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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL 8.0 (reset)
Why MySQL Stored Procedures, Functions and Triggers Are Bad For Performance

MySQL stored procedures, functions and triggers are tempting constructs for application developers. However, as I discovered, there can be an impact on database performance when using MySQL stored routines. Not being entirely sure of what I was seeing during a customer visit, I set out to create some simple tests to measure the impact of triggers on database performance. The outcome might surprise you.

Why stored routines are not optimal performance wise: short version

Recently, I worked with a customer to profile the performance of triggers and stored routines. What I’ve learned about stored routines: “dead” code (the code in a branch which will never run) can still significantly slow down the response time of a function/procedure/trigger. We will need to be careful to clean up what we do not need.

Profiling MySQL stored functions

Let’s compare these four simple stored functions (in MySQL 5.7): …

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Percona Live Europe 2018 Call for Papers is Now Open

Announcing the opening of the Percona Live Europe Open Source Database Conference 2018 in Frankfurt, Germany call for papers. It will be open from now until August 10, 2018. The conference takes place November 5–7.

Our theme this year is
Connect. Accelerate. Innovate.

As a speaker at Percona Live Europe, you’ll have the opportunity to CONNECT with your peers—open source database experts and enthusiasts who share your commitment to improving knowledge and exchanging ideas. ACCELERATE your projects and career by presenting at the premier open source database event, a great way to build your personal and company brands. And influence the evolution of the open source software movement by demonstrating how you INNOVATE!

Community initiatives …

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Drupal and MySQL 8.0.11 – are we there yet ?

Now that MySQL 8.0 GA is out for almost 3 months, let’s see the status of how it’s integrated with Drupal, a very popular CMS using MySQL.

For people having already a Drupal site and that wants to upgrade to MySQL 8.0, please check this post.

Now if you want to use MySQL 8.0 with a fresh new Drupal 8, let’s have a look how does that work.

Drupal 8.5

Drupal 8.5.5 is the latest available stable release from July 4th 2018.

There is no notes about supporting MySQL 8.0. So let’s try it.

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Linux OS Tuning for MySQL Database Performance

In this post we will review the most important Linux settings to adjust for performance tuning and optimization of a MySQL database server. We’ll note how some of the Linux parameter settings used OS tuning may vary according to different system types: physical, virtual or cloud. Other posts have addressed MySQL parameters, like Alexander’s blog MySQL 5.7 Performance Tuning Immediately After Installation. That post remains highly relevant for the latest versions of MySQL, 5.7 and 8.0. Here we will focus more on the Linux operating system parameters that can affect database performance.

Server and Operating System

Here are some Linux parameters that you should check and consider modifying if you need to improve database performance.

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MySQL 8.0 Hot Rows with NOWAIT and SKIP LOCKED

In MySQL 8.0 there are two new features designed to support lock handling: NOWAIT and SKIP LOCKED. In this post, we’ll look at how MySQL 8.0 handles hot rows. Up until now, how have you handled locks that are part of an active transaction or are hot rows? It’s likely that you have the application attempt to access the data, and if there is a lock on the requested rows, you incur a timeout and have to retry the transaction. These two new features help you to implement sophisticated lock handling scenarios allowing you to handle timeouts better and improve the application’s performance.

To demonstrate I’ll use this product table.

mysql> select @@version;
| @@version |
| 8.0.11    |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
CREATE TABLE `product` (
`p_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`p_cost` decimal(19,4) NOT NULL,
`p_availability` enum('YES','NO') …
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MySQL InnoDB Cluster : MySQL Shell and the AdminAPI

As promised, here is a post more detailed on how to create a MySQL InnoDB Cluster using MySQL Shell and the AdminAPI.

First of all, as a good practice is never enough repeated, whatever the version of MySQL you are using, please use the latest MySQL Shell ! So if you are using 5.7, please use MySQL Shell 8.0.11. See this compatibility matrix or this official one.

dba class

The AdminAPI can be accessed by the MySQL Shell via the dba object. The reference manual for this class is here. The Shell …

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MySQL 8.0 InnoDB Cluster – the quick hands-on manual

I’m just back from a trip in Barcelona where I presented MySQL 8.0 InnoDB Cluster (at dataops and Barcelona MySQL Meetup) and the majority of feedback was great, but I also had some comments on the demos I showed. The first one was:

This is a joke of course (maybe it’s true for some), people found it very easy and they liked it.

But then, the second one was that all I showed wasn’t easy to find, some people who already played with the solution didn’t succeeded in creating a cluster so easily… not because they had errors or encountered bugs, but more because they just didn’t know how to do it.

The goal of this …

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Top 10 reasons for NoSQL with MySQL

As you know, one of the great new feature in MySQL 8.0 is the Document Store. Now with MySQL you can store your JSON documents in collections and manage them using CRUD operations. NoSQL is now part of MySQL ! Instead of a mix of MongoDB and MySQL, now you can eliminate MongoDB and consolidate with MySQL !

This is a historical meeting of NoSQL and SQL in the same database server!

To use MySQL 8.0 as Document Store, you need to have the X plugin installed (by default since 8.0.11). This plugin enables the X DevAPI that offers a modern programming interface. Clients that communicate with a …

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This Week in Data with Colin Charles 42: Security Focus on Redis and Docker a Timely Reminder to Stay Alert

Join Percona Chief Evangelist Colin Charles as he covers happenings, gives pointers and provides musings on the open source database community.

Much of last week, there was a lot of talk around this article: New research shows 75% of ‘open’ Redis servers infected. It turns out, it helps that one should always read beyond the headlines because they tend to be more sensationalist than you would expect. From the author of Redis, I highly recommend reading Clarifications on the Incapsula Redis security report, because it turns out that in this case, it is beyond the headline. The content is also suspect. Antirez had to write this to help the press (we totally need to help keep reportage accurate).

Not to depart from the Redis world just yet, but …

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Next week in Barcelona

Next week I will be speaking at DataOps in Barcelona about MySQL 8.0 Document Store. If you don’t know it yet, I really invite you to join this talk, you will be very surprised about all MysQL can do in the NoSQL world !

There will be also a lot other MySQL related sessions by many good speakers of the MySQL Community.

As I will be in Barcelona, the Barcelona MySQL Meetup invited me to give a session about MySQL InnoDB Cluster and Group Replication and I will also share the stage with my friend and colleague …

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