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Displaying posts with tag: conference (reset)
FOSDEM 2010: Python sneaks into the MySQL DevRoom!

FOSDEM 2010, Sunday 7 February, the MySQL Developer Room packed with 12 talks! And this year we serve Python just before the lunch break.

In 20 minutes I'll try to give an overview of the drivers currently available for connecting your Python applications with MySQL. Incase you wonder, this will not evolve around MySQL Connector/Python alone!

We'll also go over some frameworks and tools like SQLAlchemy.

20 minutes, it's not much, but should be enough. I hope to get a similar talk accepted for the MySQL Conference&Expo 2010.

Announcing the tracks of the "MySQL & Friends" Developer Room at FOSDEM 2010

We are happy to announce the selected sessions for our "MySQL and Friends" developer room at FOSDEM 2010 in Brussels, Belgium. It will take place on Sunday, 7th of February from 9:00-17:00 in Room AW1.121.

In total, we received 20 submissions from 15 speakers. We'd like to thank them very much for their great proposals!

As we only have 12 speaking slots (20 mins each) available that day, we first needed to perform a selection process. Unfortunately there wasn't enough time to perform a full-blown voting process that involved the community at large. Since we didn't want to do this in a completely closed committee, we decided to involve all speakers that submitted a talk in this.

After this voting process, the final candidates are (ordered by last name).

Update: Mikael …

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Read this before submitting a conference proposal

The O’Reilly MySQL Conference & Expo 2010 Call for Participation ends in just under 3 weeks. I am on the conference committee, and thus get to see and review all the conference proposals.

This blog post will briefly explain the how each part of the proposal is used, then have a list of what not to do in your conference proposal, and end with a checklist of questions to go over your proposal before submitting. Click here if you want to skip to the checklist.

The proposal has several parts.
Title: This is the title of your presentation. This shows up on the schedules …

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Speaking, speaking, speaking: Dubai-Sydney-Wellington


From January 12th to 27th I will be traveling to the Southern Hemisphere and speaking at two user groups and two conferences.
The schedule (see below) is almost scary. I will be talking about Partitioning (Dubai and Wellington), MySQL Sandbox (Sydney and Wellington), Gearman (Wellington), and some general topics now and then.

The complete schedule and location follows:

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Call for Papers for the "MySQL and Friends" Developer Room at FOSDEM 2010 extended until Wednesday, 6th

A Happy New Year to all of you! About a month ago we posted our initial Call for Papers for the MySQL Developer Room at FOSDEM 2010 in Brussels, Belgium. We already received several great submissions and we'd like to thank the speakers who contributed their suggestions so far. But we would like to get some more!

Therefore we decided to extend the deadline for a few more days: you can still submit your talk proposals until tomorrow (Wednesday, 6th)!

So if you think you have an interesting MySQL-related topic to talk about, we'd like to hear about it! Thanks.

Europe conference options for MySQL Developers

For those in the US the annual MySQL UC is taking place again in April. For those in Europe we have dedicated room for MySQL and MySQL related products/variants/branches at FOSDEM 2010 being held in Brussels, Belgium on 6-7 Feb.

This conference will feature a full day of talks with a format of 20 minutes presentation and 5 minutes Q&A. More information about submissions can be found at Call for Papers for “MySQL and Friends” Developer Room at FOSDEM 2010 now open!

Other references:

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MySQL Conference 2010 - Call for participation is open

The MySQL Conference 2010, with Sun Microsystems as a founding sponsor, has been announced and the call for participation is open.

It's coming later than usual, but it's an opportunity for would be speakers. They will be able to propose talks based on the latest technology, making it even more interesting for attendees.

Some of the program is already online. The tutorial page has a great lineup of speakers and advanced topics. More will …

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Call for Papers for MySQL Conference 2010 — by 27 Jan 2010

For this year’s MySQL Conference (and by “this year”, I do mean 2009), I wrote the blog entry about opening the Call for Papers over three months earlier. The blog entry was in early September 2008, and the deadline was in late October 2008.

Next year, the MySQL Conference 12-15 April 2010 in Santa Clara has a tighter Call for Papers. It’s now open, and it closes 27 January 2010.

This has its drawbacks (a short time for you to propose, a short time for the program committee to review), but it also has a …

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MySQL Conference 2010 - The call for participation is open

The MySQL Conference 2010, with Sun Microsystems as founding sponsor, has opened its Call for participation.
There is already an impressive lineup of tutorials, and I don't say that only because I am on that list. You will find the usual suspects (Replication, Cluster, Certification) and several new ones: Partitioning (covering 5.5), Drizzle replication plugins and core development, Dual master setup, Scaling Applications, Diagnosing and fixing performance, Inspecting variables, command line magic.

The names next to the above topics are all well known: Sheeri K. …

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Call for Papers for "MySQL and Friends" Developer Room at FOSDEM 2010 now open!

FOSDEM 2010, the annual Free and Open Source Software Developers' European Meeting will take place again on February 6th and 7th in Brussels, Belgium. Next year they will celebrate their 10th anniversary (congratulations!) and we feel very honored and happy to announce that the organizers accepted our request for a developer room! They had to reject many proposals due to the great demand (there were 39 applications, but there are only 12 rooms available per day). Therefore we are glad to be among the excellent projects that will be present there.

Our devroom is titled "MySQL and Friends" and will be available for sessions on Sunday, 7th from 09:00 - 17:00. It will be located in room AW1.121 and provides 81 seats, a video projector with VGA cable, and wireless Internet. As for …

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