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Displaying posts with tag: Podcasts (reset)
OurSQL Episode 151: Tooling Around, Part 1

This week we start talking about the Python MySQL Utilities. Ear Candy is a pitfall when importing a mysqldump export and At the Movies is "Deploying MySQL in AWS and OpenStack" by Mark Riddoch of SkySQL.

Part 2 of MySQL Utilities
Part 3 of MySQL Utilities
Part 4 of MySQL Utilities
Part 5 of MySQL Utilities

MySQL Utilities
MySQL Utilities documentation

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OurSQL Episode 150: MySQL Connect

This week we talk about MySQL Connect sessions. Ear Candy is the mysqladmin "relative" command, and At the Movies is Manipulating JSON with MariaDB and MySQL. Listen to hear how to win a free pass!

DB Hangops - every other Wednesay at noon Pacific time

FrOSCon - Aug 24-25th, 2013 in St. Augustin, Germany.

Oracle is having a MySQL OTN Virtual Developer Day August 31st.

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OurSQL Episode 149: Trolling

This week we continue our interview with Noam Kritzer of Bakos & Kritzer, talking about patent case law and patent trolls. Ear Candy is temporary table ghost files, and At the Movies is Manipulating JSON with MariaDB and MySQL.

defensive vs. offensive patents

Patent trolls

Trademarks and domain names, a resource written for lay people.

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OurSQL Episode 148: Intellectual Property

This week we interview Noam Kritzer from the law firm of Bakos & Kritzer about copyright, patents and trademarks. Ear Candy is about SUBSTRING_INDEX and At the Movies is Colin Charles presenting a panel on MariaDB.

DB Hangops - every other Wednesay at noon Pacific time

Oracle is having a MySQL OTN Virtual Developer Day August 31st.

FrOSCon - Aug 24-25th, 2013 in St. Augustin, Germany.

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OurSQL Episode 147: It's Web Scale

This week we talk with Tim Callaghan of Tokutek about TokuMX, a take on MongoDB. Ear Candy is perror on Windows and At the Movies is a presentation from the SkySQL and MariaDB Solutions Day 2013 about Tokutek.


Replication between MySQL and MongoDB using Tungsten a couple of years ago at Open DB Camp in Sardinia (2011).

Previous interviews with Tokutek folks in:
Episode 39

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OurSQL Episode 146: License to run

This week we discuss copyleft, GPL and related licenses. In Ear Candy we discuss INFORMATION_SCHEMA and permissions, and At the Movies is about a columnar database.

DB Hangops - every other Wednesay at noon Pacific time

Oracle is having a MySQL OTN Virtual Developer Day August 31st.

FrOSCon - Aug 24-25th, 2013 in St. Augustin, Germany.

Upcoming MySQL events

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OurSQL Episode 145: Biblical Tools, part 3

This week we finish up talking about the Openark Kit for MySQL. Ear Candy is using both --master-data and --tab with mysqldump, and At the Movies features Robert Hodges of Continuent presenting Scalable MySQL Operation in the Cloud with Continuent Tungsten.

Openark Kit series:
Part 1
Part 2

Openark Kit
PURGE BINARY LOGS at the MySQL manual page.

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OurSQL Episode 144: Biblical Tools, part 2

This week we continue talking about the Openark Kit. Ear candy is the Percona Configuration Wizard, and At the Movies is a keynote from the SkySQL and MariaDB Solutions Day about the SkySQL and MariaDB merger and the MariaDB Foundation.

Openark Kit series:
Part 1
Part 3

DB Hangops - every other Wednesay at noon Pacific time

Upcoming MySQL events

SkySQL Trainings

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OurSQL Episode 143: Biblical Tools

This week we start to discuss the Openark Toolkit. Ear Candy talks about how to estimate the size of MySQL's working set, and At the Movies is a backup presentation from Open Database Camp.

Openark Kit series:
Part 2
Part 3

Openark Kit
Openark Kit

Episode 80, discussing the Percona Toolkit

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OurSQL Episode 142: Great Views

This week we discuss MySQL Views. Ear Candy is GRANTs and replication and At the Movies is a presentation by Giuseppe Maxia talking about "Creating Multi-Master clusters with Tungsten Replicator".

DB Hangops - every other Wednesay at noon Pacific time

Upcoming MySQL events

SkySQL Trainings

Tungsten University trainings

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Showing entries 41 to 50 of 194
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