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Displaying posts with tag: Open Source (reset)
Infinitely Scalable Storage with High Compression Feature

It is no secret that compute and storage costs are the main drivers of cloud bills. Migration of data from the legacy data center to the cloud looks appealing at first as it significantly reduces capital expense (CapEx) and keeps operational expenses (OpEx) under control. But once you see the bill, the lift and shift project does not look that promising anymore. See Percona’s recent open source survey which shows that many organizations saw an unexpected growth around cloud and data.

Storage growth is an organic process for the expanding business: more customers store more data, and more data needs more backups and disaster recovery storage for low RTO.

Today, the Percona Innovation Team, which is part of the Engineering organization, is proud to announce a new feature – High Compression. With this feature enabled, …

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Make way for the High Performance Parallel Dump & Load Utilities + How to use them

MySQL-Shell has had a set of “Util” object functions for almost a year as of this post. It is this added functionality that negates any reason someone would still need to use the old mysqldump client. It (mysqldump) helped the MySQL Community for a long, long time. It also introduced a large amount of garbage and messiness in… Read More »

MySQL Group Replication – How to Elect the New Primary Node

In this blog, I am going to explain the different ways of electing the PRIMARY node in MySQL group replication. Before MySQL 8.0.2, primary election was based on the member’s UUID, with the lowest UUID elected as the new primary in the event of a failover.

From MySQL 8.0.2: We can select the node to be promoted as a PRIMARY using the server weight ( group_replication_member_weight ). This can be achieved during the failure of the current primary node.

From MySQL 8.0.12: We can promote any node as a PRIMARY using the function “group_replication_set_as_primary”. This can be set anytime without any failures of nodes.


 I have installed the 3 node group replication cluster. I am using Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.22.

mysql> select …
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Updated MySQL OSMetrics Plugins

It has been some time since I have posted updates to my plugins.  After the initial version, I decided to split the plugins into categories of metrics.  This will allow users to choose whether they want to install all of the plugins or only select ones they care about.

Since the installation process is unfamiliar to many users, I also expanded the instructions to make it a little easier to follow.  Moreover, I added a Makefile.

I have also reformatted the output of some plugins to be either horizontal or vertical in orientation.  There is still more work to do in this area as well.

Where to Get The MySQL Plugins

You can get the plugins from GitHub at but they will have to be compiled from source.  As mentioned above, you can choose whether to install all of them or one by …

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Generating Flexible Random data in MySQL

I was about to benchmark the various compression methods in MySQL ( Via Engines ). But i liked to simulate my own data set similar to a production work load. Well searched for a tool which should be flexible to enough make customised table structure and more.

Mysql_random_data_load is a tool from Percona labs used to manipulate random data based on flexible table structure. This seems like a right fit for our benchmarking needs.

Let’s explore this tool to work efficiently on it.

MySQL Random Data Load :

Mysql_random_data_load will load (insert) ‘n’ number of records to the source table and populate it with random data based on data type. So this tool won’t determine the predefined table column or data type like sysbench. It will insert data into the table based on column data type. Thus we …

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MySQL Shell 8.0.22: Data Export/Import Utilities Tested with MySQL 8/5.7/5.6

MySQL Shell is an advanced client tool that has many features and is easy to use. The recent MySQL release (MySQL 8.0.22) has the utility “exportTable()”, which supports exporting the data into a file from a table using MySQL shell. The exported data file can be imported using the utility “importTable()”, which was released in MySQL 8.0.17.

With “exportTable()”, you can export the data into a local server or in any S3-compliant object storage provider. In this blog, I am going to explain how those exportTable() & importTable() utilities are working in local servers and I also did some tests with MySQL 5.7 and MySQL 5.6.

Overview of exportTable() & importTable() exportTable():

  • Introduced in MySQL 8.0.22. 
  • The utility is used to export the data from the MySQL table into a data file. 
  • It can be used to export the table to a local server or any S3-compliant object …
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Not Ready to Give Up MySQL 5.6? Get Post EOL Support from Percona!

As you may know, MySQL 5.6 will reach EOL (“End of Life”) in February 2021. This means in about two months, there will be no more updates, and more importantly, no more security fixes for discovered vulnerabilities.     

You may be well ahead of the curve and have already updated to MySQL 5.7 or MySQL 8.0, or even better, migrated to Percona Server for MySQL, or maybe not. Perhaps it takes more time than anticipated to adjust your application to be compatible with MySQL 5.7 or higher, or maybe you planned to decommission your application, but life got in the way. Now the EOL date is looming, and there is just no way to decommission your last MySQL 5.6 instance in time.

We have great news for our MySQL Luddites! Percona is pleased to …

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How to Configure MySQL SSL With Public Certificates

Getting MySQL working with self-signed SSL certificates is pretty simple. Having it working with a certificate signed by a trusted authority is also very simple, we just need to set the correct path and privileges to the file. The problem comes when we need to make MySQL validate the certificate signature against the authority public key.

I’ve searched on the internet but wasn’t able to find much information about it. There are a good number of posts on how to set up your own certificate authority and self-sign your certificates, but not much about how to use one signed by a public trusted authority.

I used a certificate signed by a Let’s Encrypt on my tests but the concepts and steps shared here should work for any public trusted authority. I also generated one certificate to be used by MySQL server and another one to be used by the client. It is possible to use the …

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Support for Percona XtraDB Cluster in ProxySQL (Part Two)

How scheduler and script stand in supporting failover (Percona and Marco example) 

In part one of this series,  I had illustrated how simple scenarios may fail or have problems when using Galera native support inside ProxySQL. In this post, I will repeat the same tests but using the scheduler option and the external script.

The Scheduler

First a brief explanation about the scheduler.

The scheduler inside ProxySQL was created to allow administrators to extend ProxySQL capabilities. The scheduler gives the option to add any kind of script or application and run it at the specified interval of time. The scheduler was also the initial first way we had to deal with Galera/Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) node management in case of issues. 

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Support for Percona XtraDB Cluster in ProxySQL (Part One)

How native ProxySQL stands in failover support (both v2.0.15 and v2.1.0)

In recent times I have been designing several solutions focused on High Availability and Disaster Recovery. Some of them using Percona Server for MySQL with group replication, some using Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC). What many of them had in common was the use of ProxySQL for the connection layer. This is because I consider the use of a layer 7 Proxy preferable, given the possible advantages provided in ReadWrite split and SQL filtering. 

The other positive aspect provided by ProxySQL, at least for Group Replication, is the native support which allows us to have a very quick resolution of possible node failures.

ProxySQL has Galera …

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