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Displaying posts with tag: configuration (reset)
Cluster/J - Document-oriented approach on MySQL Cluster

In a project Severalnines is engaged in, we are developing a realtime application based on Cluster/J. To start with, I must say cluster/j is fantastic and so far I am very happy with it and beaten our expectations big time. It is quite new however and we stumbled on a couple of issues, but those were fixed very fast by the Cluster/J developers. The bugs we encountered were:

Both which were worked around, and really we never did need to have a binary or a varbinary as the PK, we used a

Performance is great - we have two data nodes (nehalem, 32GB RAM, 146GB SAS 10K disk, 2x4 core 2.4GHz (E5620) ) and two application hosts (same spec, less RAM as data …

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Custom MySQL config files to ensure maximum performance

The config files that come with MySQL server are generally not that good. They almost never work well for enterprise server loads and will leave most people wondering why the database needs someone to come fix it. In fact that might be why they roll those configs by default, to keep the consulting services alive and profitable. Personally I have no issues with consulting services, but everyone should start out with good configs to begin with. Well, no worries… here are config files for different system RAM configurations. Just choose the one that fits how much RAM your server has and make sure the cnf file is in place before you install the MySQL server RPM/tar/deb packages. Obviously you’ll want to remove the extension of the filename so it reads “my.cnf” and not “my.cnf_64GB” or the like. These cnfs have default settings in the comments so you know what is changed. There are also several equations listed so you know why I am choosing …

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Tuning InnoDB Configuration

I had earlier written a post on tuning the MySQL server configuration which was more geared towards the MyISAM storage engine. While that is not because I didn't intend on ignoring InnoDB but because I had planned a whole post on tuning InnoDB related configuration. So this post is the post that I had planned, I have discussed the major configuration parameters in here that should help you out most of the times.

Tuning MySQL Server Settings

The default configuration file for MySQL is intended not to use many resources, because its a general purpose sort of a configuration file. The default configuration does enough to have MySQL running happily with limited resources and catering to simple queries and small data-sets. The configuration file would most definitely need to be customized and tuned if you intend on using complex queries and when you have good amount of data. Most of the tunings mentioned in this post are applicable to the MyISAM storage engine, I will soon be posting tunings applicable to the Innodb storage engine. Getting started...

Reviewing your MySQL installation on Oracle Enterprise Linux

After successfully Installing MySQL, let us take a look at an operational MySQL instance on your Oracle Enterprise Linux server.

User Management

By default there will be a new mysql user and group created. This user is used to run the mysqld process is generally not used for any other purpose.

$ grep mysql /etc/{passwd,shadow,group}
/etc/passwd:mysql:x:27:27:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/bash


MySQL binaries are found in /usr/bin.

$ ls -l /usr/bin/mysql*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  314568 Feb 16 17:45 /usr/bin/mysql
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  110776 Feb 16 14:39 /usr/bin/mysqlaccess
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   35144 Feb 16 17:45 /usr/bin/mysqladmin
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  112944 Feb 16 …
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Kontrollkit – new version available for download

Just a quick notice to let everyone know that there is a new version of Kontrollkit available. There are some required bug fixes to the formerly new python backup script and some Solaris compatible changes to the various my.cnf files. You can download the new version here:, or here:

Tuning your Cluster with ndbinfo (7.1) part 1 of X

The new ndbinfo interface in 7.1 is really useful to assist in tuning MySQL Cluster. Here is an example (more will follow):

I started with one test where I inserted two blobs (1KB + 1KB) in one table.
From 16 threads (colocated with one mysqld, two data nodes, separate computers) and one application driving the load I reached about 6960TPS, and the utilization of the redo buffers (controlled by the parameter RedoBuffer in config.ini) looked like:

mysql< select * from ndbinfo.logbuffers;
| node_id | log_type | log_id | log_part | total | used |
| 3 | REDO | 0 | 1 | 50331648 | 196608 |
| 3 | REDO | 0 | 2 | 50331648 | 294912 |
| 3 | REDO | 0 | 3 | 50331648 | 131072 |
| …
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Building MySQL Server with CMake on Linux/Unix

CMake is a cross-platform, open-source build system, maintained by Kitware, Inc.

From the home page:

CMake is a family of tools designed to build, test and package software. CMake is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration files. CMake generates native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice.

It has been used for building the MySQL Server on Windows since MySQL 5.0 – the initial CMake build support was added in August 2006.

For …

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MySQL Cluster Configurator v3

Version 3.0 of the severalnines/Configurator has been released:

  • Improved scripts (a lot of cleanup), prefixing the script output with the hostname:
    Cluster: Cluster Start
    ps-ndb01: Starting management server (nodeid=1)
    ps-ndb01: Copying ../config/config.ini to /etc/mysql
    ps-ndb01: Started management server (nodeid=1, pid=28253)

  • Reduced number of scripts --> --initial --> --initial
    start-ndbd-<host>-<id> --> start-ndbd-<host>-<id>.sh --initial
  • Better error handling during rolling …
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Be sure to know your my.cnf [sections]

The MySQL configuration file, e.g. /etc/my.cnf has a number of different section headings including [mysql], [mysqld], [mysqld_safe]. It is important that you ensure you put the right variables into the right section. For example, the following my.cnf configuration file will not operate as the user probably expects.

query_cache_size = 100M
query_cache_type = 1



In this example, this configuration does not give you a MyISAM key buffer of 600M, it’s actually the default of 8M.

mysql> show global variables like 'key_buffer_size';
| Variable_name   | Value   |
| key_buffer_size | 8388600 |

Be sure to add the right options to the [mysqld] section.

What I didn’t know until yesterday was that some programs read from …

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