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Displaying posts with tag: performance_schema (reset)
MySQL 8.0 Memory Consumption on Small Devices

Recently, PeterZ pointed a huge difference in memory usage of MySQL 8.0 compare to MySQL 5.7. This can be an issue for small instances if the same configuration for buffers like the buffer pool are not changed.

As explained in Peter’s article, this can lead to the awakening of the so feared OOM Killer !

MorganT, pointed accurately in his comment what is the source of such difference and how this was then caused by the new instrumentation added in MySQL 8.0.

Nothing is free, even as a …

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MySQL InnoDB Cluster : Recovery Process Monitoring with the MySQL Shell Reporting Framework

As explained in this previous post, it’s now (since 8.0.16) possible to use the MySQL Shell Reporting Framework to monitor MySQL InnoDB Cluster.

Additionally, when a member of the MySQL InnoDB Cluster’s Group leaves the group for any reason, or when a new node is added from a backup, this member needs to sync up with the other nodes of the cluster. This process is called the Distributed Recovery.

During the Distributed Recovery, the joiner receives from a donor all the missing transactions using asynchronous replication on a dedicated channel.

It’s of course also possible to monitor the progress of this recovery process by calculating how many transactions have …

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Using the new MySQL Shell Reporting Framework to monitor InnoDB Cluster

With MySQL Shell 8.0.16, a new very interesting feature was released: the Reporting Framework.

Jesper already blogged about it and I recommend you to read his articles if you are interested in writing your own report:


I this post, I will show you one user-defined report that can be used to monitor your MySQL InnoDB Cluster / Group Replication.


Before being able to use the report, you need to download 2 files. The first one is the …

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What configuration settings did I change on my MySQL Server ?

This post is just a reminder on how to find which settings have been set on MySQL Server.

If you have modified some settings from a configuration file or during runtime (persisted or not), these two queries will show you what are the values and how they were set. Even if the value is the same as the default (COMPILED) in MySQL, if you have set it somewhere you will be able to see where you did it.

Global Variables

First, let’s list all the GLOBAL variables that we have configured in our server:

FROM performance_schema.variables_info t1
JOIN performance_schema.global_variables t2

This is an example of the output:

Session Variables

And now the same query for the session variables:

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pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day 2019

For the third year in a row, we will take advantage of the mass presence of our MySQL Engineers during FOSDEM to organize the pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day.

The program of this 3rd edition is already on track, thank you to all the speakers who already confirmed their participation.

Start End Event Speaker Company Topic
Friday 1st February
09:30 10:00 MySQL Community Team Welcome
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MySQL Memory Consumption and Open Prepare Statements

Today I read the nice post of Bhuvanesh on the memory leak issue they experienced with MySQL. In fact when you read the post, you realize that MySQL was just following the parameters that were setup (the default of max_prepare_stmt_count is 16382 even on 5.6).

I’m still convinced that the problem should be resolved in the application even if the use of ProxySQL for multiplexing is great.

In MySQL 8.0, we have enabled the …

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MySQL and Memory: a love story (part 2)

We saw in the previous post that MySQL likes memory. We also saw how to perform operating system checks and some configuration changes for Swap and NUMA.

Today, we will check what MySQL server can tell us about its memory usage.

Introduced in MySQL 5.7 and enabled by default in MySQL 8.0, the Performance_Schema‘s Memory instrumentation allows us to have a better overview of what MySQL is allocating and why.

Let’s check on our MySQL server using SYS:

Pay attention that there is a bug related to how InnoDB Buffer Pool statistics are accounted in Performance_Schema. This is fixed in 8.0.13. …

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MySQL: size of your tables – tricks and tips

Many of you already know how to retrieve the size of your dataset, schemas and tables in MySQL.

To summarize, below are the different queries you can run:

Dataset Size

I the past I was using something like this :

But now with sys schema being installed by default, I encourage you to use some of the formatting functions provided with it. The query to calculate the dataset is now:

SELECT sys.format_bytes(sum(data_length)) DATA,
       sys.format_bytes(sum(index_length)) INDEXES,
       sys.format_bytes(sum(data_length + index_length)) 'TOTAL SIZE'
FROM information_schema.TABLES ORDER  BY data_length + index_length;

Let’s see an example:

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What is the best practice to get a list of all the queries running in MySQL (processlist) ?

If you are a MySQL DBA for a long time (like me), it’s very complicated to get rid of bad habits. One of them I really need to change is the way to retrieve the list of all the running queries (processlist).

Usually, I use SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST which is very convenient, but like querying the Information_Schema, this statement has negative performance consequences because it requires a mutex. Therefore, you should use Performance_Schema which doesn’t require a mutex and has minimal impact on server performance.

Let’s see the output of both commands:

mysql> show full processlist\G                                                                                                                   *************************** 1. row ***************************
     Id: 4
   User: event_scheduler
   Host: localhost
     db: NULL
Command: Daemon
   Time: 376338
  State: …
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How to know if a user never connected to the MySQL server since last boot ?

Performance_Schema is used most of the time to get metrics about queries and connections. But it can also provide other very useful information.

So today, I will show you how you can see a list of users that didn’t connect to MySQL since we restarted it (since last reboot).

SELECT DISTINCT mu.user FROM mysql.user mu
LEFT JOIN performance_schema.users psu
ON mu.user = psu.user
WHERE psu.user IS NULL
AND mu.user NOT IN ('mysql.infoschema', 'mysql.session', 'mysql.sys')
ORDER BY mu.user;


mysql> SELECT DISTINCT mu.user FROM mysql.user mu
    ->       LEFT JOIN performance_schema.users psu 
    ->       ON mu.user = psu.user  
    ->       AND mu.user NOT IN ('mysql.infoschema', 'mysql.session', 'mysql.sys')
    -> …
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Showing entries 31 to 40 of 141
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