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Displaying posts with tag: 5.7 (reset)
How to break MySQL InnoDB cluster

A few weeks ago I started experimenting with MySQL InnoDB cluster. As part of the testing, I tried to kill a node to see what happens to the cluster.

The good news is that the cluster is resilient. When the primary node goes missing, the cluster replaces it immediately, and operations continue. This is one of the features of an High Availability system, but this feature alone does not define the usefulness or the robustness of the system. In one of my previous jobs, I worked at testing a commercial HA system and I've learned a few things about what makes a reliable system.

Armed with this knowledge, I did some more experiments with InnoDB Cluster. The attempt from my previous article had no other expectation than seeing operations continue with ease (primary node …

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Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.18-15 is Now Available

Percona announces the GA release of Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.18-15 on May 26, 2017. Download the latest version from the Percona web site or the Percona Software Repositories. You can also run Docker containers from the images in the Docker Hub repository.

Based on MySQL 5.7.18, including all the bug fixes in it, Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.18-15 is the current GA release in the Percona Server for MySQL 5.7 series. Percona’s …

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Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.18-14 is Now Available

Percona announces the GA release of Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.18-14 on May 12, 2017. Download the latest version from the Percona web site or the Percona Software Repositories. You can also run Docker containers from the images in the Docker Hub repository.

Based on MySQL 5.7.18, including all the bug fixes in it, Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.18-14 is the current GA release in the Percona Server for MySQL 5.7 series. Percona’s …

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Getting to know MySQL InnoDB cluster, the new kid in the block

InnoDB Cluster was released as GA a few weeks ago. I remember the initial announcement of the product at OOW 2016, promising a seamless solution for replication and high availability with great ease of use. I was a bit disappointed to see that, at GA release time, the InnoDB Cluster is a patchwork of three separate products (Group Replication, MySQL Router, MySQL Shell) which the users have to collect and install separately.

Given this situation, I was very pleased when Matthew Lord published Docker-InnoDB-Cluster, an image for Docker that contains everything you need to get the system up and running. The …

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MySQL Group Replication and logical backup

Taking a logical backup of a member of a Group Replication Cluster is not something very easy.

Currently (5.7.17, 5.7.18 or 8.0.0) if you want to use mysqldump to take a logical backup of your dataset, you need to lock all the tables on the member you are taking the dump. Indeed, a single transaction can’t be used as savepoints are not compatible with Group Replication.

[root@mysql3 ~]# mysqldump -p  --single-transaction --all-databases --triggers \
                      --routines --events >dump.sql
Enter password:
mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'SAVEPOINT sp': The MySQL server is running with the 
--transaction-write-set-extraction!=OFF option so it cannot execute this 
statement (1290)

So we need to use:

[root@mysql3 ~]# mysqldump -p  --lock-all-tables --all-databases --triggers \
                      --routines --events >dump.sql
Enter password:

This can have a negative effect on the full Group’s …

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Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.17-13 is Now Available

Percona announces the GA release of Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.17-13 on April 5, 2017. Download the latest version from the Percona web site or the Percona Software Repositories. You can also run Docker containers from the images in the Docker Hub repository.

Based on MySQL 5.7.17, including all the bug fixes in it, Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.17-13 is the current GA release in the Percona Server for MySQL 5.7 series. Percona’s …

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Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.17-12 is Now Available

Percona announces the GA release of Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.17-12 on March 24, 2017. Download the latest version from the Percona web site or the Percona Software Repositories. You can also run Docker containers from the images in the Docker Hub repository.

Based on MySQL 5.7.17, including all the bug fixes in it, Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.17-12 is the current GA release in the Percona Server for MySQL 5.7 series. Percona’s …

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MySQL Group Replication: native support in ProxySQL

ProxySQL is the leader in proxy and load balancing solution for MySQL. It has great features like query caching, multiplexing, mirroring, read/write splitting, routing, etc… The latest enhancement in ProxySQL is the native support of MySQL Group Replication. No more need to use an external script within the scheduler like I explained in this previous post.

This implementation supports Groups in Single-Primary and in Multi-Primary mode. It is even possible to setup a Multi-Primary Group but dedicate writes on only one member.

René, the main developer of ProxySQL, went even further. For example in a 7 nodes clusters (Group …

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MySQL Group Replication: who is the primary master ??

As you know, MySQL Group Replication runs by default in single primary mode.

mysql2 mysql> show global variables like 'group_replication_single_primary_mode';
| Variable_name                         | Value |
| group_replication_single_primary_mode | ON    |

But how can we easily find which member of the group is the Primary-Master ?

Of course you could check which one is not in read_only:

mysql2 mysql> select @@read_only;
| @@read_only |
|           1 |

But then you need to perform this on all the nodes one by one until you find the right one.

The primary …

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Jeudis du Libre – Mons

Yesterday I was invited to speak at the “Jeudis du Libre” in Mons.

The location was very special as it was in one auditorium of Polytech, the oldest university in the city of Mons.

I presented in French two very hot topics in the MySQL ecosystem:

  • MySQL InnoDB Cluster
  • MySQL as Document Store with JSON datatype & X plugin

Those are very new technologies illustrating MySQL’s innovation. And of course there is much more to come with MySQL 8 !

Here are the slides if you are interested:

Jeudis du Libre – MySQL InnoDB Cluster from Frederic Descamps

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Showing entries 41 to 50 of 133
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