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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL 8.0 (reset)
MySQL 8.0 Histograms

Prior to MySQL 8.0, MySQL was missing a very well know feature in other RDBMS: optimizer histograms.

The Optimizer Team implemented this feature as more and more MySQL DBAs were requesting it.


But what are histograms ? For wikipedia, a histogram is an accurate representation of the distribution of numerical data. For RDBMS, a histogram is an approximation of the data distribution within a specific column.

So in MySQL, histograms help the optimizer to find the most efficient Query Plan.


To illustrate how histograms  influence the optimizer, I will use data from dbt3.

My query is simple: …

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Oracle Open World Call for Papers is open !

Today the call for participation for Oracle Open World 2018 has started.

The 2018’s edition will take place in San Francisco as usual, from October 22nd to 25th.

As every year, MySQL will be present and if you want to participate, we encourage you to submit a session. We encourage the submission on the following topics:

  • case studies / user stories of your use of MySQL
  • lessons learned in running web scale MySQL
  • Production DBA/DevOps perspectives into Architecture, Performance, Replication, InnoDB, Security, etc

The call for paper is open until March 22nd, don’t miss the chance to be part …

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How to safely upgrade to MySQL 8.0 ?

As for each previous version, to upgrade to MySQL 8.0 you must first read the upgrade section in the manual. It’s important to know that you should upgrade without skipping a major version, so upgrade from 5.6 to 8.0 is not supported neither recommended.

Please also note that upgrades from any MySQL 8.0 RC won’t work. We support upgrade process only from GA versions.

Then one of the most important section to be aware of, is the incompatibility changes brought with the new version.

Once you have read the upgrade section in the manual and the release note of the version you want to install, with MySQL 8.0 and its new MySQL Shell, we developed …

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This Week in Data with Colin Charles 29: Percona Live Full Schedule, MariaDB Events, and a Matter of Compatibility

Join Percona Chief Evangelist Colin Charles as he covers happenings, gives pointers and provides musings on the open source database community.

I think the biggest news from Percona-land is that besides the tutorial grid, the schedule for day 1 and day 2 are live! Also notice the many “sub-themes”: a 101 track, using MySQL, MongoDB, cloud, MySQL database software, PostgreSQL, containers & automation, monitoring & ops, and misc. database stuff. Learn from 107 different experts (this number is likely to increase). So register now.

This coming week, Peter Zaitsev, Tom Basil, and I will be …

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TOP 10 MySQL 8.0 features for DBAs & OPS

Today, let’s have a look at the TOP 10 new features in MySQL 8.0 that will improve DBA’s life.

To shrink the list to 10 only items wasn’t an easy task, but here is the top 10:

  1. Temporary Tables Improvements
  2. Persistent global variables
  3. No more MyISAM System Tables
  4. Reclaim UNDO space from large transactions
  5. UTF8 performance
  6. Removing Query Cache
  7. Atomic DDLs
  8. Faster & More Complete Performance Schema (Histograms, Indexes, …) and Information Schema
  9. ROLES
  10. REDO & UNDO logs encrypted if tablespace is encrypted

Temporary Tables Improvements

Since 5.7, all internal temporary tables are created in a unique shared tablespace called “ …

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TOP 10 MySQL 8.0 features for developers

MySQL 8.0 RC2 has just been released with a lot of new features compared to MySQL 5.7. In this blog post, I will list the top 10 new features that should excite developers.

These functionalities are presented in descending order of preference of our MySQL Community.

TOP 10

  1. MySQL Document Store
  2. Default to utf8mb4
  3. JSON enhancements
  4. CTEs
  5. Window Functions
  6. Descending Indexes
  7. Better Optimizer Cost Model
  8. MySQL Server Components
  9. Improvement in GIS

MySQL Document Store

This is the most expected and liked feature in MySQL 8.0 … and …

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MySQL 8.0 Roles and Graphml

You may already know that MySQL 8.0 is coming with a nice requested feature : ROLES

A role is a named collection of privileges. When you watch some slidedeck about MySQL 8.0 and ROLES, some times you can see a graph illustrating the ROLES and their eventual hierarchy. From the documentation, it seems those graphs are made using the ROLES_GRAPHML() function.

I tried it… and my first try is not really what I was expecting…

Input file

To create the input file I used the following command:

mysql> SELECT ROLES_GRAPHML() into outfile '/var/lib/mysql-files/test_roles.graphml';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.19 sec)

Then I used yEd to …

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How caching_sha2_password leaks passwords

Oracle recently announced a new authentication plugin: caching_sha2_password. This was added in 8.0.4, the second release candidate for MySQL 8.0. The new plugin is also made the default (can be configured by changing default_authentication_plugin.

Why? Phasing out SHA1

As Oracle said in the blog post to annouce this change they want to move to a more secure hashing algorithm (SHA256). Which I think is a good reason to do this.

Adding salt

Adding a …

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Next week in Brussels: Parallel Replication at the MySQL Pre-FOSDEM Day

FOSDEM is next weekend and I am talking about Parallel Replication on Friday, February 2nd at the MySQL Pre-FOSDEM Day (there might be tickets left in case of cancellation, attendance is free of charge).  During this talk, I will show benchmark results of MySQL 8.0 parallel replication on real production environments.  I thought I could share a few things before the talk so here it

This Week in Data with Colin Charles 25: Meltdown/Spectre still dominate, FOSDEM approaches and Timescale gets funding

Join Percona Chief Evangelist Colin Charles as he covers happenings, gives pointers and provides musings on the open source database community.

Still on Meltdown/Spectre, this time MariaDB Corporation has published Meltdown Vulnerability Impact On MariaDB Server – interesting the comparison between glibc/tcmalloc. Worthy Facebook thread about this too, with a bit of chat about MongoDB performance. Officially MongoDB says a degradation of 10-15%. ScaleGrid has a good post, in which they test MongoDB against …

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