So, now I’ve got my Raspberry Pi’s tested, and running MySQL Cluster we’ll need some form of checking it’s up and running, as with the rest of our MySQL servers.
Monitoring via a Remote Agent
First issue, of course, is that, with my existing MEM console, I
have no need to re-install MEM, but rather want to deploy an
agent so that I can monitor the MySQL Cluster.
This poses it’s first problem, as there isn’t an ARM-ready agent
software available. Remember, it’s not a supported platform. So
what can we do? Setup a remote Enterprise Monitor agent, so that,
we can monitor the MySQL Cluster, albeit at the sacrifice of not
having the agent local on each Raspberry Pi, and hence, not be
able to capture the o.s. data.
Config change
So, on my Ubuntu server, I go to the agent install directory:
cd /opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/etc
vi mysql-mypi01-agent.ini
:1,$ …