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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL 8.0 (reset)
MMUG16: MySQL document store: SQL and NoSQL united

The Madrid MySQL Users Group has its next meeting on Tuesday, 22nd November 2016.  Giuseppe Maxia will be giving a presentation MySQL document store: SQL and NoSQL united and I’ll be providing a brief summary of the new MySQL 8.0 and MariaDB 10.2 beta versions which were announced recently. There will also be an opportunity to … Continue reading MMUG16: MySQL document store: SQL and NoSQL united

The post MMUG16: MySQL document store: SQL and NoSQL united first appeared on Simon J Mudd's Blog.

MySQL 8.0: Descending Indexes Can Speed Up Your Queries

In this blog, we’ll discuss descending indexes in MySQL 8.0.


The future MySQL 8.0 will (probably) have a great new feature: support for index sort order on disk (i.e., indexes can be physically sorted in descending order). In the MySQL 8.0 Labs release (new optimizer preview), when you create an index you can specify the order “asc” or “desc”, and it will be supported (for B-Tree indexes). That can be especially helpful for queries like “SELECT … ORDER BY event_date DESC, name ASC LIMIT 10″ (ORDER BY clause with ASC and DESC sort).

MySQL 5.6 and 5.7 Index Order

Actually, the support for this syntax ( …

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MySQL 8.0: The end of MyISAM

This blog discusses the gradual end of MyISAM in MySQL.

The story that started 20 years ago is coming to its end. I’m talking about the old MyISAM storage engine that was the only storage provided by MySQL in 1995, and was available in MySQL for 20+ years. Actually, part of my job as a MySQL consultant for 10+ years was to discover MyISAM tables and advise customers how to convert those to InnoDB.

(Check your MySQL installation, you may still have MyISAM tables).

MySQL 5.7 still used MyISAM storage for the system tables in the MySQL schema.

In MySQL 8.0 (DMR version as of writing), the MyISAM storage engine is still available. But in a very limited scope:

  • After …
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Percona Live Europe 2016: “MySQL 8.0: what’s new in Optimizer” with Manyi Lu

Today was the first day of sessions at Percona Live Europe 2016, and it was packed with exciting talks and important information on open source databases. Some of the most anticipated talks are those that cover what to expect in MySQL 8.0.

One of those talks was given by Oracle’s Manyi Lu, Director of Software Development. She discussed MySQL 8.0: what’s new in Optimizer.

In her talk, Manyi discussed what we could look forward to in MySQL 8.0’s optimizer. There are substantial improvements in the optimizer in MySQL 5.7 and MySQL 8.0. Most noticeably, users can now combine relational data with NoSQL using the new JSON features. MySQL also now supports functional indexes through generated columns. …

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MySQL 8.0 General Tablespaces: File per Database (and no FRM files)

In this blog post, we’ll look at MySQL 8.0 general tablespaces.


MySQL 8.0 (the DMR version is available now) has two great features (among others):

  1. The new data dictionary completely removed *.frm files, which is great
  2. The ability to create a tablespace and assign a group of tables to it (originally introduced in 5.7).

With those two options, we can use MySQL for creating multi-tenant environments with a “schema per customer” approach.

Schema per Customer with MySQL 8.0

Using schema per customer with older MySQL versions presents issues  … namely the number of files. (I’ve described …

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MySQL 8.0 and the thread sanitizer

MySQL 8.0 now supports the thread sanitizer.   This is good news as the thread sanitizer provides MySQL developers another tool to help find bugs in the multi-threaded MySQL server.  What happens when we build MySQL 8.0 with the thread sanitizer enabled and try to run some basic MySQL tests?  Unfortunately, no MySQL tests run since the MySQL bootstrap fails with lots of data races and other issues raised by the thread sanitizer.  When these issues are suppressed, some of the basic MySQL and InnoDB tests pass.  Some of these issues are real bugs and need to be investigated.

Both gcc 6.1 and clang 3.9 support the thread sanitizer.  Just add  the 'WITH_TSAN=ON' cmake option when configuring and building MySQL 8.0, and the MySQL code will be compiled with the …

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New UUID functions in MySQL 8.0.0

MySQL 8.0.0 introduces three new miscellaneous UUID functions of IS_UUID(), UUID_TO_BIN() and BIN_TO_UUID() joining the UUID() (in 5.0) and UUID_SHORT() (in 5.1) functions. See 8.0.0 Release Notes.

Thanks to the great work and hosting by Marcus Popp anybody can test out the SQL syntax of MySQL 8.0.0 using db4free without installing anything. If you want a minimal install Giuseppe Maxia provides docker minimal images of 5.0+ versions …

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MySQL 8.0 Information Schema performance improvements

FRM-less, transactional data dictionary is arguably the most significant feature change announced MySQL 8.0 development release. The server still has two separate dictionaries (MySQL, InnoDB) but the infamous FRM files are finally being replaced with transactional, InnoDB-based storage.

While this is interesting for various reasons, this particular post will focus on the impact this change has on data dictionary performance.
Test configuration Server configuration:

  • Hardware: Amazon EC2 m4.4xlarge, 500GB, 15K IOPS
  • OS: Debian Jessie
  • MySQL versions tested: 5.7.15, 8.0.0-dmr
  • Notable customer MySQL configuration values:
    • innodb_buffer_pool_size = 4GB
    • innodb_log_file_size = 256MB
    • innodb_buffer_pool_dump_at_shutdown = 0
    • innodb_buffer_pool_load_at_startup = 0
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MySQL 8.0: JSON Aggregation functions

In MySQL 5.7 the new JSON support had been added. The JSON support consists out of three features:

All three features combined allow building very powerful applications without committing to a fixed data structure on every part, but I was missing one thing a lot: Aggregation.

A topic I'm thinking a lot about is finding ways to select nested data. In MySQL we typically have two ways for this. Either one sends multiple queries to retrieve different nesting levels or one builds JOINs which tend to deliver repetitive responses. A tool …

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MySQL 8.0: Improvements to Information_schema

Coinciding with the new native data dictionary in MySQL 8.0, we have made a number of useful enhancements to our INFORMATION_SCHEMA subsystem design in MySQL 8.0. In this post I will first go through our legacy implementation as it has stood since MySQL 5.1, and then cover what’s changed.…

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