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Displaying posts with tag: howto (reset)
Using Connector/Python with SQLAlchemy

SQLAchemy has support for MySQL Connector/Python for a while now. Here is a little HOWTO showing how install both, and setup a database engine.

There are multiple ways of installing both projects, but here is the simplest using pip, whatever platform you use:

shell> pip install SQLAlchemy
shell> pip install mysql-connector-python 

Start your SQLAlchemy engines using a URL pointing to Connector/Python. Note the connect_args argument which passes extra connection arguments to Connector/Python. In the following example we set the MySQL session variable time_zone …

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How To - Guide to Importing Data from a MySQL Database to Excel using MySQL for Excel

Fetching data from a database to then get it into an Excel spreadsheet to do analysis, reporting, transforming, sharing, etc. is a very common task among users. This task can be accomplished in several different ways and with different tools getting the same result; but users may find the process rather complicated, too technical and lengthy. With MySQL for Excel the task of importing data from a MySQL database to an Excel spreadsheet becomes an easy one and accessible to all types of users.  Here is a quick guide describing how to import data to Excel using MySQL for Excel.

Fetching rows as dictionaries with MySQL Connector/Python (revised)

It is possible with MySQL Connector/Python to define your own cursor classes. A very good use case is to return rows as dictionary instead of tuples. This post shows how to do this using MySQL Connector/Python v1.0 and is an update for an older blog entry.

In the example below we are subclassing the MySQLCursor class to create a new class called MySQLCursorDict. We change the _row_to_python() method to return a dictionary instead of a tuple. The keys of the dictionary will be (unicode) column names.

from pprint import pprint
import mysql.connector

class MySQLCursorDict(mysql.connector.cursor.MySQLCursor):
    def _row_to_python(self, rowdata, desc=None):
        row = super(MySQLCursorDict, self)._row_to_python(rowdata, desc)
        if …
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Consulting essentials: Building your business

Read the original article at Consulting essentials: Building your business

In the last two posts on how to build a successful consulting business I shared advice and tips on closing deals and managing and completing your engagements.

This post will look at where to focus your efforts in order to sustain your consulting business, and build skills.

Focus on your subject matter expertise

Being a subject matter expert takes years of education, and professional experience to build. It’s your most valuable asset. Build it, and use it. This is not to say there isn’t great value in …

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How To – Resolve MySQL Error Incorrect Key File for Table

Background Knowledge

I using PHP v5.3.3-7 PDO running a MySQL v14.14 Distrib 5.1.49 on Debian v6.0.4 64-bit and executing a SQL load data infile statement.

I received “PHP Warning: PDOStatement::execute(): SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 126 Incorrect key file for table ‘/tmp/#sql_66f_0.MYI’; try to repair it”. My database table in this instance is using the storage engine of InnoDB and therefore one can not use the “repair table”.

From my experience I’ve found that this error can mean one of two issues however I have not found information from MySQL confirming this.

Solution – Repair Table

The error message may mean the database table is corrupted and requires a repair.

  1. Run repair table on the …
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TaskFreak! v0.6.2 – Customizing Status

Background Knowledge

The progress of a task in TaskFreak! is shown as a percentage value and is not exactly visually appealing to quickly spot the progress. With a few minor alterations we can show the percentage completed bar that fills as the task progresses and a gradient bar indicating the progress along with the percentage value.

This solution was posted by Searcher at Re: Taskfreak Customizing Status.


  1. Edit at line #268 as shown below.
    Cod Before

              <th width="<?php echo FRK_STATUS_LEVELS * 2; ?>%" onclick="freak_sort('statusKey')" colspan="< ?php echo FRK_STATUS_LEVELS ?>" class="sortable">< ?php echo (FRK_STATUS_LEVELS == …
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MySQL Cluster Manager hands on

MySQL Cluster is, without doubt, the most interesting MySQL product Oracle offers to the people out there. It’s the flagship, the holy grail, based on the knowledge and technology developed doing our well known MySQL Server. I’m not going to go through why MySQL Cluster is so great, that you can find anywhere. I’m going [...]

Debugging MySQL Cluster installed using RPMs using gdb

This post explains how to debug MySQL Cluster 7.1, installed using the RPM packages, using gdb on a Linux box (Red Hat, Oracle Enterprise Linux, CentOS, ..).

When a data node crashes lots of information goes into the error log, trace files and out log. However, it makes sometimes sense when you can repeat the crash, to run the data node in debug mode, or using gdb.

First, using RPMs and a Linux distribution, make sure you have the ‘debuginfo’ package installed. For example, for Red Hat or Oracle Enterprise Linux on a 64-bit machine, this package would be called: MySQL-Cluster-gpl-debuginfo-7.1.15-1.rhel5.x86_64.rpm .

Create a file with the following commands, we will name it ‘ndbd.gdb’:

set pagination off
set logging overwrite on
set logging file …
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MySQL Cluster: Rotating the log file of the Data Nodes

There is a log file called ndb_<NodeID>_out.log created by the MySQL Cluster data nodes which can become quite big overtime. There is, unlike the cluster logs created by the management nodes, no rotation build in. So you have to revert to the basics and copy the file away, truncating the old one.

For example, if you want to ‘rotate’ the log file of data node with NodeID 3:

shell> mv ndb_3_out.log.1.gz ndb_3_out.log.2.gz
shell> cp ndb_3_out.log ndb_3_out.log.1
shell> cat /dev/null > ndb_3_out.log
shell> gzip ndb_3_out.log.1

It’s not elegant, and you might lose some entries, but it will help you keeping disk usage minimal. If you don’t need the log at all, just line 3 would do the trick.

You can use logrotate‘s copytruncate to …

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Refactored: Poor man’s MySQL replication monitoring

This is a reply to the blog post Poor man’s MySQL replication monitoring. Haidong Ji had a few problems using MySQLdb (could use the ‘dict’ cursor) and apparently he doesn’t want to much dependencies. I agree that using the mysql client tool is a nice alternative if you don’t want to use any 3rd party Python modules. And the MySQL client tools are usually and should be installed with the server.

However, since MySQL Connector/Python only needs itself and Python, dependencies are reduced to a minimum. Here …

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