We had a really great session yesterday during the webinar on Amazon Redshift replication, but sadly ran out of time for questions. So as promised, let’s try and answer the questions asked now!
Are you going to support SAP IQ as a target ?
This is the first request we’ve ever received, and so therefore there are no firm plans for supporting it. As a target, SAP IQ supports a JDBC interface, and therefore is not hugely complicated to achieve compared to more complex, customer appliers.
Can you replicate from SAP ASE ?
No, and no current plans.
What about latin1 character ? Is it supported ?
Yes, although the default mode is for us to use UTF-8 for all extract and apply jobs. You can certainly change the character set, although leaving UTF-8 should also work.
Is it a problem not to have primary keys on Redshift ? …
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