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Displaying posts with tag: NoSQL (reset)
Tokyo Tyrant – The Extras Part II : The Performance Wall

Continuing my look at Tokyo Tyrant/Cabinet and addressing some of the concerns I have seen people have brought up this is post #2.

#2.  As your data grows does  Tokyo Cabinet slow down?

Yes your performance can degrade. One obvious performance decrease with a larger dataset  is you start to increase the likelihood that your data no longer fits into memory.  This decreases the number of memory operations and trades them for more expensive disk based operations.    As fast as any application is, as you read off disk opposed to memory performance is going to drop off substantially.  One of the more difficult things to test with Tyrant is disk bound performance.  The FS Cache can make Tyrant seem like small amounts of memory will still make it scream.  Once your data set is larger then that, people start to claim they hit the performance “wall”.

In order to help test this I …

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Tokyo Tyrant – The Extras Part I : Is it Durable?

You know how in addition to the main movie you have extras on the DVD.  Extra commentary, bloopers, extra scenes, etc? Well welcome the Tyrant extras.  With my previous blog posts I was trying to set-up a case for looking at NOSQL tools, and not meant to be a decision making tool.  Each solution has pros and cons that will impact how well the technology works for you.  Based on some of the comments and questions to the other blogs, I thought I would put together a little more detail into some of the deficiencies and strengths of Tokyo Tyrant.

#1.  How durable is Tokyo Tyrant?

Well I went ahead and built a quick script that just inserted data into a TC table ( an id, and a timestamp) and did a kill -9 on the  the server in the middle of it.

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Back from Blogging Hiatus - Update 3

Image by Nathan Lanier via Flickr

<< Back from Blogging Hiatus - Update 2

IngresNo specific announcements from Ingres other than I think the VectorWise stuff is progressing well.

To me Ingres is a bit of a dark horse.  They are open source and doing reasonable revenues.  And they are active in the enterprise market (something MySQL hasn’t really achieved).  But they remain largely off the radar in commentary surrounding the DBMS industry.

My personal pick is this will start to change …

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Back from Hiatus - Summary Update 2

Back from Hiatus - Summary Update 1

GoodDataGoodData has launched and they are providing a cloud based analytics platform for use in integration with online apps.  Starting with some initial focus on SalesForce data, but working hard on expanding the list of ISV’s who choose to provide their customers analytics via GoodData.

GoodData was started by “good guy” Czech serial entrepreneur Roman Stanek (NetBeans) and has just raised funds from Andressen Horowitz and appointed Time O’Reilly to the board.  GoodData is interesting because it is simple, accessible and available on demand.  Still early days but think Roman is on to another winner here.  Certainly …

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The Danger of blocking the Oracle/Sun deal

Image via Wikipedia

FYI - the thoughts here have been gathered from conversations with several individuals, including an interesting conversation yesterday.  As these conversations were off the record I won’t name names here but thanks to those people.

I love open source software and I am a big supporter of many companies that produce open source offerings.  Here I am not going to debate if Oracle acquiring MySQL will be better for MySQL or not as that has been done to death.  But I do think it is relevant to discuss the dangers of blocking a commercial vendor from acquiring a potentially competitive open source vendor.

Many open source software initiatives are purely community backed and are …

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MySQL-Memcached or NOSQL Tokyo Tyrant – part 3

This is part 3 of our series.  In part 1 we talked about boosting performance with memcached on top of MySQL, in Part 2 we talked about running 100% outside the data with memcached, and now in Part 3 we are going to look at a possible solution to free you from the database.  The solution I am going to discuss here is Tokyo Cabinet and Tyrant.

I am not going to give you a primer  or Tutorial on Tyrant and Cabinet, there are plenty of these out there already.  Instead I want to see what sort of performance we can see compared to MySQL and Memcached, and later on other NoSQL solutions.  Tokyo actually allows you to use several types of databases that are supported, there are hash databases which …

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MySQL-Memcached or NOSQL Tokyo Tyrant – part 2

Part 1 of our series set-up our "test"  application and looked at boosting performance of the application by buffer MySQL with memcached.  Our test application is simple and requires only 3 basic operations per transaction 2 reads and 1 write.  Using memcached combined with MySQL we ended up nearly getting a 10X performance boost from the application.  Now we are going to look at what we could achieve if we did not have to write to the database at all.  So let's look at what happens if we push everything including writes into memcached.

Wow that's shockingly fast isn't it! I guess being completely in memory helps for this app.  What is very interesting is accessing 100% of the data in memcached gives very similar numbers to accessing 100% of the data in memory in the DB ( part 1 …

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MySQL-Memcached or NOSQL Tokyo Tyrant – part 1

All to often people force themselves into using a database like MySQL with no thought into whether if its the best solution to there problem. Why?  Because their other applications use it, so why not the new application?  Over the past couple of months I have been doing a ton of work for clients who use their database like most people use memcached .  Lookup a row based on a key, update the data in the row, stuff the row back in the database.  Rinse and repeat.  Sure these setups vary sometimes, throwing in a “lookup” via username, or even the rare count.  But for the most part they are designed to be simple.

A classic example is a simple online game.  An online game may only require that an application retrieve a single record from the database.  The record may contain all the vital stats for the game, be updated and stuffed back into the database.  You would be surprised how many people use …

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NoSQL options

The NoSQL event in New York had a number of presentations on non relational technologies including of Hadoop, MongoDB and CouchDB.

Coming historically from a relational background of 20 years with Ingres, Oracle and MySQL I have been moving my focus towards non relational data store. The most obvious and well used today is memcached, a non persistent distributed key/value pair store. There are a number of persistent key/value stores in the marketplace, Tokyo Cabinet, …

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DBMS Links of the Week

Image by plαdys via Flickr

The following is a list of interesting DBMS related links for the week:

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