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My Talk Next Week at HighLoad++

Next week I’ll be visiting Moscow to talk at Highload++. The conference will take place during Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd at the Radisson hotel. I will be giving my personal version of an indexing talk that my colleagues have given in meetups and conferences in the US.

Highload++ conference is targeted to address the issues of complex high traffic web properties. Most of these sites depend on databases to deliver their content, record the traffic and report the application activities in real time. As I learned early in my career at MySQL, the database schema and in particular the indexing strategy, are critical to achieve the highest possible performance out of the database. I’ll be reviewing the basic strategies to define the right indexes. I will also cover TokuDB’s Fractal Tree® and Cluster …

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Presenting “MongoDB and Fractal Tree Indexes” at MongoDB Boston 2012

I’ll be presenting “MongoDB and Fractal Tree Indexes” at MongoDB Boston 2012 on October 24th.  My presentation covers the basics of B-trees and Fractal Tree Indexes, the benchmarks we’ve run so far, and the development road map going forward.

I’ve been to this one day conference twice now and both times came away with a better understanding of MongoDB’s capabilities, use-cases, and many questions answered via their deep technical dives.  I highly recommend current MongoDB users and anyone considering a MongoDB project attend – it appears that seats are still available.

Report on XLDB Tutorial on Data Structures and Algorithms

Bradley and I (Michael) gave the tutorial on Data Structures and Algorithms for Big Databases at the 6th XLDB Conference last month.

The tutorial was organized as follows:

  • Module 0: Tutorial overview and introductions. We describe an observed (but not necessary) tradeoff in ingestion, querying, and freshness in traditional database.
  • Module 1: I/O model and cache-oblivious analysis.
  • Module 2: Write-optimized data structures. We give the optimal trade-off between inserts and point queries. We show how to build data structures that lie on this tradeoff curve.
  • Module 2 continued: Write-optimized …
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First of New NSF Big Data Grants Go to Tokutek Founders

The core technology behind Tokutek is based on the academic research by our founders: Michael Bender, Bradley Kuszmaul and Martin Farach-Colton.  They are all still in academia, in addition to their work at Tokutek.

Back in March, the White House kicked off a new Initiative for Big Data.  Last week, the National Science Foundation announced the first interagency grants for this.  Eight awards were given, and our own Michael Bender and Martin Farach-Colton, along with Robert Johnson of Stony Brook University, received one of them.

Through their academic work, they hope to extend our …

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ODBMS Interview: Scaling MySQL and MariaDB to TBs

Recently, our CTO, Martín Farach-Colton had a chance to talk about scaling MySQL and MariaDB with Roberto Zicari of ODBMS.

In the article, Martin states “While I believe that one size fits most, claims that RDBMS can no longer keep up with modern workloads come in from all directions. When people talk about performance of databases on large systems, the root cause of their concerns is often the performance of the underlying B-tree index.” He also notes how “Fractal Tree Indexes put you on a higher-performing tradeoff curve. Query-optimal write-optimized indexing is all about making general-purpose databases faster. For some of our customers’ workloads, it’s as much as two orders of magnitude faster.”

To read the full article, and to …

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Forbes: “Tokutek Makes Big Data Dance”

Recently, our CEO, John Partridge had a chance to talk about novel database technologies for “Big Data” with Peter Cohan of Forbes.

According to the article, “Fractal Tree indexing is helping organizations analyze big data more efficiently due to its ability to improve database efficiency thanks to faster ‘database insertion speed, quicker input/output performance, operational agility, and data compression.’” As a start-up based on “the  first algorithm-based breakthrough in the database world in 40 years,” Toktuetek is following in the footsteps of firms such as Google and RSA, which also relied on novel algortithm advances as core to their technology.

To read the full article, and to see how Tokutek is helping companies tackle big data, see …

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Webinar: Introduction to TokuDB v6.5

TokuDB® is a proven solution that scales MySQL® and MariaDB® from GBs to TBs with unmatched insert and query speed, compression, replication performance and online schema flexibility. Tokutek’s recently launched TokuDB v6.5 delivers all of these features and more, not just for HDDs, but also for flash memory.

Originally Aired: October 10th

TokuDB v6.5:

  • Stores 10x More Data – TokuDB delivers 10x compression without any performance degradation. Users can therefore take advantage of much greater amounts of available space without paying more for additional storage.
  • Delivers High Insertion Speed – TokuDB Fractal Tree® indexes …
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Three Ways that Fractal Tree Indexes Improve SSD for MySQL

Since Fractal Tree indexes turn random writes into sequential writes, it’s easy to see why they offer a big advantage for maintaining indexes on rotating disks. It turns out that that Fractal Tree indexing also offers signficant advantages on SSD. Here are three ways that Fractal Trees improve your life if you use SSDs.

Advantage 1: Index maintenence performance.

The results below show the insertion of 1 billion rows into a table while maintaining three multicolumn secondary indexes. At the end of the test, TokuDB’s insertion rate remained at 14,532 inserts/second whereas InnoDB had dropped to 1,607 inserts/second. That’s a difference of over 9x.

Platform: Centos 5.6; 2x Xeon L5520; 72GB RAM; LSI MegaRaid 9285; 2x 256GB Samsung 830 in RAID0.

Even on flash, I/O performance costs something. Since TokuDB employs Fractal Tree write-optimized …

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Announcing TokuDB v6.5: Optimized for Flash

We are excited to announce TokuDB® v6.5, the latest version of Tokutek’s flagship storage engine for MySQL and MariaDB.

This version offers optimization for Flash as well as more hot schema change operations for improved agility.

We’ll be posting more details about the new features and performance, so here’s an overview of what’s in store.

TokuDB v6.5 continues the great Toku-tradition of fast insertions. On flash drives, we show an order-of-magnitude (9x) faster insertion rate than InnoDB. TokuDB’s standard compression works just as well on flash and helps you get the most out of your storage system. And TokuDB reduces wear …
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Tokutek CEO Named Innovation All Star

On Friday our CEO John Partridge was named a “Tech Luminary” in the 17th annual Innovation All Stars award, which is given jointly by Mass High Tech (MHT) and the Boston Business Journal (BBJ). As noted in MHT by the editor, Chris McIntosh, the Luminary designations “reflect deep accomplishment in various technology-related industries.”

For more than 20 years, Tokutek CEO John Partridge has worked with startups in both the Boston area and in Silicon Valley. He joined Tokutek from StreamBase Systems which John co-founded with database pioneer Dr. Michael Stonebraker. He started his career as a software developer …

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