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Displaying posts with tag: Announcements (reset)
First MySQL Workbench Plugin Written By Community

I am happy to announce that the first Workbench plugin written by the community was published recently.Daniel Haas has written a code generation plugin for Propel, a database abstraction layer for PHP. You can download the plugin from Daniel’s blog that can be found here it is published under the GPL. He also provides the necessary steps to install the script. This is amazing in several ways. First, we have not yet published a comprehensive tutorial how to write plugins and scripts for Workbench because we have been fully loaded with other stuff. Vlad did a tutorial on this at the MySQL Users Conference but the Wiki pages have not been written yet. So Daniel took the hard way, figuring out a lot of things all by himself. Second, we are working on a better …

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MySQL Workbench 5.0.22 released

After some glitches - mainly introduced by switching to the new source control system - we are presenting a new release of version 5.0 (built right out of our shiny new bazaar repository). This release has another 17 bugs fixed (along with some additional adjustments to improve usability). While we are already working in parallel at version 5.1 we are constantly fixing the remaining bugs in our present release version.

MySQL Workbench Version 5.0.21

The first Version after Workbench was released for GA is available now on our servers. We are constantly working on improving our application in terms of stability and handling.

Maybe you’re curious if you missed a version as the official GA release version was 5.0.19 - no, you didn’t. While preparing 5.0.20 for release, a problem was detected when running last checks on the finished packages. Unfortunately we had already uploaded the packages to our mirror-system. That’s the reason why 5.0.20 is listed as ‘internal’ in our release history (can be checked on About Releases page) and the actual published version available is 5.0.21.

Please download and update to the latest version.

MySQL Workbench has reached GA

We are proud to announce that MySQL Workbench has reached GA (General Availability)
status and the final version - 5.0.19 - is available on our mirrors.

We managed to get another 32 bugs fixed since the last Release Candidate and hopefully there aren’t many still hidden in our code. We are planning to release a new Version of Workbench every three weeks so if new bugs are found and reported we’ll fix them and supply a improved build quickly.

Get a copy of our OSS Edition from Servers now and start designing your databases.
If you want all the time-saving features (including direct connection to DB, Validation of your models, …) you could invest 99 USD on the Standard Edition - please go to and get your license there! (Our web-shop is currently being prepared so Workbench will be available there at 4pm PST)

What Happens After Workbench 5.0 Becomes GA?

We have just officially released the WB 5.0 RC3 build and are planning the GA build to happen soon. One might ask, what is our criteria to call something GA? Well, it means that there must not be any known and verified P1 (crashing) and P2 (very serious bug with no workaround) bugs. Does it means that there are no bugs left or that we have implemented every feature request? No.

Therefore our efforts will not stop after the GA build. We still plan to get a new release out every 3rd week including all fixes and improvements that are necessary. This is a first list of things we are planning to release in a future GA release.

  • Bug fixes
    Most important are bug fixes of course. Please keep reporting bugs, you did a great job in the past - and if you do so, we will keep closing those bug reports as fast as we can.
  • Enable connection-end points dragging/reordering
    This has remained one major …
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MySQL Workbench 5.0.17 Release Candidate 3 available!

We managed to get the 3rd Release candidate of Workbench ready and waiting on our servers to be tried and tested.

We made Syntax Highlighting available in all schema object editors (view-, routine-, routine-group- and trigger-editor). A new description palette has been implemented that allows easy access to the description/comment field of every object. More plugins - which are better organized in plugin-submenus now - were added  and the drawing-canvas has got some speed-optimization.

Please check out our latest build and report issues you find to help us fix it for our upcoming GA release. Fetch your copy now!

MySQL Workbench RC3 Build Done - To Be Released Soon

We have now completed the RC3 build and will test it over the weekend. If we do not find any major issues we will release on Monday. There are a bunch of fixes in this release again. Here are the higlights.

  • Syntax Highlighting activated for all schema object editors
    The syntax highlighter we used for the Lua scripts has proven itself since the last release so we decided to replace the dull standard edit controls
  • Canvas Speed Optimizations
    Alfredo found a stupid bug that was disabling all the caching that he built into the canvas. The speed has improved a lot and there is still room for a lot more
  • Description Palette
    We have now enabled the Description Palette that directly shows the description text associated with the currently selected schema objects. This makes instant documentation of schema objects on the diagram as well as the overview page much simpler
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What Does a Workbench SE Subscription Include?

Now that the GA (General Availability) release of MySQL Workbench is coming up it is a good point in time to discuss what the commercial Standard Edition subscription will be all about and what will be covered by it. While I am not a lawyer I will try to explain the ideas behind the concept. Please make sure to read the subscription details when you get it.

Key points:

  • USD 99
  • Single seat license (license packs for a large number of seats (>30) possible)
  • Software never expires
  • Includes all updates of Standard Edition for a full year

The Basics

After the official launch you will be able to buy subscriptions in the MySQL Online Shop. Apart from payment with standard credit cards it has been updated to also allow for PayPal payment. A subscription will cost USD 99 (good for people in Euro countries, I know) and is valid for a single seat. If you are a bigger …

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MySQL Workbench Release Candidate 2 Available For Download

Shortly after getting RC1 out we have now released RC2. We fixed a few issues that were reported after RC1 was out, thanks for that! In addition to that we included a first version of the GRT Scripting IDE that will play a key role for the MySQL Workbench community in the future.

The GRT Scripting IDE allows to easily create scripts, libraries and modules that extend the core Workbench functionality. We will add detailed documentation and tutorials that will get people started. Vlad is hosting a tutorial on this topic at the upcoming MySQL Users Conference as well.

We also plan to create an online repository where people can share their Workbench extensions - think Firefox Extensions - but also including things like diagram-snippets, sample models and much more.

Please give RC2 a try and report your findings on the forums or via the bug system.

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MySQL Workbench 5.0.15 Release Candidate 1 Is Out!

We’re proud to announce that Release Candidate 1 is waiting on our Mirrors to be downloaded. More than 50 bugs were fixed and some additional improvements were incorporated into this build.  The connections drawing has been reworked. Now relationship-lines are evenly spaced along the sides of the table-figures. For SE version we also added a new relationship-notation where lines are connected directly from/to corresponding columns. DDL-Syntax of views is now parsed while editing - this also automates naming of the view-objects to the name used in DDL. Workbench-Overview-Page has been cleaned up and improved. And another SE feature - new pages for validation in SQL export plugins were added.
So please fetch our latest version and give it a try.

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