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Displaying posts with tag: planetmysql (reset)
Back from vacation: news from the MySQL Community Team

A (slightly belated) Happy New Year to you! I just returned from my Christmas vacation two days ago, which I spent mostly at home and with my parents-in-law in St. Radegund, Austria. Now I am busy catching up with what has piled up during my absence (I managed to resist the temptation to check my work email during the time off).

Some MySQL-related news that came up in the past weeks and are worth sharing:

  • My talk about MySQL HA solutions has been accepted in the main FOSDEM conference track
  • The FOSDEM organizers also accepted my lightning talk proposal about Bazaar - it will take place on Saturday, 14h20 (tentative)
  • MySQL will have a …
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Back from vacation: news from the MySQL Community Team

A (slightly belated) Happy New Year to you! I just returned from my Christmas vacation two days ago, which I spent mostly at home and with my parents-in-law in St. Radegund, Austria. Now I am busy catching up with what has piled up during my absence (I managed to resist the temptation to check my work email during the time off).

Some MySQL-related news that came up in the past weeks and are worth sharing:

  • My talk about MySQL HA solutions has been accepted in the main FOSDEM conference track
  • The FOSDEM organizers also accepted my lightning talk proposal about Bazaar - it will take place on Saturday, 14h20 (tentative)
  • MySQL will have a …
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PlanetMySQL now available in Italian as well!

FYI, we've now added an Italian section on Planet MySQL:

If you are a MySQL enthusiast from Italy and would like to start blogging about it in your native language, please consider submitting your feed for inclusion!

Giuseppe just recently started blogging in Italian as well and has already added his feed there.

PlanetMySQL now available in Italian as well!

FYI, we've now added an Italian section on Planet MySQL:

If you are a MySQL enthusiast from Italy and would like to start blogging about it in your native language, please consider submitting your feed for inclusion!

Giuseppe just recently started blogging in Italian as well and has already added his feed there.

PlanetMySQL Update: Goodbye, MagpieRSS, hello SimplePie!

This is more of an "behind the scenes" update and I hope that you won't see any (negative) changes on the PlanetMySQL front page or the RSS feeds: I just finished and commited the conversion of the backend script that performs the parsing and aggregation of feeds from requiring MagpieRSS to SimplePie.

This will provide better support for a wider range of feed types and should also fix a few quirks, e.g. that some postings (for example the one from Kevin Burton) only showed up as an "A" in the Planet's RSS feed. It hopefully also fixes a weirdness with time zones that …

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PlanetMySQL Update: Goodbye, MagpieRSS, hello SimplePie!

This is more of an "behind the scenes" update and I hope that you won't see any (negative) changes on the PlanetMySQL front page or the RSS feeds: I just finished and commited the conversion of the backend script that performs the parsing and aggregation of feeds from requiring MagpieRSS to SimplePie.

This will provide better support for a wider range of feed types and should also fix a few quirks, e.g. that some postings (for example the one from Kevin Burton) only showed up as an "A" in the Planet's RSS feed. It hopefully also fixes a weirdness with time zones that …

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Two small PlanetMySQL modifications

FYI, I changed two parameters on Planet MySQL to accomodate the current flood of postings coming from the MySQL Conference attendees: we now display the last 25 posts (instead of 10) on the front page, the RSS feed now includes the latest 100 posts (instead of 50). This should make sure that posts actually make it to the front page for at least some time, before they fall off again.

Please keep up the good blogging!


I think I owe someone a beer…

…whoever wrote this patch:

Server version: 5.0.33-log flupps build (probably not stable…)

Type ‘help;’ or ‘\h’ for help. Type ‘\c’ to clear the buffer.

mysql> use world;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql> SELECT * FROM country, city, city c, city c2, city c3;
^CQuery aborted by Ctrl+C
ERROR 1317 (70100): Query execution was interrupted

It doesn’t abort the client to Control-C now, just the query…

Sorting US Address Data.

So, in Europe the street name comes first, then the number of the building.
In the US the number of the building comes first, then the actual street, which makes it a little bit rougher to sort.

Imagine a table like this:

mysql> SELECT * FROM numsort;

| a |
| 5 |
| a |
| 2 |
| d |
| 22 |
| c |
| 33 |
| 3 |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

The desired order in this case would be 2, 3, 5, 22, 33, a, b, c, d.

mysql> SELECT * FROM numsort ORDER BY a;
| a |
| 2 |
| 22 |
| 3 |
| 33 |
| 5 |
| a |
| c |
| d |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Ok, we’re far from what we’re …

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Counting prepared statements

Finally found time to fix Bug#16365, which is a request to add a limit for the total number of prepared statements in the server. It turns out to be a pretty useful feature, at least I was able to find 4 statement leaks in the test suite with it. The patch adds server variables to limit and monitor the count of prepared statements:

mysql> show variables like '%stmt%';
 ------------------------- ------- 
| Variable_name           | Value |
 ------------------------- ------- 
| max_prepared_stmt_count | 16382 |
| prepared_stmt_count     | 0     |
 ------------------------- ------- 
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Notice that this is slightly different from the status information, as in the status we account for all prepares and executes, including unsuccessful ones:

mysql> prepare stmt from "select 1"; prepare stmt1 from "select 2";
mysql> prepare stmt2 from "select …
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