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Amp?d Mobile no more

Announced at the 2007 Conference as MySQL Applications of the Year - #1 in 3G Mobile Entertainment, Amp’d Mobile is no longer the poster boy.

Amp?d Mobile Implodes: Burns $360 million, Declares Bankruptcy. Wow, that’s news on a Sunday.

Innodb Monitoring I didn?t know

Ok, so I knew about innodb_table_monitor and innodb_tablespace_monitor. I’ve tried them before, looked at the output and given up, partly because it didn’t serve the purpose I wanted it to at the time, and also because it’s format was a little cryptic.

What I didn’t know was there are actually 4 monitors via this “create table functionality”. You can also do innodb_monitor which is the same as SHOW INNODB STATUS, and you can also do innodb_lock_monitor .

Another thing I didn’t know is that these commands don’t send the output just once, it’s on a timer. I’ve found the timers to be different. For innodb_monitor you get every 15 sec, as well as a nice line given time of averages which seems to always say 16 seconds.

Per …
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Log Buffer #47: a Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

Log Buffer #47: a Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs
June 1st, 2007 - by Ronald Bradford

Welcome to the 47th edition of Log Buffer, the weekly review of database blogs. No time to wait, lets read more about this week’s database blogging activities.

The PostgreSQL Conference for Users and Developers wrapped up this week and Peter Eisentraut gives us a review including the lightning talks and wrap-up session with a charity auction in PGCon Day 4. Meanwhile Alex Gorbachev is at Miracle Scotland Database Forum - Day One, sounds like from his post there is a lot …

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My ?hourly? MySQL monitor script Version 0.03

I realized when I released my very crappy version of My ?hourly? MySQL monitor script I really should have included my standard logging.

So I did that the night I wrote my original blog, but never published it. I’ve had need to use it again today, so a few more usability tweaks for parameterization and we are good to go.

Now Version 0.03 includes three files:

  • mysql.conf

Simple use is:

$ cd /directory
$ vi mysql.conf
# correctly specify MYSQL_AUTHENTICATION
$ chmod +x ./
$ nohup &

This gives you the following files

-rw-r--r-- 1 rbradford rbradford  2643 2007-05-29 15:47 mysql.innodbstatus.070529.154757.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 rbradford rbradford   414 2007-05-29 15:47 …
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My ?hourly? MySQL monitor script

Following my article Everything fails, Monitor Everything, and some inquiries, I’ve made some small modifications to my initially hourly script. This script is still a quick and dirty trial of what I’m wanting to develop, but in true Guy Kawasaki terms “5. Don?t worry, be crappy”. It works for now, and enables me to determine what works and what doesn’t.

My goals are Data Collection, Data Analysis and Data Presentation. This is the start of Data Collection. So now I get the following files:

  • os.vmstat.070524.122054.log
  • mysql.innodbstatus.070524.122054.log
  • mysql.processlist.070524.122054.log
  • mysql.status.070524.122054.log
  • mysql.tablestatus.070524.122054.log
  • mysql.tablestatus.vertical.070524.122054.log
  • mysql.variables.070524.122054.log
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Using Perl with MySQL

NOTE: Problems presently exist, I’m seeking the expert help of the community and Perl Gurus

I have the need to do some quick benchmarking, I use MyBench as it’s effective in being able to plug in a query, some randomness and 2 minutes later (with a correctly configured Perl/MySQL environment) you have multi-threaded load testing.

However, when the environment you are on is not configured, and you only know the basics for Perl Operation and Installation, (code is just code, that’s the easy part) and the box is not accessible to the outside world say for cpan, it gets more complicated. I’ve attempted to install and configure DBI, DBD::mysql and …

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Everything fails, Monitor Everything

From the recent MySQL Conference a number of things resonate strongly almost daily with me. These included:

  1. Guy Kawasaki - Don?t let the bozos grind you down.
    • Boy, the bozos have ground me down this week. I slept for 16 hrs today, the first day of solid rest in 3 weeks.
  2. Paul Tuckfield - YouTube and his various caching tip insights.
    • I’ve seen the promising results of Paul Tuckfield’s comment of pre-fetching for Replication written recently by Farhan.
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MySQL Conference - Google

MySQL: The Real Grid Database


  • Can’t work on performance problems until we solve the availability
  • We want MySQL to fix our problems first.

The problem

  • Deploy a DBMS for a workload with
    • too many queries
    • to many transactions
    • to much data

A well known solution

deploy a grid database

-use many replicas to scale read performance
-shard your data over many master to scale write performance
-sharding is easy, resharding is hard

availability and manageability trump performance

- make it easy to run many severs
- unbretable aggregate perfomance

we describe problems that matter to us.

The grid database approach

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