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Displaying posts with tag: Announcements (reset)
MySQL Workbench 5.2.6 Alpha Available

Hello folks, we have just released another alpha-version of MySQL Workbench 5.2. This release now contains another couple of Administration features like “Managing your user accounts”, “Viewing your log tables”, improved start/stop scripts for remote administration (administration of remote servers is working in the mac and linux version of MySQL Workbench 5.2.6 – the windows version needs yet a bit more tweaking on that park, so that will be available in next release). Please note that 5.2.5 was an internal only release.

Head right over to our download pages and grab a copy to check out current functionality hands on. Please keep in mind, that this is still an alpha version – so do not use it on production data/servers! Also please note, MySQL Workbench files saved with version 5.2 cannot be opened with …

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MySQL Workbench 5.2.4 Alpha Available

We’re proud to announce the availability of the next Alpha release of MySQL Workbench 5.2.
This is the first release of WB 5.2 that enables part of the upcoming administrative feature set. The following tasks can be performed in the WB 5.2.4 release:

  • Registration of Server Profiles
  • Start/Stop of the MySQL Server
  • Configuration File Edition (my.cnf / my.ini)
  • Show Connections and Server-variables

Further we have added the long awaited SSH Tunnel features that enables MySQL connections to machines where only SSH access is available.
Select the new Connection Method “Standard TCP/IP over SSH” in the Connection Management dialog and fill out the SSH connection information.

More information about the new features is coming up here on our blog pages.

Please fetch your copy, try the new features and tell us if you like it or what we can improve. But …

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Rebench: cutting through the myths of I/O performance

A very wise systems programmer once told me: “Don’t guess. Measure.” Since then, I’ve learned the hard way that guessing too much about performance is death by a thousand cuts. For RethinkDB, dozens of factors for I/O alone affect performance (not to mention memory, buses, caches, and CPU cores). In order to design the fastest database on Earth, we constantly test the following factors:

  • Performance of read and write operations.
  • Behavior for random and sequential workloads:
    • For random workloads, the behavior of uniform, normal, and power distributions (with different distribution parameters).
    • For sequential workloads, the seek direction and various strides .
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Bulletproof database synchronization with dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server v 1.50

Devart, a vendor of native connectivity solutions and development tools for Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, InterBase, Firebird, and SQLite databases, has announced the release of dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server 1.50, a sophisticated tool specially designed to meet a diversity of comparison tasks, help analyze schema differences at a glance, and synchronize them correctly, saving time and efforts.

With the new release, Devart continues its dedication to providing a line of safe as well as powerful tools for SQL Server database synchronization.

The highlights of Schema Compare for SQL Server 1.50 include:

* Table data verification after synchronization

dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server 1.50 moves forward in delivering safe synchronization. The present-day market, saturated with all sorts of …

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MySQL Workbench 5.2.3 Alpha Available

We’re happy to announce the availability of the next Alpha release of MySQL Workbench 5.2. There have been further improvements to the querying part and we added the foundations for the administration part (which will be onboard in the next alpha).
On startup, MySQL Workbench 5.2 now doesn’t automatically create a new design-document anymore – thats for decreasing resource-usage when you only launch Workbench for running a few queries against your database. Also the fix to make Workbench work on Snow Leopard has been included in 5.2 now as well.

Please download the program, take it for a test-drive and tell us what you think. But keep in mind, that this is still an alpha version – so be advised to not use it for production data! Also please note, MySQL Workbench files saved with version 5.2 cannot be opened with previous versions of our

For Linux we now …

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Query Builder for MySQL v 1.10 – unlimited database connectivity and better performance

Devart announced the release of dbForge Query Builder for MySQL v 1.10, a professional tool for quick creation of any queries without code and extended management of query results.

The highlights of Query Builder for MySQL v 1.10 include:

Unlimited database connectivity

To provide more flexibility, dbForge Query Builder for MySQL v 1.10 offers two more approaches to connect to a database in addition to a direct connection. When you can’t connect to the MySQL Server directly or need secure transmitting of private data, you can leverage secure connections based on SSL and SSH protocols.

The latest version takes care about web developers working with remote databases and offers HTTP tunneling with simple tunneling script uploading to the web site. Employment of remote …

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MySQL Workbench 5.1.18 Available

We are proud to announce the next service release of MySQL Workbench 5.1.18. We have fixed another set of bugs and made some improvements you people have been asking for. We have optimized the layout of the Columns-section in our table-editor considering the ideas and exeriences you posted in feature requests, bug-reports and on the forums. Now it should provide a smoother more comfortable workflow.
As already reported in previous blog-posts, this version is also compatible with Apples recently released version of OSX – 10.6 Snow Leopard.
Detailed information on the fixes can be found on our Releases Page.

The new files are available on our download page:

If you encounter problems or have any questions, you …

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MySQL Workbench on Snow Leopard

As all you Mac users (and probably many non-Macies) know Apple released Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6) recently, even though this release was announced for September previously. Since a large part of the MySQL Workbench user base works on OS X it was clear that many of you will test Workbench on the new OS. However, so far we haven’t had the opportunity to do the same (too busy fixing bugs on released OSes) and hence we did not know about incompatibility problems there.

In the meantime several users did tests and reported us a crash on startup of the application, which means you cannot use MySQL Workbench on Snow Leopard for the time being. We are currently preparing build, test and developer machines with it and will hand out a fixed WB release as soon as possible. So, please stay patient. It’s only a matter of days.

Welcome to the MMM Community Blog

This is the first post on the brand spanking new MMM for MySQL Community Blog. Expect posts on new features for this great project. Expect user experiences.

So, your question is of course: what is MMM for MySQL and why haven't I heard of this before?

Well, MMM for MySQL is a project that strives to provide a HA Solution for MySQL, with automatic failover between multiple masters and slaves. If set up properly, you don't have to worry anymore over downtime for upgrading to a new version of MySQL, or a new version of your application (=> large alter tables, addition of indexes, etc.)

The project has recently reached it's version 2, which is a complete rewrite from scratch. We are now slowly seeing this being put into production, with some success stories making us happy already.

I won't make it too long here, but look forward to hear more from us!

MySQL Workbench 5.1.17 Available

We’re proud to announce the first service release of our current GA product MySQL Workbench 5.1. This maintenance release encompasses a number of stability, performance and quality improvements.
We were able to fix 56 bugs – as always, details on latest changes can be found on our Releases Page.

Please head over to our download page and fetch this new update:

In addition to the improvements on the application, we also updated our packaging procedure to provide a more up to date selection of packages for recent distributions. Along with the Windows and OSX (intel) binaries we now provide binaries for the following Linux distributions:

Ubuntu 8.04  …

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