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Displaying posts with tag: Performance (reset)
Activity of the ZFS ARC

Disk I/O is still a common source of performance issues, despite modern cloud environments, modern file systems and huge amounts of main memory serving as file system cache. Understanding how well that cache is working is a key task while investigating disk I/O issues. In this post, I’ll show the activity of the ZFS file system Adaptive Replacement Cache (ARC).

There are often more statistics available than you realize (or have been documented), which may certainly be true with the ARC. Apart from showing these statistics, I’ll also show how to extend observability using dynamic tracing (DTrace). These tracing techniques are also applicable to any kernel subsystem. This is an advanced topic, where I’ll sometimes dip into kernel code.


For background on the ZFS ARC, see the paper ARC: A Self-Tuning, Low Overhead …

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Momentum MTA Performance Tuning Tips

This post is being constantly updated as we find out more useful information on Momentum tuning. Last update: 2012-05-05.

About 2 months ago I’ve joined LivingSocial technical operations team and one of my first tasks there was to figure out a way to make our MTAs perform better and deliver faster. We use a really great product called Momentum MTA (former Ecelerity) and it is really fast, but it is always good to be able to squeeze as much performance as possible so I’ve started looking for a ways to make our system faster.

While working on it I’ve created a set of scripts to integrate Momentum with Graphite for all kinds of crazy stats graphing, those scripts will be opensourced soon, but for now I’ve decided to share a few tips about performance-related changes …

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Why is stock MySQL slow?

“I’ve installed MySQL and it doesn’t work fast enough for me”. MySQL server is heart of database driven application (if it uses MySQL as database of course!) and any slowness related to running queries is affecting all application layers.

MySQL server tuning and query slowness hunting are always step by step process and without knowing all the data (SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES, SHOW GLOBAL STATUS, SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE ‘tablename’, EXPLAIN details for slow query is just some of the required information) it would be generally a blind guess. But there are still few things which is related to newly installed MySQL server.

If you are using stock MySQL you might need to check memory pool size which MySQL used to load index data to avoid slow IO requests and increase queries speed. Connect to MySQL and fire two queries:

SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'key_buffer_size';
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Profiling your slow queries using pt-query-digest and some love from Percona Server

This guide will get you up and running with how to identify the bottleneck queries using the excellent tool pt-query-digest. You will learn how to use and analyze the output returned by pt-query-digest. You will also learn some differences between slow query logging in various MySQL versions. Later on in the post I will also show you how to make use of the extra diagnostic data available with Percona Server.

The post Profiling your slow queries using pt-query-digest and some love from Percona Server appeared first on ovais.tariq.

OurSQL Episode 71: Table Manners, part 2

This week, we continue our discussion about MySQL and its forks. We discuss the Percona server and MariaDB.

Percona Live comes to Washington, DC on Wednesday, January 11th, 2012 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. There is a 50% discount for students, faculty and staff of educational organizations, and a 35% discount for government employees.

Percona Server
Percona software

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Improving InnoDB memory usage continued

Continues from Improving InnoDB memory usage.

Here are some numbers from the fixups described in the above article:

The workload consists of 10 partitioned tables, each one containing 1000 partitions. This means 10’000 InnoDB tables. We truncate the tables, then restart mysqld and run:

1. INSERT a single row into each of the 10 tables
2. SELECT * from each table
3. FLUSH TABLES (this causes the tables to be closed and reopened on the next run)
4. wait for 10 seconds

we repeat the above steps 10 times. Here is the total memory consumption by mysqld with 1GB InnoDB buffer pool during the workload:

In the fixed case (green line) you can clearly see the peaks when the commands 1. – 4. are run …

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Improving InnoDB memory usage

Last month we did a few improvements in InnoDB memory usage. We solved a challenging issue about how InnoDB uses memory in certain places of the code.

The symptom of the issue was that under a certain workloads the memory used by InnoDB kept growing infinitely, until OOM killer kicked in. It looked like a memory leak, but Valgrind wasn’t reporting any leaks and the issue was not reproducible on FreeBSD – it only happened on Linux (see Bug#57480). Especially the latest fact lead us to think that there is something in the InnoDB memory usage pattern that reveals a nasty side of the otherwise good-natured Linux’s memory manager.

It turned out to be an interesting …

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Better scaling of read-only workloads

The problem and its cause

There have been several complaints over the years about InnoDB’s inability to scale beyond 256 connections. One of the main issues behind this scalability bottleneck was the read view creation that is required for MVCC (Multi Version Concurrency Control) to work. When the user starts a transaction this is what InnoDB does under the hood:

  • Create or reuse a transaction instance – usually it is reused, the transactions are reused from a pool (trx_sys_t::mysql_trx_list).
  • Initialize the transaction start time and assign a rollback segment
  • Append the transaction to an active  transaction list ordered on trx_t::id in descending order

The append to  the trx_sys_t::trx_list and corresponding remove during commit is covered by trx_sys_t::mutex. After the transaction is “started” and if the transaction has an isolation greater …

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InnoDB 5.6.4 supports databases with 4k and 8k page sizes

In the 5.6.4 release it is now possible to create an InnoDB database with 4k or 8k page sizes in addition to the original 16k page size. Previously, it could be done by recompiling the engine with a different value for UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT and UNIV_PAGE_SIZE. With this release, you can set –innodb-page-size=n when starting mysqld, or put innodb_page_size=n in the configuration file in the [mysqld] section where n can be 4k, 8k, 16k, or 4096, 8192, 16384.

The support of smaller page sizes may be useful for certain storage media such as SSDs. Performance results can vary depending on your data schema, record size, and read/write ratio. But this provides you more options to optimize your performance.

When this new setting is used, the page size is set for all tablespaces used by that InnoDB instance. You can query the current value with;

SHOW VARIABLES LIKE ‘innodb_page_size’;
SELECT variable_value …

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Slides of my talk on B+Tree Indexes and InnoDB

The slides of my talk on B+Tree Indexes and InnoDB are now available for download. This slide was presented during Percona Live London 2011. You can download the slides from here.
There are many other interesting and informative talks that were presented during Percona Live London 2011, and I think you should definitely check them out, if you haven't. They are available here.

The post Slides of my talk on B+Tree Indexes and InnoDB appeared first on ovais.tariq.

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