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Displaying posts with tag: connect (reset)
That's all about nuances

When I sent a proposal for session "Managing and Troubleshooting MySQL for Oracle DBAs" to MySQL Connect conference org committee it had not any mention of Oracle in its name, but later I was asked to provide more details for former Oracle DBAs who want to use MySQL. I was fast and I said "yes".

So my original aim to teach people to troubleshoot MySQL changed to teaching of how different is MySQL from Oracle in troubleshooting aspects. Although both RDBMs have very much in common they are definitely very different. So what I am going to speak about this time is nuances of how MySQL stores data, how it manages locks, why its high availability solutions: MySQL Cluster and Replication have same names as Oracle's, but work differently and more. And, of …

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MySQL Connect: What to Expect From the Wondrous Land of MySQL Cluster

The MySQL Connect conference is only a couple of weeks away, with MySQL engineers, support teams, consultants and community aces busy putting the final touches to their talks.

There will be many exciting new announcements and sharing of best practices at the conference, covering the range of MySQL technologies.

MySQL Cluster will a big part of this, so I wanted to share some key sessions for those of you who plan on attending, as well as some resources for those who are not lucky enough to be able to make the trip, but who can't afford to miss the key news. Of course, this is no substitute to actually being there….and the good news is that registration is still …

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Interview with Lenz Grimmer about MySQL Connect

Keith Larson: Thank you for allowing me to do this interview with you.  I have been talking with a few different Oracle ACEs   about the MySQL Connect Conference. I figured the MySQL community might be missing you as well. You have been very busy with Oracle Linux but I know you still have an eye on the MySQL Community. How have things been?

Lenz Grimmer: Thanks for including me in this series of interviews, I feel honored! I've read the other interviews, and really liked them. I still try to follow what's going on over in the MySQL community and it's good to see that many of the familiar faces are still around. Over the course of the 9 years that I was involved with MySQL, many colleagues and contacts turned into good friends and we still maintain close relationships.

It's been almost 1.5 years ago that I moved into my new role here in the Linux team at …

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Plan Your MySQL Connect Conference With Schedule Builder

Schedule Builder allows you to effectively plan your conference and pre-enroll in MySQL Connect sessions. For instance, don’t miss the keynotes including:

The State of The Dolphin

Join Oracle Executive Vice President Edward Screven and MySQL Vice President of Engineering Tomas Ulin to hear about Oracle’s MySQL strategy, and the key latest developments including product releases, roadmap and community.


MySQL Perspectives Join us for an exciting keynote featuring power users of MySQL, including speakers from PayPal, Twitter, and Verizon, who will share with you their experiences and perspectives.


Search the …

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Interview with Giuseppe Maxia "the datacharmer" about MySQL Connect

Keith Larson: Thank you for allowing me to do this interview with you. What have you and Continuent been up to lately?

Giuseppe Maxia:  Hi Keith. It's my pleasure.  I (and the whole team at Continuent) have been quite busy releasing version 1.5.1 of our flagship clustering and HA product, Tungsten Enterprise. Apart from the pleasure of the growing business that makes us all very happy, we enjoy the rare geeky joy of working at a product at the highest levels of innovation and technical effectiveness.

 I am also happy, at a personal level, because my current job keeps me in touch with the MySQL community. The products that we develop, both the open source and the commercial solutions, depend heavily on the ubiquity of MySQL. When I dedicate some time to the MySQL community, I am doing at the same time something that I like and that is ultimately beneficial for my company's business. For this reason, my …

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Interview with Sarah Novotny about MySQL Connect

Dave Stokes and I tracked down Sarah Novotny Sunday night at the early bird registration for OSCON 2012. We had a few moments to interview her about MySQL Connect and her recent endeavors. I hope you enjoy:

Keith Larson: Thank you for joining us today.

Sarah Novotny: I am glad to be here.

Keith Larson: First just a general question, What were your thoughts when you heard that Oracle was going to do MySQL Connect ?

Sarah Novotny: I was very excited about it. I didn't expect Oracle to give us our own space. Even thought JavaOne had gotten that . JavaOne has existed as it's own conference before, and with the O'Reilly Conference no longer happening,  I didn't expect it and I was surprised. I know the first year after Oracle purchased MySQL, we had MySQL Sunday, which was great. We were told that this was such a big deal and it is really only a transition thing and with 140+ products nobody gets a big name …

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Early Bird Registration Rate for MySQL Connect Ends on July 27

If you haven't already registered for MySQL Connect, now is the time to do it.

Looking for the right reason to attend? Here are the TOP THREE REASONS...

  • You'll get the chance to hear directly from users including PayPal, Verizon, Twitter, Facebook, Ticketmaster, Ning, Mozilla, CERN, Yahoo! and more, about best practices for deploying MySQL based solutions.
  • Don't miss this unique opportunity to meet the engineers developing and supporting the MySQL products, all in a single location. You'll be able to ask them all your questions and provide them feedback.
  • Acquire detailed knowledge about the latest …
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MySQL Connect Attendee ToolKit Available

Are you speaking, attending or exhibiting at MySQL Connect? Banners, buttons and other resources are at your disposal in our attendee toolkit! Some examples below:

Would you like to help promote the event? Some others you can also use:

Our attendee toolkit gives you access to additional MySQL Connect resources such as sample e-mail copies to help generate awareness for your participation.

And, remember you have about 24 hours left to register with the early bird discount and save US$ 500, don’t miss it! Check out …

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Why You Should Attend MySQL Connect, and Register Now

MySQL Connect is taking place on September 29 and 30 in San Francisco. The early bird discount enabling you to save US$ 500 is only running for a few more days, until July 13.

Are you still wondering if you should sign up? Here are 10 reasons why you definitely should:

  • Learn from other companies how they tackled similar challenges to the ones you’re facing. Find out what they learned along the way, and how you can save time, money and a lot of troubles by avoiding repeating the same mistakes and applying the best practices they’ve developed. You’ll get the chance to hear from organizations including PayPal, Verizon, Twitter, Facebook, Ticketmaster, Ning, Mozilla, CERN, Yahoo! …
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Interview with Ronald Bradford about MySQL Connect

Ronald Bradford,  an Oracle ACE Director has been busy working with  database consulting, book writing (EffectiveMySQL) while traveling and speaking around the world in support of MySQL. I was able to take some of his time to get an interview on this thoughts about theMySQL Connect conference.

Keith Larson: What where your thoughts when you heard that Oracle was going to provide the community the MySQL Conference ?

Ronald Bradford: Oracle …

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