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Displaying posts with tag: usability (reset)
Exchanging partitions with tables
While I was presenting my partitioning tutorial at the latest MySQL Conference, I announced a new feature that was, as far as I knew, still in the planning stage. Mattias Jonsson, one of the partitions developers, was in attendance, and corrected me, explaining that the feature was actually available in a prototype.

So, we can have a look at this improvement, which I am sure will make DBAs quite happy. The new feature is an instantaneous exchange between a partition and a table with the same structure. Using this feature, you can transfer the contents of one partition to one table, and vice versa. Since the transition is done only in the attribution of the data, there is no copy involved. The data …

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Holiday gift - A deep look at MySQL 5.5 partitioning enhancements

Half a day into my vacation, I managed to finish an article on a topic that has been intriguing me for a while.
Since several colleagues were baffled by the semantics of the new enhancements of MySQL 5.5 partitions, after talking at length with the creator and the author of the manual pages, I produced this article: A deep look at MySQL 5.5 partitioning enhancements.
Happy holidays!

UPDATE This matter was more tricky than it appeared at first sight. As Bug#49861 shows, several MySQL engineers were …

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Forums are crap. Can we get some help?

Amy Hoy has written a blog post about why forums are crap. And she is right. Forum software does not always do a good job of helping people communicate. I have worked with Amy. She did a great analysis of that led to our new design. So, she is not to be ignored.

However, as a software developer (Phorum), I see a lot of problems and no answers.  And it is not all on the software.  Web site owners use forums to solve problems that they really, really suck at.  Ideally, every web site would be very unique for their audience.  They would use a custom solution that fits a number of patterns that best solves their problem.  However, most web site owners don't want to take the time to do such things.  They want a one stop, …

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OPTIMIZE TABLE on Cluster (revisited)

Jonas just wrote a patch to this bug on OPTIMIZE TABLE, and the issue that was also discussed in this blog post. Jonas also fixed this bug when he was at it.

Before, OPTIMIZE TABLE hardly freed up any pages and to defragment you had to do a rolling restart of the data nodes.

Now, there is only a 2% discrepancy between OPTIMIZE TABLE and doing a rolling restart. This is great stuff.
This will fix will make it into 6.3.26 and 7.0.7.

See below for details:

Creating two tables, t5 and t6:

`id` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL,
`name` varchar(32) …

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Problems with .FRM files, auto-discovery and MySQL Cluster

There are some bug reports on the auto-discovery protocol in MySQL Cluster.
The idea of the auto-discovery protocol is to fetch the .frm files for the NDB tables stored in the data dictionary of the data nodes, and put them in the data directory of the mysql server.

However, sometimes (not always, which makes it more difficult to reproduce and hence fix), the auto-discovery seems to make strange things (from this bug report):

After shuting down and restoring my cluster I get the following error.

090211 9:59:26 [Note] NDB: mismatch in frm for panel.gatewayquestions, discovering...
090211 9:59:26 [Note] NDB Binlog: DISCOVER TABLE Event: REPL$panel/gatewayquestions
090211 9:59:26 [Note] NDB Binlog: logging ./panel/gatewayquestions (UPDATED,USE_WRITE)

This is due to the files already being in the mysql data directory. After …
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Failing by choice. Another bug-vs-feature debate ends

A long standing bugAmong the many outstanding bugs for MySQL, there is one that has sparked a fierce discussion, not only in the bug report itself, but also in blogs, forums, mailing lists.
Bug #19027: MySQL 5.0 starts even with Fatal InnoDB errors was neglected for long time, until finally it got fixed, and it is available in MySQL 5.1.36.
First off, what is it about?
In short, if an engine doesn't initialize correctly, the MySQL server starts anyway, without the offending engine. Depending on how you use the failing engine, this could be either a minor annoyance or a complete disaster.
Annoyance: ARCHIVE fails to initialize, and you create tables with the default engine (usually MyISAM), and after a while you realize that the disk is filling up faster than you expected. You will find out eventually.
Disaster: ARCHIVE fails to …

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MySQL Sandbox and laziness

Laziness strikes again.
MySQL Sandbox was created with the intent of avoiding repetitive work when creating and using several servers. Turns out that even the current framework, which many say that is really time saving and enhances productivity, was not enough. So my desire for laziness, which is, as everybody should know a chief virtue for a programmer has made me code a shortcut script, which can joggle sandboxes as never before.

Enter the sb script (available in version 3.0.03). Now I can shorten my typing experience with sandboxes quite a lot:

$ sb 5135
# same as calling
# …
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max_rows in cluster

If you are going to load a lot of records into Cluster, don't forget to set max_rows!
My colleague, Yves at BigDBAhead, has also blogged about this, but I also ran into the same problem recently.

I did try to populate 100M records on a 4 node cluster, and the data nodes went down with the following error message in the error logs:

"2304 Array index out of range"

So the error message is crap - and my opinion is that there should be a proper error message propagated up to the mysql server. There is a bug report on this.

Simplified, what the error message means is that you have run out of "index slots" in the Hash Table storing the hashes of the Primary Keys. This is because each table is divided into a number of partitions, and each partition …

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The partition helper - Improving usability with MySQL 5.1 partitioning

I talked several times about partitioning usability. In my many tests of partitioning I found myself in need of generating list of partitions for a given range.
I made the Partition Helper to scratch this particular itch, i.e. making partitions reasonably quickly and without thinking too much.

The Partition Helper is a Perl script that converts some …

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Partitions usability I - blues and a preview

Pop quiz. Look at the picture below. Quick: can you tell me to which year and month partition P001 refers?

I couldn't say it without asking the database itself to revert the output of to_days:

select from_days(723180);
| from_days(723180) |
| 1980-01-01 |

Just to make the pain more clear, you do something like this, clean and neat, and you think you have done a good job.

PARTITION by range (to_days(d))
partition p001 VALUES LESS THAN (to_days('2001-01-01'))
, partition p002 VALUES LESS THAN (to_days('2001-02-01'))
, partition p003 VALUES LESS THAN …
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