life360, that wanted to upgrade from Percona Server 5.5 to Percona Server 5.6, and implement GTID in their high transaction environment. They had co-masters and multiple read slaves.

Orchestrator made this job much easier for us. My colleague, Tibi, recently posted about Orchestrator here and here.

Daniel from Life360 saw Orchestrator and was very interested. So here is how he setup Orchestrator in his own words:

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High availability with asynchronous replication… and transparent R/W split

In this post, the first one of a Maxscale series, I describe how to use MariaDB’s MaxScale and MySQL-utilities with MySQL Asynchronous replication.

When we talk about high availability with asynchronous replication, we always think about MHA or PRM. But if we want to transparently use the slave(s) for READs, what can we use ?


  • Three MySQL servers, but one has very limited resources and will …
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Fixing errant transactions with mysqlslavetrx prior to a GTID failover

Errant transactions are a major issue when using GTID replication. Although this isn’t something new, the drawbacks are more notorious with GTID than with regular replication.

The situation where errant transaction bites you is a common DBA task: Failover. Now that tools like MHA have support for GTID replication (starting from 0.56 version), this protocol is becoming more popular, and so are the issues with errant transactions. Luckily, the fix is as simple as …

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Transporting tablespace from MySQL 5.6 to MySQL 5.7 (case study)

Recently, I was working on a MySQL support ticket where a customer was facing an issue while transporting tablespace from MySQL 5.6 to MySQL 5.7.
After closely reviewing the situation, I saw that while importing tablespace they were getting errors such as:

ERROR 1808 (HY000): Schema mismatch (Table flags don't match, server table has 0x10 and the meta-data file has 0x1)

After some research, I found that there is a similar bug reported to MySQL for this issue (, but no solution is mentioned. I tested the scenario locally and found a solution …

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Do not run those commands with MariaDB GTIDs - part # 2

Update 2016-01-30: restarting the IO_THREAD might be considered useful in some situations (avoiding MDEV-9138).  Look for "in contrast, if the IO thread was also stopped first" in MDEV-6589 for more information.

In a previous post, I listed some sequences of commands that you should not run on a MariaDB slave that is lagging and which is using the GTID protocol.  Those are the following (do not

Do not run those commands with MariaDB GTIDs - part # 1

In the spirit of sharing war stories and avoiding others to do the same mistakes as I did, here are some sequences of commands that you should avoid to run on a MariaDB slave that is lagging and which is using the GTID protocol.  Remember, do not run those because...

So, those bad commands are the following:


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