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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL 8.0 (reset)
pre-FOSDEM MySQL Days 2023

Hello dear MySQL Community !

As you may already know FOSDEM 2023 is again going to be held in-person. FOSDEM will take place February 4th and 5th 2023.

We have also decided to put our pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day on track for a fifth edition.

As for the last edition, the event will be spread over 2 days.

These 2 extra days related to the world’s most popular open source database will take place just before FOSDEM, the 2nd and 3rd February at the usual location in Brussels.

Please don’t forget to register as soon as possible as you may already know, the seats are limited !

Register on eventbrite:

And, please don’t forget, that if you have register for the event and you cannot make it, please free back your ticket …

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Journée MySQL Innovation et Cloud

Next week, November 16th, I will participate to the MySQL Innovation and Cloud Virtual Day in French.

My colleagues will present what’s new in MySQL 8.0.31 and also summarize all the big news that was announced at Oracle Cloud World in Las Vegas.

Attendees will learn about the MySQL HeatWave offering in OCI.

I will be presenting something that is only available in MySQL on-prem and in OCI as a managed service: MySQL Document Store.

The event is in French and attendees will have the opportunity to discuss and chat with MySQL experts (included Olivier!!) during the event.

Registration is required to attend this free event: Register Here.

On se voit la semaine prochaine !

Generating Slow Query Log with MySQL Shell

Recently, I wrote three articles on how to analyze queries and generate a slow query log for MySQL Database Service on OCI:

In these post, we were generating a slow query log in text or JSON directly in Object Storage.

Today, we will see how we can generate …

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Intersect and Except in MySQL 8.0

With the latest MySQL release (8.0.31), MySQL adds support for the SQL standard INTERSECT and EXCEPT table operators.

Let’s have a look how to use them.

We will use the following table:

  `name` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `tacos` int DEFAULT NULL,
  `sushis` int DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

For our team meeting, we will order tacos and sushi’s.

Each record represent the order of each team member:

select * from new;
| id | name        | tacos | sushis | …
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MySQL 8.0.31: thank you for the contributions

Once again, the latest version of MySQL 8.0 includes several contributions from the MySQL Community.

MySQL 8.0.31 was released on October 11th 2022.

I would like to thank all contributors on behalf of the entire Oracle MySQL team !

This new release contains patches from Facebook/Meta, Dennis Gao, Lou Shuai, Caza Zhang, Zhang Simon from Tencent, Dimitry Kudryavtsev, Rahul Malik from Percona, Alex Xing, Marcelo Altmann from Percona, Matthew Steeples, Adam Croot, Luis Pinto and Evgeniy Patlan from Percona for all his patches on MySQL Shell.

Here is the list of the above contributions and related bugs:


  • #101056 – Ack_receiver may lost the slave semi-sync ack due to net timeout – Dennis Gao …
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Analyzing queries in MySQL Database Service – Slow Query Log (part 2)

In the previous part, we created our application and our 2 functions.

Now we need to create an API Gateway to be able to call these functions from outside OCI. Using a third party scheduler, our laptop, etc…

Before creating the gateway, we need to create some policy to allow the API Gateway to call our functions. I’ve tried to create the policy after, it seems to not work as expected.


Dynamic Group

We need to create a Dynamic Group that will match our gateway:

The matching rule is checking the type of resource that should be ApiGateway and my compartment’s id:

All {resource.type='ApiGateway', = 'ocid1.compartment.oc1..xxxxxxxxx'}

Policy …

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Analyzing queries in MySQL Database Service

If like me you are an old experienced MySQL DBA, to analyze your MySQL workload, you certainly have used the slow query log with long_query_time set to 0.

The slow query log is a file that contains all the queries whose execution time is greater than the value of long_query_time. This file can be huge and uses up all available disk space on busy systems.

Constantly writing to that file can also add an overhead to the server.

For those reasons, the slow query log is not available in MySQL Database Service (HeatWave) in OCI.

Plan B ?

As a DBA, what are my options for finding the queries that need to be optimized? As usual, the queries that consume the most time are the ones that need some attention

It can be a very long query or a short query executed too many times.

Currently the MySQL DBAs use …

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Beware of your Backup before upgrading MySQL 8.0.30

MySQL 8.0.30 was released on 26-07-2022. It has a good list of features.

  • Generated Invisible Primary Key
  • Dynamic Redo log Sizing
  • Instruments to monitor group replication memory
  • Support for Ubuntu 22.04

A most notable feature for Database Administrators and database reliability engineers is Dynamic redo logging.

The more widely adopted open-source backup tool is Xtrabackup. The change in the redo log design has affected this hot backup tool.

2022-10-04T18:40:08.211998+05:30 0 [Note] [MY-011825] [Xtrabackup] recognized server arguments: --datadir=/var/lib/mysql 
2022-10-04T18:40:08.212264+05:30 0 [Note] [MY-011825] [Xtrabackup] recognized client arguments: …
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OCI MySQL Database Service – Using a backup as source for a new instance

Let’s continue our journey of deploying the MySQL Database System on OCI with Terraform.
This time we will see how we can use a backup (see [1] and [2]) as a source (initial data) for a new instance.

Within the oci_mysql_mysql_db_system it’s possible to define a source detailing how to provision the initial data of the db system.

Let’s deploy a new MySQL Database Instance using a manual backup we made earlier:

We can also find the backup’s ocid using the oci cli command:

 $ oci mysql backup list …
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MySQL 8.0 – Operations and Optimization (in Chinese)

Today I would share a nice book related to MySQL 8.0 for our Chinese users.

The original title of this book by Scott Yao, is MySQL 8.0 运维与优化

I had the chance to read parts of the book before it was published to have my comment on the back cover.

This book is very detailed with many examples on how to administer a MySQL server.
It covers the new features of MySQL 8.0 and Scott illustrates perfectly how to take advantage of them.

Reading the book, it is obvious that the author is an experienced MySQL DBA and is sharing his experience that many junior DBAs can certainly benefit from.

This is a very technical book, as I like, I really recommend it to all Chinese people and I hope to see it translated into English too.

And finally I would thanks Scott for having sent to me a hard signed copy of the …

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