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Displaying posts with tag: performance schema (reset)
Track and Optimize Server Connection Methods

The MySQL server supports a variety of client connection methods. To summarize: you have TCP/IP (v4 and v6) on all OSes (with or without TLS/SSL encryption), Unix Domain Sockets on Unix/Linux, and Named Pipes and/or Shared Memory on Windows.

Each of these connection methods has its own set of pros and cons: speed, security, portability, and ease-of-use.…

Identifying Insecure Connections

A key theme of the MySQL Server 5.7 release is much improved security. Earlier releases of MySQL 5.7 have introduced features supporting this initiative including automatic generation and detection of TLS key material and client-side preference for TLS connections. The recent MySQL 5.7.8 release builds upon this and provides additional monitoring and audit capabilities that make it easy to answer the question: “How secure are my client connections?”.…

Ease of use or consistency

I am working on New features in Performance Schema 5.7 in action tutorial for Percona Live Amsterdam for quite a time already. Probably since version 5.7.3 when instrumentation for metadata locks were introduced and which I presented as a teaser in my combined "General MySQL Troubleshooting" and "Troubleshooting MySQL Performance" seminar I did in South Korea for Oracle University (for 5.6 that time).

In version 5.7.6 instrumentation for variables and status variables were introduced. It supports session, global and user variables. I was very happy to see this addition, especially because …

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Part 1: How to Effectively Use a Performance Schema

Performance Schema (PS) has been the subject of many, many recent discussions, presentations, and articles.  After its release in MySQL 5.7, PS has become the main actor for people who want to take the further steps in MySQL monitoring. At the same time, it has become clear that Oracle intends to make PS powerful with so many features and new instrumentation that old-style monitoring will begin to look like obsolete tools from the Stone Age.

This article will explain PS and provide guidance on what needs to be done in order to use it effectively.

What I am not going to do is to dig into specific performance issues or address polemics about what PS is and what, in a Utopian vision, it should be. I have seen too many presentations, articles and comments like this and they are not productive, nor are they in line with my target which is: keep people informed on how to do things EASILY.

For the scope of this …

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Performance Schema: Great Power Comes Without Great Cost

Performance Schema is used extensively both internally and within the MySQL community, and I expect even more usage with the new SYS Schema and the Performance Schema enhancements in 5.7. Performance Schema is the single best tool available for monitoring MySQL Server internals and execution details at a lower level. Having said that, we are also no stranger to the fact that any monitoring tool comes with an additional cost to performance. Hence It has always been an important question to find out just how much it costs us when Performance …

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Profiling MySQL queries from Performance Schema

When optimizing queries and investigating performance issues, MySQL comes with built in support for profiling queries aka

SET profiling = 1;

 . This is already awesome and simple to use, but why the PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA alternative?

Because profiling will be removed soon (already deprecated on MySQL 5.6 ad 5.7); the built-in profiling capability can only be enabled per session. This means that you cannot capture profiling information for queries running from other connections. If you are using Percona Server, the profiling option for log_slow_verbosity is a nice alternative, unfortunately, not everyone is using Percona Server.

Now, for a quick demo: I execute a …

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More on (transactional) MySQL metadata locks

Two years ago Ovais Tariq had explained in detail what kinds of problems existed before MySQL introduced metadata locks in 5.5.3 and how these locks help to prevent them. Still, some implications of metadata locking in MySQL remain unclear for users – DBAs and even software developers that target recent MySQL versions. I’ve decided to include a slide or two into the presentation about InnoDB locks and deadlocks I plan to make (with my colleague Nilnandan Joshi) on April 16 at Percona Live 2015.

I decided to do this as …

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MySQL Statement Digests

Decoupling Statement Digests From Performance Schema

MySQL Statement Digests are a feature originally introduced as part of the MySQL Performance Schema in MySQL 5.6 to aggregate statement statistics based on the normalized statements executed within the server (for additional info, see here).

Statement Digests were previously only available as a part of the MySQL Performance Schema. In other words, they were only …

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MySQL Statement Digests: Configurable Max Lengths

MySQL Statement Digests are a feature originally introduced as part of the MySQL Performance Schema in MySQL 5.6 to aggregate statement statistics based on the normalized statements executed within the server (for additional info, see here).

Digest calculations are done based on the tokens found in the statement text. The length to which these tokens were considered for the digest calculation was previously fixed at 1024 bytes. Which meant that while reading the tokens, once 1024 bytes were read from statement’s token stream, only that many tokens were considered when generating the …

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MySQL Performance Schema: Instrumentation Exceptions

The setup_actors table in MySQL Performance Schema can be used to specify what users and hosts one wants to have instrumentation enabled for. By default, connections from all users and hosts are instrumented:

mysql> select * from performance_schema.setup_actors;
| %    | %    | %    |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

You can then use standard SQL against this setup_actors table in order to specify what users and hosts you want to have instrumentation enabled for.

But what about the case where you want to enable instrumentation for everyone except the …

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