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Displaying posts with tag: transactions (reset)
On Hot Backups and Restore using XtraBackup

Backups are an integral and very important part of any system. Backups allow you to recover your data and be up and running again, in the advent of problems such as system crashes, hardware failures or users deleting data by mistake. I had been evaluating backup solution for a while but to be honest I really wasn't satisfied with the solutions available until I came across XtraBackup and I am loving it since. In this post I intend on showing how to do backups and restores using XtraBackup.

No implicit commit (on the road to transactional DDL)

A long time ago, in a time that can only serve to make some feel old and others older, MySQL didn’t support transactions. Each statement was executed as it went, there was no ROLLBACK (or COMMIT or crash recovery etc). Then there were transactions. Other RDBMSs implement auto_commit functionality, but for MySQL users, we think of it as the magic compatibility mode that (mostly) makes applications written for MyISAM magically work on InnoDB (okay, and making “you should use transactions” a really easy consulting gig :)

I’m currently working on finishing up a patch that removes the implicit COMMIT from DDL operations in Drizzle. Instead, you get an error message saying that Transactional DDL is not currently supported. I see a future where we have one of two situations (possibly depending on the storage engine): support DDL within normal transactions, DDL only transactions (cannot mix …

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Tuning InnoDB Configuration

I had earlier written a post on tuning the MySQL server configuration which was more geared towards the MyISAM storage engine. While that is not because I didn't intend on ignoring InnoDB but because I had planned a whole post on tuning InnoDB related configuration. So this post is the post that I had planned, I have discussed the major configuration parameters in here that should help you out most of the times.

Dispelling some unintentional MySQL FUD
There are three types of FUD: the first and more genuine is (#1) the intentional spreading of falsehood, mostly to gain some marketing advantage over a competing product. While I despise this practice, I understand it.
Then there is (#2) FUD spread by ignorance, when the originators are so blindly enraged by their hatred for a product that they don't care about getting the facts straight.
And finally, there is a third kind, not less dangerous, which is (#3) the spreading of FUD with good intentions, when the authors believe that they have the facts straight and they want to help.

I have recently come across two examples of unintentional FUD. For different reasons, my …

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Why do I recommend switching over from MyISAM to Innodb!

Although MyISAM has been the default storage engine for MySQL but its soon going to change with the release of MySQL server 5.5. Not only that, more and more people are shifting over to the Innodb storage engine and the reasons for that is the tremendous benefits, not only in terms of performance, concurrency, ACID-transactions, foreign key constraints, but also because of the way it helps out the DBA with hot-backups support, automatic crash recovery and avoiding data inconsistencies which can prove to be a pain with MyISAM. In this article I try to hammer out the reasons why you should move on to using Innodb instead of MyISAM.

MySQL Idiosyncrasies That Bite

The following are my slides that I presented at ODTUG Kaleidoscope 2010. This presentation talks about the MySQL defaults including a non-transactional state, silent data truncations, date management, and transaction isolation options. These are all critical for data integrity and consistency. I also cover in-depth topics including SQL_MODE, character sets and collations.

MySQL Idiosyncrasies That Bite View more presentations from Ronald Bradford.

Benchmarking MySQL ACID performance with SysBench

A couple of question I get a lot from MySQL customers is “how will this hardware upgrade improve my transactions per second (TPS)” and “what level of TPS will MySQL perform on this hardware if I’m running ACID settings?” Running sysbench against MySQL with different values for per-thread and global memory buffer sizes, ACID settings, and other settings gives me concrete values to bring to the customer to show the impact that more RAM, faster CPUs, faster disks, or cnf changes have on the server. Here are some examples for a common question: “If I’m using full ACID settings vs non-ACID settings what performance am I going to get from this server?”

Let’s find out by running sysbench with the following settings (most are self explanatory – if not the man page can explain them):

  • sysbench –test=oltp –db-driver=mysql –oltp-table-size=1000000 –mysql-engine-trx=yes –oltp-test-mode=complex …
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When commit appears to fail

So you're using explicit transactions. Everything appears to work (every query gives the expected result) until you get to COMMIT.

Then you get an exception thrown from COMMIT. What happened?

Usually this would be because the server has been shut down, or you've lost the connection.

The problem is, that you can't assume that the commit failed, but you also can't assume it succeeded.

A robust application must make NO ASSUMPTION about whether a failed commit did, indeed, commit the transaction or not. It can safely assume that either all or none of it was committed, but can't easily tell which.

So the only way to really know is to have your application somehow remember that the transaction MIGHT have failed, and check later.

Possible solutions:

  • Ignore it and deal with any inconsistencies manually, or decide that you don't care :)
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Introducing the InnoDB Blog

Well, here we are … the first post to the InnoDB blog.   Now there is a blog dedicated solely to InnoDB products and technology. The Innobase team will be posting here regularly on all manner of topics regarding the InnoDB storage engine.  We plan to provide timely updates and important technical information about InnoDB-related products including the built-in InnoDB distributed by MySQL, the InnoDB Plugin and InnoDB Hot Backup.  We invite you to visit regularly and post your comments.

We’ve borrowed the name “Transactions on” from the computer-science journal Transactions on Database Systems, published by the ACM society for computing professionals.  Like that journal, this blog will cover a wide range of database topics, specifically as they relate to InnoDB.

Users of InnoDB know a transaction is an atomic all-or-nothing set of changes made to a collection of data.  But …

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Refactoring MySQL Applications: Part 1

First off, let me wish you all a Happy 2009, and my apologies for being a bit slack with blogging in the last two months of 2008. It’s been a bunch of busy weeks, but I’m fully expecting to remedy that in this year.

Second, let me welcome you to this series on refactoring MySQL applications. I will cover best practices and useful tips, as well as show working examples of potential loopholes and solutions.

So, you are a DBA or a developer, and you’re faced with a problem. Your years-old application (perhaps you inherited it from a former co-worker) is now starting to keel over, and your choice of responses is limited.

Let’s start by saying that there are other ways to reach performance, but in some cases refactoring may be the only way that is possible to pursue, for one reason or another. Let’s take the refactoring way, focusing on SQL rather than applications, as there’s a lot that can be done on this side. …

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