A "little-known way," I claim, and yet it happens all the time --
precisely because it's little-known. Experts will quickly
recognize where I'm going to go with this article, but I hope
many others in my audience will understand deadlocks more deeply
after reading it. I'll use MySQL and InnoDB for illustration
purposes, but the scenario this article describes (dramatic
music, please!) could happen to you, too! And probably will
someday, unless you're one of the elite few (ok, enough drama)
who know how to avoid it.
In this article I'll briefly introduce deadlocks, give an example
of one that happened at my employer recently, analyze and explain
it, and then disclose the secret way to avoid cause such
deadlocks. Then I'll show you how to reproduce the deadlock and
dive into the gory details of what goes on internally with
InnoDB. I'll also demonstrate how …
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