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Pager - but not on call!

Over the past few years I have found that "pager" inside of MySQL is a really useful tool. I have come up with a few simple, but extremely effective, ways to use it.

-- Example 1

Lets say you have a MySQL server that is really busy with extremely long queries. You run a “show full processlist” and everything going on streams before your eyes, new lines and all. A more readable way to see what is going on is…

Mysql> pager less –S

By running the above statement the full processlist will NOT appear in the traditional, word wrapped format. The output will show in a very readable, right extended, format. All you need to do now figure out what is going on.

Here is a helpful hint. Set a tee file for MySQL client output.

Mysql> \\\\T /location/to/file.txt

Then, make sure pager is set to “less –S”. From there you can get out of the …

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Fun with mysqlslap benchmarking

Mysqlslap is a good benchmarking tool but can be much more versatile in my opinion. So, recently, I was benchmarking a problem that was, not hard to solve, but somewhat tricky to benchmark. Using mysqlslap was the fastest way to get the answers I wanted with the least amount of BS, or so I thought!

Lets take a look:

-- The problem
1. A MySQL instance with 5 databases
2. Only one of the databases looked to be the problem from system analysis
3. Light concurrency issues suspected, given that the tables were MyISAM and the information gathered from the customer

-- How to run a close to real world benchmark
Turning on the general query log is a must in this situation so I gathered 1 hour worth of transactions. Please keep in mind that you have to take a snapshot of the data before you …

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What's faster than REPAIR?

After Chris' great post, What's faster than ALTER, I got thinking about REPAIR. REPAIR TABLE can be slow, but may seem necessary if your table is corrupt.

A little background:
MyISAM tables are prone to corruption if they are receiving updates/inserts/deletes/etc and your server crashes. Doing a REPAIR TABLE can generally "fix" them, but it can take time. The larger the table, the longer it takes. How long? Well, a rough approximation that I use is:

Size of table Approximate time
KBs N seconds
MBs N minutes
GBs N hours

So a …

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The Project Formally Known as Golden Gate

So I was watching the discovery channel about the maintenance of the Golden Gate bridge. I was surprised to find out that it takes two years to paint the whole thing, then, when they are "finished" the job starts all over again. Basically, this is a never ending project! I started to think about the larger, several thousand server, MySQL installations I've worked on and how to improved performance. Oddly enough The Project Formally Known as Golden Gate was born! Thought I would change the name given the recent threat from Big Brother!

-- The fore thought
Take an environment with several hundred or, in this case, several thousand servers and figure out a way to increase performance from 30% - 80% or more.

-- Back to basics
De-fragmentation of the data set is a simple way to make sure that your throughput at its best. Over time, social networking sites, or any site that runs heavy writes with …

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Using TMPFS for MySQL's tmpdir

There have been a lot of systems I have looked at where the Created_tmp_disk_tables was very high. MySQL has good documentation on how it uses memory, specifically temp tables, here.

I would like to talk about not "why" MySQL does this but how to speed up the performance when MySQL internally or users create temporary tables to disk. A great solution is TMPFS, a quick how to is as follows:

-- Before you start
1. Make sure you allocate enough space to TMPFS
-- 2GB is usually safe but if you are using larger data sets with inefficient queries then there are far worse performance issues to deal with.

-- The safe way to implement TMPFS for MySQL
shell> mkdir /tmp/mysqltmp
shell> chown mysql:mysql /tmp/mysqltmp
shell> id mysql
##NOTE: make …

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What's faster than ALTER?

Well, the answer I always get is "DROP". Then I would say... "what if you wanted to preserve your data?" It is very common for DBAs to think only in terms of what is obviously available in MySQL, ALTER, than all of the tools that are really there. I have been placed in situations in many companies where ALTER was just not the way to go.

Given the amount of MySQL usage throughout the WEB2.0/IT industry and the fact that data sets seem to keep growing... I have come up with a great solution to ALTERING large data sets. Please keep in mind that this is an old feature of MySQL and was a great "lightning speech" at the Percona conference in 04/08.

mysql> use test;
mysql> show table status like 't1'\\\\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Name: t1
Engine: InnoDB
Version: 10
Row_format: Compact
Rows: …

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Partitioning by dates: the quick how-to

There is thorough documentation about the Partitioning feature in MySQL 5.1. There are also nice articles like this one by Robin. However, I thought it would be useful to have a quick "how-to" guide to partitioning by dates. I'll use the world schema to keep it easy.

Partitioning a table by a range of dates is quite popular. Unfortunately, the PARTITION BY RANGE only accepts an integer (or a function that evaluates to an integer) as the partition expression. That's fine if you want to partition by numeric types like this:


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Testing Replication Over the Pond – Part 2 Secure

Testing Secure Replication

For the first test I used encrypted (SSL) replication and inserted 200,000 records using three 10 minute disconnection intervals per hour.

After several hundred thousand of inserts, deletes and updates on the SOA and RR tables simultaneously over a normally connected SSL replication channel I have the following results:

RR Update Test
Test 1:
RR Records Updated (Changes Set) = 129145
Elapsed Time = 14147.411601
RR Updates/Second = 9.13
RR Updates/Minute = 547.8
Europe MySQL Slave RR Update Counts (Changes Set) = 129145
Asia MySQL Slave RR Update Counts (Changes Set) = 129145
Test 2:
RR Records Updated (Changes Cleared) = 129145
Elapsed Time = 10168.638867
RR Updates/Second = 12.70
RR Updates/Minute = 762
Europe MySQL Slave RR Update Counts (Changes Cleared) = 129145

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Testing Replication Over the Pond - Part 1 Non-Secure

Testing Non-Secure Replication

A series of experiments were conducted to determine whether MySQL replication would prove to be reliable with SSL enabled. Please note that all tests were conducted using the MyDNS schema with includes the SOA and RR tables on MySQL 5.1.

The first experiment sets focused on replication operations and not on a predetermined set of Insert, Update or Delete patterns. So Inserts were used since they are the easiest to tag and verify. Again, the focus is on replication channel fault recovery.

Later iterations used simultaneous Inserts, Deletes and Updates against both SOA and RR tables from production snapshots of the mydns database, with request sets greater than 100,000 rows each, over an SSL replication channel.

The first test was done by closing the Slave server's outbound SQL port to the Master with iptables, the Slave was uaware it was no longer …

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Index for god sake!

This is an old post I put on the old that ended up on Both sites are run by people I know so it's coo. Anyway, I thought it should be here as well.

Lets look at the results of the query without returning all the results:

- Explain will show the possible rows to be examined in your query. (The more rows the slower the return)
- Example of EXPLAIN: (we will be using the world database by

EXPLAIN SELECT * from City where CountryCode =’USA’ and Population > ‘1000′ order by District;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |

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