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Displaying posts with tag: Misc (reset)
New MySQL Entry Level Certification

Last week I received an email indicating that MySQL had made available an entry level certification, the Certified MySQL Associate. The idea is to provide a certification which shows a person has some basic knowledge of MySQL, but not at the level of a developer or DBA. That's a great idea.

Not everyone needs a developer's or DBA's knowledge of a product to make use of it. This is true whether we're talking about MySQL or SQL Server. After all, we don't expect an end user to know how to fully administer a Windows XP / Vista system, but the basics of how to use it, that's well within the bounds of expectations.

I haven't had time to pursue a MySQL certification, mainly …

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I've spent my spare time the last few weekends helping a non-profit called Fast Forward here in the Columbia, SC area. I don't post this here to blow my own horn but rather to point out the need many non-profit organizations have for quality IT support. Most non-profits operate on a limited budget meaning they take help where they can get it. Often times there just isn't money left in the budget for a services contract, etc., even for an organization like Fast Forward.

This is where knowledgeable folks can really make a difference. I know the usual excuse: after spending all week looking at a computer screen, the last thing anyone wants to do is spend the weekend working on computers. I've been there, so I understand that feeling completely. However, I have to say that the time I've spent working at Fast Forward has been personally rewarding. There's a sense of accomplishment …

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Keeping Skills Up-to-Date and Discoverability

One thing is always certain about information technology: there is always change. This past week I was pitching in on a Citrix upgrade for my organization and I went to tweak the web interface. Though I'm not primarily a "server guy" and directory services administrator, I do have a web developer skillset (in fact, that's how I got my start where I work now). However, it's been a few years since I've done anything but touch up work with regards to web development and initially I got that blank feeling... the one where you know how to do things but it's like your mind is cycling through the archives to pull back that information and bring it to the forefront. After a thankfully brief period of "brain thrashing," I went to it.

This experience reminded me of a .NET Rocks! episode with noted Windows …

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Midlands PASS - April 5, 2007 Presentation posted

The presentation How to Be a Consultant has been posted to the Midlands PASS Chapter website. The presentation was given by Midlands PASS Vice President and Treasurer, Ben DeBow, of There's a lot of great information on succeeding as an independent consultant from one who has been doing just that for a while now. It is not specific to any technology but rather focuses on the business side of being a consultant.

Technorati Tags: SQL Server | Microsoft SQL Server | …

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Microsoft Rumored to Join OSDL

As reported on by Nate Orenstam

Sources inside Microsoft have reported the company will be expanding their commitment to open source by joining the Open Source Development Lab (OSDL) next week at LinuxWorld in Boston. 

This appears to be part of a new strategy led by Steve ?No Socks? Sinofsky, who has recently been appointed as Senior Vice President of all things Windows, taking over from long time exec Jim Alchin who was planning on retiring when Windows Vista shipped.  Or perhaps even sooner, based on the fact that his desk is now in the sub-basement of Building 10 next to the vending machines.  ?Jim has been a team player,? Sinofsky said …

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The Full Monty

Admittedly, Monty doesn't really smoke.  But I thought this was a good picture nonetheless.  I wonder if readers can identify the other MySQLers who, ah, bared their souls for this. 

MySQL Acquires IBM and EMC...

Ok, we didn't acquire anyone.  But I thought it was funny the way our partnerships with IBM and EMC were reported on, the huge german news web site.  The text below popped up on my Google News search.  We may have big balls, but not that big.  But it makes for interesting discussion.  :-)

As reported on Google via

MySQL acquires IBM and EMC as partnership program members
Heise Online, Germany - 8 hours ago
IBM and EMC have joined the partnership program of MySQL AB. The Network Certified Partner Program attests the smooth interaction ...

Actual MySQL Press Release:

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Interview with Sean Corfield

I thought it would be fun, and informative to conduct some interviews with web developers on my blog. I'm starting off with someone that most of my blog readers probably already know, and many have probably even had a beer with - Sean Corfield.

If you don't know Sean, he was the Director of IT Architecture at Macromedia. Sean has had a diverse career including eight years involved with the ISO C++ standardization committee.

More recently Sean has been deeply involved in the ColdFusion community as a speaker at conferences, contributor to mailing lists, and more. Sean lead the team that built using ColdFusion and Flash, it is one of the most trafficked web sites in the world.

You can read more about Sean on his website.

Let's get on to the interview

What …

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Linux Guru?

Joy of Tech is one of the great online cartoons of the web.  Though it's focused primarily on the Mac world, there's often some good Linux and Windows humor like this one, also available as a poster:


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Best of 2003 Blog Entries

A few weeks ago I posted a collection of my best blog entries in 2002, now for 2003:

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Showing entries 31 to 40 of 43
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