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Displaying posts with tag: aws (reset)
Build Production Grade Debezium Cluster With Confluent Kafka

We are living in the DataLake world. Now almost every organizations wants their reporting in Near Real Time. Kafka is of the best streaming platform for realtime reporting. Based on the Kafka connector, RedHat designed the Debezium which is an OpenSource product and high recommended for real time CDC from transnational databases. I referred many blogs to setup this cluster. But I found just basic installation steps. So I setup this cluster for AWS with Production grade and publishing this blog.

A shot intro:

Debezium is a set of distributed services to capture changes in your databases so that your applications can see those changes and respond to them. Debezium records all row-level changes within each database table in a change event stream, and applications simply read these streams to see the change events in the same order in which they occurred.

Basic Tech Terms:

  • Kafka …
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The Shared Responsibility Model of Security in the Cloud

When we think about the cloud, often we consider many of the benefits: scalability, elasticity, agility, and flexible pricing.  As great as these features are, security also remains a business-critical concern. In an on-premise environment, every aspect of security is owned by you.  Looking at the database layer specifically, these include (but are not limited to):

  • Data encryption
  • Database access control
  • Network security
  • OS security (both host and guest if in VM environment)
  • Physical security

When done properly, that entails a significant amount of work and generally cost.  In the cloud, those aspects are all still relevant and necessary for proper security.  However, under the shared responsibility model, some of that work is offloaded from you and shifted to the cloud provider.  Let’s look at what that model entails and how it is realized …

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Paving the Way for Continuous MySQL Operations

Our team has continued to pave the way for Continuous MySQL Operations this year with our Continuent Tungsten products: Tungsten Clustering and Tungsten Replicator.

And we’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all – our customers, partners, followers and colleagues – for your support in 2019, and celebrate some of our successes with you…

2019 Continuent Momentum Highlights

  • Launched three new Tungsten Clustering & Tungsten Replicator releases
  • Introduced the new Tungsten Replicator (AMI) on the Amazon Marketplace
  • Were named a 2020 Top Trending Product by Database Trends & Applications Magazine

2019 Continuent Customer Highlights

  • 100%: Customer Satisfaction during the most recent customer survey
  • 97.5%: our …
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How to Improve MySQL AWS Performance 2X Over Amazon RDS at The Same Cost

AWS is the #1 cloud provider for open-source database hosting, and the go-to cloud for MySQL deployments. As organizations continue to migrate to the cloud, it’s important to get in front of performance issues, such as high latency, low throughput, and replication lag with higher distances between your users and cloud infrastructure. While many AWS users default to their managed database solution, Amazon RDS, there are alternatives available that can improve your MySQL performance on AWS through advanced customization options and unlimited EC2 instance type support. ScaleGrid offers a compelling alternative to hosting MySQL on AWS that offers better performance, more control, and no cloud vendor lock-in and the same price as Amazon RDS. In this post, we compare the performance of MySQL Amazon RDS …

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Handling Bi-Directional Replication between Tungsten Clusters and AWS Aurora

Overview The Skinny

In this blog post, we explore the correct way to implement bi-directional Tungsten Replication between AWS Aurora and Tungsten Clustering for MySQL databases.

Background The Story

When we are approached by a prospect interested in using our solutions, we are proud of our pre-sales process by which that we engage at a very deep technical level to ensure the we provide the best possible solution to meet with the prospect’s requirements. This involves an in-depth hands-on POC, in addition to the significant time and effort we spend building and testing the solution architectures in our lab environment as part of the proposal process.

From time to time, we are presented with requirements that are not always quite so straight forward. Just recently we faced such a situation. A …

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How to get the most out of your EBS performance

A commonly encountered scenario is when EBS volumes are not performing at the expected theoretical performance. Let’s look at some of the potential reasons for that and how we can “fix” it. (When I say EBS volume, I am talking about SSDs specifically. I rarely see HDDs in use anymore.)

Planning for success

First of all, keep in mind that theoretical IOPS are based on an IO size of 16KB. If you are doing 32KB operations and have a volume rated 1000 IOPS, it means you effectively have 500 IOPS available.

Instance type is closely related to IO performance. When working with databases, you want to use an EBS-optimized instance type. This ensures dedicated bandwidth is available to the IO layer. In addition to that, instance types have a cap on bandwidth and IOPS. So when picking your instance type, don’t base the …

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10 Reasons Why Tungsten Clustering Beats the DIY Approach for Geo-Distributed MySQL Deployments

Why does the DIY approach fail to deliver vs. the Tungsten Clustering solution for geo-distributed MySQL multimaster deployments?

Before we dive into the 10 reasons, note why commercially-supported enterprise software is less risky and in fact less costly:

  • The labor time spent building and maintaining a DIY solution costs more than a supported solution that just works.
  • There is documentation, training, support, so your mission-critical process is never dependent upon an irreplaceable individual.
  1. Tungsten Clustering is a complete solution, comprised of the Replicator, Manager and Connector components
    • With DIY, you must first decide the architecture, then select the individual tools to handle each layer of the topology. …
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MySQL Master Replication Crash Safety Part #5a: making things faster without reducing durability - using better hardware

This is a follow-up post in the MySQL Master Replication Crash Safety series.  In the previous posts, we explored the consequences of reducing durability on masters (different data inconsistencies after an OS crash depending on replication type) and the performance boost associated with this configuration (benchmark results done on Google Cloud Platform / GCP).  The consequences are summarised in

MySQL Master Replication Crash Safety Part #5: faster without reducing durability (under the hood)

This post is a sister post to MySQL Master Replication Crash Safety Part #5: making things faster without reducing durability.  There is no introduction or conclusion to this post, only landing sections: reading this post without its context is not not recommended. You should start with the main post and come back here for more details.

And this Part #5 of the series has many sub-parts.  So far,

MySQL Master Replication Crash Safety Part #4: benchmarks of high and low durability

This is a follow-up post in the MySQL Master Replication Crash Safety series.  In the three previous posts, we explored the consequence of reducing durability on masters (including setting sync_binlog to a value different from 1).  But so far, I only quickly presented why a DBA would run MySQL with such configuration.  In this post, I present actual benchmark results.  I also present a

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