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Displaying posts with tag: Linux (reset)
Installing MySQL-Frontend Chive (A phpMyAdmin Alternative)

Installing MySQL-Frontend Chive (A phpMyAdmin Alternative)

This guide explains how to install the phpMyAdmin alternative Chive. Chive is a free, open source, web-based database management tool with easy administration, super fast UI and state of the art web technologies. It takes advantage of the capabilities of modern browsers. Features include an SQL editor with syntax highlighting and built-in profiling of SQL queries.

Analyzing I/O performance

There are probably thousands of articles on the Internet about disk statistics in Linux, what various columns mean, how accurate the information is, and so on. I decided to attack the problem from a little bit more practical side. Hopefully this will be just the first of many future posts on identifying various I/O related performance problems on a MySQL server.

Linux exposes disk statistics through /proc/diskstats. However the contents of this file isn’t something anyone can understand quickly. It needs a tool to transform the information into something human readable. A tool that is available for any Linux distribution is called iostat and comes with sysstat package.

How to access and read I/O statistics

Usually you want to call iostat one way:

iostat -xkd <interval> <block device>

The interval should typically be one second as it is the …

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Creating a local repository for Yum to work

You cannot use Yum to an unregistered Linux by default after installation. As a workaround, you will have to create a repo from your installation CD or ISO file.

1. Mount your DVD/CDROM. Run this command from shell.

mount /dev/cdrom /mnt

2. Or if you have no DVD/CDROM, you can copy your ISO file to the server and mount like this.

mount -o loop -t iso9660 yourisofile.iso /mnt

3. Change directory to /mnt and run this command

yum clean all

5. Edit /etc/yum.repos.d/iso.repo. Use nano or vi.

nano /etc/yum.repos.d/iso.repo

6. Paste below and save.

name=Local CD Repo

Now try installing using …

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How to install and configure a Linux server for MySQL?

Have you ever spent a lot of time thinking about how to install and configure a Linux server for MySQL database? I will try to highlight all the critical steps and some of the decisions you may need to make.

Linux distribution.

Unless you have a really good experience in systems administration, choose a widely supported Linux distribution. The best choices usually are RedHat or its free cousin called CentOS. Compatible alternatives you could also consider are Scientific Linux and Oracle Linux. Make sure you will be installing a 64-bit version, unless you have a very good reason not to.


If you have multiple disks available in the server, create a single array from all disks. Choose RAID level that offers better performance rather than more disk space, so either RAID 1 or RAID …

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Fun with Bash :: one liners

Here are some quick and easy bash commands to solve every day problems I run into. Comment and leave some of your own if you like. I might update this post with new ones over time. These are just some common ones.

Iterate through directory listing and remove the file extension from each file
ls -1 | while read each; do new=`echo $each |sed 's/\(.*\)\..*/\1/'` && echo $new && mv "$each" "$new"; done

Output relevant process info, and nothing else
ps axo "user,pid,ppid,%cpu,%mem,tty,stime,state,command"| grep -v "grep" | grep $your-string-here

Setup a SOCKS5 proxy on localhost port 5050, to tunnel all traffic through a destination server
ssh -N -D 5050 username@destination_server'

Setup a SOCKS5 proxy via a remote TOR connection, using local port 5050 and remote TOR port 9050
ssh -L 5050: username@destination_server'

Display text or code file contents to screen but don't display any # comment lines
sed -e '/^#/d' $1 < $file_name_here …
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How to prevent swapping on a MySQL server?

Swapping occurs when system moves some data between memory and a special area on disk called swap space. The process is called swapping in or swapping out depending on the direction in which it happens. System swaps out when it makes a decision to free up some physical memory (RAM) and pushes data out to disk. It swaps in when an application needs to access data that was swapped out. MySQL is like any other application and any memory it holds can also be sent to disk. It may have severe negative impact on performance.

The foremost step to prevent swapping is ensuring that not database, not any other application can either independently or collectively use up all available memory. The peak usage may not exceed a threshold that still leaves comfortable buffer for any remaining system activity. If this condition is not met, nothing can help and swapping may occur.

Further tuning can be done …

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MySQL 5.5 Available on Oracle Linux 6 and RHEL 6

Following the availability of MySQL 5.5 on Oracle Linux 6 with the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel, MySQL 5.5 is now also available on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (RHEL 6) and Oracle Linux 6 with the Red Hat compatible kernel.

MySQL users can download MySQL 5.5 Community Edition binaries for Oracle Linux and Red Hat Linux 6 here.

MySQL customers can rely on Oracle Premier Support for MySQL when using the MySQL database on either Oracle Linux or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.

In addition to offering direct Linux support to customers running RHEL6, Oracle Linux 6, or a combination of both, Oracle also provides Oracle Linux 6 binaries, update and erratas for free via

How do we control MySQL daemon in Linux, part1

As you may expect from open source world thingy, almost every Linux distribution has developed it’s own way to manage our favourite RDBMS service. Yet none is perfect, or even some of them seems to not work in real server scenario1.

In this post I’m trying to compare and point out most annoying aspects of initialization scripts that I had to face in production.

In ‘old days’ probably all Linux distributions used to start and stop services using so called init scripts usually written in Unix shell (sh or Bash). But situation is not so simple these days anymore.

Folks started to think about improving things, like making system initialization faster by parallelization of starting services. So Upstart was developed in …

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Linux gets a bigger shield against patent attacks

The open source community should feel a little safer from software patent attacks today. The Open Invention Network (OIN), a consortium of Linux contributors formed as a self-defense against software patents, has extended the definition of Linux so that a whopping 700 new software packages are covered, including many developer favorites.

Just one hitch: The new definition also includes carve-outs that put all Linux developers on notice that Phillips and Sony reserve the right to sue over virtualization, search, user interfaces, and more.

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Build A Free, Full-Featured Mail Server On Gentoo Linux With iRedMail

Build A Free, Full-Featured Mail Server On Gentoo Linux With iRedMail

We're going to set up a free, full-featured mail server on Gentoo Linux, all mail service related components are free and open source, and you own all data. The installation process is extremly easy and smooth.

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