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Displaying posts with tag: cloud (reset)
How to Deploy High Availability CloudStack/CloudPlatform with MariaDB Galera Cluster

Apache CloudStack is a turnkey orchestration platform to deliver IaaS clouds. As a cloud infrastructure scales to hundreds or thousands of servers, with production environments supporting multiple applications and services, high availability becomes a key requirement. Just as for OpenStack, it is possible to deploy the CloudStack management server in a multi-node installation. Since the management server uses a MySQL database to store the state of all its objects, the database could become a single point of failure. The CloudStack manual recommends MySQL replication with manual failover in the event of database loss. We believe there is a better way.

In this blog post, we’ll show you how to deploy redundant CloudStack management servers with …

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Fractal Tree Greatness: The Nexus

In my recent travels, I’ve been speaking with database users at various meetups and trade shows worldwide. Very often, I got questions centering around the best use cases for our products, be it TokuDB, our MySQL storage engine, or, TokuMX, our distribution of MongoDB. Over 90% of the time, I responded Cloud, Big Data or both. You see, in the software industry we’re like kindergartners, we like things to fit into neat categories. If you know any software sales people, you’ll recognize this as a fitting analogy (at least in terms of energy and attention span), but I digress. This strategy helps allocate resources where they are most likely to make an impact, and, thus, optimize our return on investment. In this blog series, I’m going to go slightly against the grain and explain why the Fractal Tree makes databases work in these environments.


Before I get into more detail, let me …

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New Webinar: A DevOps Guide to Database Infrastructure Automation for eCommerce

For an online shop, the website is the cash register. It has to be open for business 24 hours a day.

As the ops person on duty, when you get a call at 3am after your website went down, your priority number one is to restore the service asap. But why can we not have our application stack automatically recover, and not have the pager wake us at all? Why do we still stick to tedious manual processes, which take up time and resources, and hinder future growth?

Infrastructure automation isn’t easy, but it’s not rocket science either, says Riaan Nolan. Riaan has been in operations for the past decade, and has built over a dozen eCommerce properties. Automation is a worthwhile investment for retailers serious about eCommerce, but deciding on which tools to invest in can be a confusing and overwhelming process.

Join us for this webinar to understand the key pain points that online retailers experience which indicate it’s time …

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The new cloud backup option of MySQL Enterprise Backup

MySQL Enterprise Backup 3.10 support backups to the cloud. The only supported cloud service is Amazon S3.

When the cloud destination is used mysqlbackup will upload the backup as an image file.

You can specify all options on the commandline:

mysqlbackup --cloud-service=s3 --cloud-aws-region=eu-west-1 \
--cloud-access-key-id=AKIAJLGCPXEGVHCQD27B \
--cloud-secret-access-key=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 \
--cloud-bucket=meb_myserver --cloud-object-key=firstbackup --cloud-trace=0 \
--backup-dir=/tmp/firstbackup --backup-image=- --with-timestamp backup-to-image

But you can also put the settings in the my.cnf

cloud-bucket=meb_myserver …
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MySQLNoSQLCloud 2014 – Edition #3

I’ve enjoyed visiting Buenos Aires once a year for the MySQLNoSQLCloud event, put together by the awesome people at Binlogic (in particular, their proprietor Santiago Lertora). It’s happening again in 2014, which by my count is the third edition, and there’s a twist: Buenos Aires on 13 & 14 November, and Cordoba on 17 November. It’s never been held in Cordoba before (like an annex event), so I think this could be extremely exciting.

If you’re looking to speak, send Santiago a note at (or leave a message here). I’ll put you in touch with him. If you’re looking to sponsor, you get attendees from all over Latin America.

Picking the Right Clustering for MySQL: Cloud-only Services or Flexible Tungsten Clusters? New webinar-on-demand

As businesses head into the cloud, it is tempting to reach for the first product that offers to make database operation as simple as punching a few buttons on a menu.  However, there’s a big difference between firing up cloud database services such as Amazon RDS for testing or development and finding a solution that can handle hundreds of millions of transactions daily. This webinar-on-demand

We’d love to go to Paris for the OpenStack Summit - please vote for our talks!

August 6, 2014 By Severalnines


Well over a thousand sessions have been submitted for the OpenStack Summit and two of them includes our good selves! We’ve submitted two talks with partners of ours: 


… and would love it if the talks were included in the final agenda. For that to happen, we need a few more of your votes today!


The OpenStack Summit is a five-day conference for developers, users, and …

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Paris OpenStack Summit Voting – Percona Submits 16 MySQL Talks

MySQL plays a critical role in OpenStack. It serves as the host database supporting most components such as Nova, Glance, and Keystone and is the most mature guest database in Trove. Many OpenStack operators use Percona open source software including the MySQL drop-in compatible Percona Server and Galera-based Percona XtraDB Cluster as well as tools such as Percona XtraBackup and Percona Toolkit. We see a need in the community to understand how to improve MySQL performance …

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New webinar-on-demand: Geographically distributed multi-master MySQL clusters

Global data access can greatly expand the reach of your business. Continuent Tungsten multi-site multi-master (MSMM) solutions enable applications to accept write traffic in multiple locations across on-premises and cloud providers. This includes the following important real-world use cases:

Improve performance for globally distributed users registering hardware devices by permitting updates

Streaming backups onto the Cloud Storage

MySQL Enterprise Backup(MEB) has been widely used as the most efficient tool to take backups of huge databases. The storage of backups can be done on-premises – viz, local hard disk, external hard disk drives, network mounted disk. MEB can also stream backups to tape by supporting different Media Management Software like Symantec NetBackup, EMC2 and Oracle Secure Backup. Streaming of backups can also be done using 'ssh' to another machine.

As data keeps growing, instead of expanding the storage, database users are choosing to rely on the growing trend which is the Cloud Storage.

A few facts about Cloud Storage:

1. Offers off-premises storage with AAA(Anytime, Anywhere Access)
2. Sharing of data to make a collaborative effort.
3. Highly fault tolerant, durable and scalable and secure.
4. Cost-effective

To the benefit of our MySQL database users, Mysql …

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