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Displaying posts with tag: NoSQL (reset)
Log Buffer #190, A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

Welcome to Log Buffer, the weekly roundup of database blogs. We’re back this week with a short Log Buffer #190. Only ten more issues, and we’ll be celebrating our 200th edition post.

Chen Shapira was eager to share news early this week, sending along her favorite picks on Tuesday.

Prof. Neil Gunther doesn’t like the way commercial load testing software distributes think times.

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MySQL, Oracle and NoSQL: In the grand scheme...

...NoSQL is just larger than a fly's dropping, and MySQL and Oracle are more alike than either of their respective fanboys would like to admit.

Courtesy of Google trends:

I guess I won't be changing my career just yet.

UPDATE: I tried a few terms for "Microsoft SQL Server" before posting (SQL Server, MS SQL) but found none that came up with what I felt like was a realistic volume (they are all much, much lower than I expected). @MarkGStacey suggested trying "SQL 2008", "SQL 2005" and "SQL 2000", and those return much better results indeed (though still much lower than MySQL or Oracle). Anyway - I'd love to have some way of bunching up all those terms and have …

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MongoDB Early Impressions

I’ve been doing some prototyping work to see how suitable MongoDB is for replacing a small (in number, not size) cluster of MySQL servers. The motivation for looking at MongoDB in this role is that we need a flexible and reliable document store that can handle sharding, a small but predictable write volume (1.5 – 2.0 million new documents daily), light indexing, and map/reduce operations for heavier batch queries. Queries to fetch individual documents aren’t that common–let’s say 100/sec in aggregate at peak times.

What I’ve done so far is to create a set of Perl libraries that abstract away the data I need to store and provide a “backend” interface to which I can plug in a number of modules for talking to different data stores (including some “dummy” ones for testing and debugging). This has helped to clarify some …

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Log Buffer #189, A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

Welcome to Log Buffer, a weekly review of the database industry. This week’s issue Log Buffer #189 is generously published by Iggy Fernandez, editor of the quarterly journal of the Northern California Oracle User Group (NoCOUG).

As always, if you’d like to host your own issue of Log Buffer, simply reach out to the Log Buffer coordinator.

Please enjoy Iggy’s issue of

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How to install MongoDB on CentOS 5.4 / RHEL5 and interface with PHP 5

If you’ve been reading up on the various NoSQL offerings and have wanted to try out one but don’t know how to get started, this is one of the easiest ways. I chose MongoDB for this example because I’m going to start using it for a project that needs features that MySQL isn’t as fast at: namely denormalized data with billions of rows. MongoDB has plenty of drivers for other scripting and high-level languages but I’ll focus on the PHP driver today. If there is interest I can do a write up on Python usage later. This example is limited to CentOS, Fedora, and Redhat 5 servers that use the yum package management system. For more information you can reference their download page:

First install the prerequisites:

  • sudo yum install gcc php php-pear

Then install the mogo php extension via …

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Log Buffer #188, a Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

It’s Friday already, and we know what that means! Log Buffer, the industry’s weekly review of database blogs is here again for your reading pleasure in the 188th issue.

Starting off this week’s issue is a request from Mark Grennan a DBA who would like to let the community know about his blog MySQL Fan Boy, where he wrote an interesting post on including a script to replace MySQL table files on a live system, making it faster and limiting locking on large table loads. Also a post this week on whether MariaDB is a drop in …

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Riptano for Cassandra

Cassandra is one of the most interesting NoSQL platforms at the moment.  And by most interesting what I really mean is the most clearly justifiable.  Some NoSQL platforms offer new data models, improved query interfaces and/or good single node performance through relaxed consistency models.  As a database guy however, the justification for throwing out the RDBMS baby and bathwater is still difficult at this point as NoSQL platforms tend to be highly focused in one aspect of data management, and very immature in all other areas.  Cassandra is somewhat different as it is more mature in a number of key areas (albeit still immature in others).  Areas that can make Cassandra more justifiable for the right project, when compared with a more traditional RDBMS based solution.  This is because Cassandra’s primary capabilities can’t easily be replicated on those …

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MongoDB Approach to Availability

Another thing I find interesting about MongoDB is its approach to Durability, Data Consistency and Availability. It is very relaxed and will not work for some applications but for others it can be usable in current form. Let me explain some concepts and compare it to technologies in MySQL space.

First I think MongoDB is best compared no to MySQL Server but MySQL Cluster, especially in newer versions which implement "sharding". Same as commit to NDB Storage engine does not normally mean commit to disk, but rather commit to network it does not mean commit to disk with MongoDB, furthermore MongoDB uses Asynchronous replication, meaning it may take some time before data will be at more than one node. You can also use getLastError() to ensure data is propagated to the slave. So you can see it as a hybrid between MySQL Cluster and innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=2 mode. The second difference of course the fact MongoDB is not crash safe - similar to …

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MongoDB Approach to database synchronization

I went to MongoSF today - quite an event, and I hope to have a chance to write more about it. This post is about one replication problem and how MongoDB solves it.

If you're using MySQL Replication when your master goes down it is possible for some writes to be executed on the master, but not on the slave, which gets promoted to the master. When Master comes back up it has some updates done to it which cause it to be inconsistent with data on the new Master. In MySQL world we can chose to either ignore this problem (or may be even replay those changes on slaves and hope it works out), re-clone it from the slave or use mk-table-checksum to find inconsistencies and re-sync them with mk-table-sync. Both of these operations can be very expensive for large databases.

MongoDB approach used …

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Ingres Vectorwise smokes it!

I work in all markets of the database industry, from web & startup through the largest and most established enterprises.  And to be completely honest, the name Ingres has not come up in conversation very much at all.  10 years ago maybe more often, but recently not all that much.  But Ingres has been quietly ticking away.  Despite being largely off the radar, they still have a sizable and loyal customer base, global offices and a focused & dedicated management team.  And importantly they have an open source business model which actually appears to be working.

I wrote last year that their "behind the scenes" status had the potential to change.  Ingres had been very clever and worked out a partnership relationship with Peter Bonzc’s Vectorwise.  …

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