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Displaying posts with tag: mongodb (reset)
Looking for MongoDB users to test Fractal Tree Indexing

In my three previous blogs I wrote about our implementation of Fractal Tree Indexes on MongoDB, showing a 10x insertion performance increase, a 268x query performance increase, and a comparison of covered indexes and clustered indexes. The benchmarks show the difference that rich and efficient indexing can make to your MongoDB workload.

It’s one thing for us to benchmark MongoDB + TokuDB and another to measure real world performance. If you are looking for a way to improve the performance or scalability of your MongoDB deployment, we can help …

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MongoDB Index Shootout: Covered Indexes vs. Clustered Fractal Tree Indexes

In my two previous blogs I wrote about our implementation of Fractal Tree Indexes on MongoDB, showing a 10x insertion performance increase and a 268x query performance increase. MongoDB’s covered indexes can provide some performance benefits over a regular MongoDB index, as they reduce the amount of IO required to satisfy certain queries.  In essence, when all of the fields you are requesting are present in the index key, then MongoDB does not have to go back to the main storage heap to retrieve anything.  My benchmark results are …

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268x Query Performance Increase for MongoDB with Fractal Tree Indexes, SAY WHAT?

Last week I wrote about our 10x insertion performance increase with MongoDB. We’ve continued our experimental integration of Fractal Tree® Indexes into MongoDB, adding support for clustered indexes.  A clustered index stores all non-index fields as the “value” portion of the index, as opposed to a standard MongoDB index that stores a pointer to the document data.  The benefit is that indexed lookups can immediately return any requested values instead of needing to do an additional lookup (and potential disk IOs) for the requested fields.

To create a clustered index you just need to add “clustering:true” as in the following example (note that version 2 indexes are Fractal Tree Indexes): …

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Revisiting libmysqld, the client / server overhead and all that. And an apology

I wrote about the performance gains with libmysqld a few days ago but I had just too many things in my head to do a proper comparison with the MySQL Cluster / Server protocol. Yes, libmysqld is faster, but not as much faster as I thought, and blogged about. What happened was that I had another thing to try which I had forgotten about, which was to test using the Client / Server protocol without the dreaded CLIENT_COMPRESS flag (see more on this here).

Without CLIENT_COMPRESS, I could see NDB performance improve by some 25 - 30 %. But with InnoDB, which I just tested, I achieved some 98 k row reads per second! Yikes, I should have tested that one before comparing with libmysqld (in which case I got 115 k …

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10x Insertion Performance Increase for MongoDB with Fractal Tree Indexes

The challenge of handling massive data processing workloads has spawned many new innovations and techniques in the database world, from indexing innovations like our Fractal Tree® technology to a myriad of “NoSQL” solutions (here is our Chief Scientist’s perspective). Among the most popular and widely adopted NoSQL solutions is MongoDB and we became curious if our Fractal Tree indexing could offer some advantage when combined with it. The answer seems to be a strong “yes”.

Earlier in the summer we kicked off a small side project and here’s what we did: we implemented a “version 2” IndexInterface as a Fractal Tree index and ran some benchmarks. Note that our integration only affects MongoDB’s secondary indexes; primary indexes continue to rely on MongoDB’s indexing code. All the changes we made to the MongoDB source …

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Y Gatorz are Considering Moving Back to a Gator Farm Instead of MapReducing the World

NSFW (audio) “…pipe your data to /dev/null – it will be very fast.” “Does /dev/null support sharding?” NSFW (audio) “…the only thing constructive we could have used their source files for was as random keys for SSL certs.” NSFW (audio) “PHP reeks … Continue reading →

Some corrections and additions to my simple KVS tests.

This is the first follow-up to my post on a simple test of KVS alternatives. To recap, I tested a simple single table schema in MySQL using the NDB and InnoDB storage engines. To have a Key-Value store to compare with, I did the same test in MongoDB. All tests were done of the same system, an 8-core AMD Linux box with 16 Gb RAM. The tests consisted of reading 1.000.000 rows, out of the total 105.000.000 in the table, distributed over 100 threads 10 times, a total of 10.000.000 rows read then. The test program I use makes sure that the same random ID's of the table are reused each time and the same are used for all servers.

Now, firstly, after some checking I realized that I had not fully cached the InnoDB engine, so it was doing a certain, small, amount of disk I/O still. I fixed this and the number now looks like …

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Exploring Configuration Management with Ansible


What is Ansible?

Ansible is a configuration management and deployment system, like Puppet, Capistrano, Fabric, and Chef. Its aim is to be radically simple and let you use your existing scripts to help with cluster configuration and software deployment whenever possible. Here are the ways that Ansible differentiates itself.


Ansible does not include a client/server architecture with pull-based clients (although in more recent versions, it does include pull-based configuration and deployment). Rather, it uses pre-existing network infrastructure: SSH. Every company has SSH installed on their cluster servers, and Ansible simply rides on top of this infrastructure to get the code and configuration out to the nodes.

Language Agnostic

You can write modules for Ansible in …

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Setting up RAID0 in Ubuntu 12.04 in AWS High I/O

Amazon announced high I/O instances today. This is huge for anyone with a database larger than available memory, as it’s been a complete nightmare dealing with EBS up till now. Now your Cassandra, MongoDB, MySQL, or whatever your using should be able to perform well without requiring keeping your entire dataset in memory.

With each instance you get 2x1TB of disk. In this tutorial I’ll be setting it up as a RAID0 to get a single 2TB disk which should deliver excellent performance.

Before you get started, make sure you’ve got mdadm installed:

apt-get install mdadm

To begin, check fdisk and make sure your 1TB drives are mounted.

root@ip-10-140-128-232:~# fdisk -l

Disk /dev/xvda1: 8589 MB, 8589934592 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 1044 cylinders, total 16777216 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / …

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Simple and efficient MongoDB Backup using script

MongoDB Backup types and strategies are neatly explained in its documentation, which you can check here. In case you are not familiar with MongoDB backup types and strategies, please have a look at its documentation.

What I am describing here is a simple script which we are using since months to take MongoDB backup and transfer it over to our Backup server. Here are few things its doing:

  • As we have multiple MongoDB Replica Sets, the script identify current replica set and check whether current server is Master or Slave, exit if its Master. We take backup only from Slave host.
  • Take Backup using mongodump command.
  • Upon successful completion of dump, transfer that to our Backup server. Ensure that ssh key based authentication is setup between both servers to implement seamless and secure transfer. It creates new directory based on …
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