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MySQL & MariaDB Solutions: The SkySQL Team Is At OSCON 2012!

Meet The SkySQL Team At OSCON 2012!

“I remember my first OSCON in 2001 and the passionate debates we had on the impact the open source movement was going to make …”

This is a quote from a conversation that some SkySQLers were having this week in Paris, where we met to discuss the future - ours and that of the MariaDB & MySQL databases as well as open source technologies in general!

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NIST::NVD 1.00.00

I’m leaving myself some room for bug fixes. It works for us in house. I would love to help others to give it a try. especially those who could benefit from making nearly immediately answered queries to the NIST’s NVD database.

The code in this release cannot by itself track the feed from the feds in real time. The nvd entry loader needs a little bit of love in the area of record merging before this starts working. It’s on my TODO list.

I’m sorry for the outage of I’ll get that back up here shortly. In the meantime, feel free to grab it from this location while the CPAN indexes and processes my submission.

don’t forget to check the cryptographic signature:

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Do You Have What it Takes? Looking for a Few Daring Open Source Engineers...

At a time when most companies are doing all they can to maintain the status quo, SkySQL is daring to imagine a new “normal”. We’re on a mission to change the way companies interact with and manage their data, both in the enterprise and in the cloud. Along with our strategic partners, in particular MariaDB, we’re working to develop new open source database solutions that challenge proprietary enterprise solutions and business models.

To help us achieve our goal, we’re looking for a few daring open source engineers to join our team and take on the status quo:

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SkySQL au Salon Solutions Linux 2012

Retrouvez SkySQL et ses partenaires sur le stand C21 du Salon Solutions Linux 2012 au CNIT à Paris du 19 au 21 juin

Cette année, le Salon Solutions Linux à Paris coincide avec la Fête de la Musique. C’est donc avec enthousiasme que nous nous préparons pour cet évènement annuel incontournable dédié aux logiciels libres et à l’Open Source.

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TunnelMaker, a simple script to generate multi-hop SSH tunnels

SSH tunnels provide a very effective means to access remote services and applications. Not only does it provide encryption of data between hosts, but it allows you to route connections between a sequence of servers, thus chaining connections. A common use of this method is to provide encrypted connections to MySQL servers so that user accounts can be limited to only “localhost” privileges, yet accessed from remote workstations without having to run MySQL+SSL.

The concept is simple, for example let’s say you have three servers: localhost (your workstation in America), a server in Europe, and a server in Japan. You want to access Apache running on port 80 on the Japan server but because of firewall restrictions you cannot access port 80 remotely, and to make things more difficult the Japan server only allows SSH connections from the Europe server’s IP. We can solve this by creating a SSH tunnel that forwards localhost port 8080 …

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MariaDB in Git

As an experiment, I have converted the MariaDB Bazaar repository into Git.

Should be interesting...

It's alive!

LinkedIn has what they call "inDays" where employees may so something interesting which may not be directly related to their day job. I spent my inDay by porting my old WL820 project (External Language Stored Procedures) to MariaDB 5.3.

The code, as usual, is available on LaunchPad ... To get the branch, simply do:

bzr branch lp:~atcurtis/maria/5.3-wl820 The test cases pass... I haven't tested

MySQL Conference 2012 – The Keynotes (1)

Here it is finally: The MySQL conference 2012 starts with the Keynote Sessions.

The first keynote speech was by Peter Zaitsev, founder of Percona and a very smart guy, and by Baron Schwartz (Percona), another very smart guy, the brain behind a number of toolkits for MySQL. They’re talking about the MySQL Evolution – what I alluded to in my first post regarding this conference – the ways in which MySQL has grown, evolved, scaled and continues to make new inroads into new applications and industries.

From Peter: “What is most important hasn’t changed – MySQL is still a great piece of technology and it is evolving very rapidly.” (Love that quote!) Also “MySQL is also buzzword compatible: NoSQL, BigData.”

From Baron: He talked about his own personal journey from closed-source, proprietory to open-source, and the …

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MySQL Conference 2012 Day 0

Wow! A lot has changed since the last MySQL conference I blogged about in 2007.

MySQL has been acquired twice: once as MySQL by Sun and the second time around bundled with Sun when Oracle bought Sun. The conference is no longer organized by O’Reilly but by Percona. And the MySQL database itself has changed — we were talking about new features in MySQL 5.1, which wasn’t released yet, along with Falcon (where did it go?). 5.1 has long since been released as has 5.5, and we’re now talking about 5.6 instead of 6.0. There was no “Cloud” on the horizon, nor was there MariaDB, XtraDB, Drizzle, Schooner, or any of the other offshoots of MySQL, all of which are creating a new buzz around the product.

Yet, one thing remains constant: the vibrant community around MySQL. In spite of all the changes in technology, ownership, versions, …

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SkySQL is Coming to a City Near You!

Now that the snow is melting and spring is in the air, the SkySQL Team is hitting the road and making the rounds of key industry events, trade shows, and meetups around the globe.  Come meet the team, pick-up a few tips and tricks for using the MySQL database, network with your peers, and learn more about SkySQL’s products and services.  Here are some the events we’ll be at this spring:

BIG Data, A New Horizon for Data Analysis
March 20 - 21, 2012
Cité Internationale Univeritaire de Paris, Paris, France

March 28-29, 2012
Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center, Columbia, South Carolina

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