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Displaying posts with tag: Innotop (reset)
Version 0.1.132 of innotop released

I've released another version of the innotop MySQL and InnoDB monitor. As always, you can download innotop from the original article.

It's worth upgrading to this version not only because of the new features, but also because it should handle more special cases without crashing. Of course, if it does crash, I appreciate your help fixing it; see this article about what information I need.

How to deliberately cause a deadlock in MySQL

Why would you ever want to deliberately cause a deadlock? Sometimes a very large deadlock in MySQL will fill the output of SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS until it truncates, so you can't see information about transactions, log and I/O, buffers, and so forth. I know only two solutions to this problem: 1) restart MySQL and 2) cause a small deadlock so the LAST DETECTED DEADLOCK section shrinks to an acceptable size. In this article I'll show you how to cause a small deadlock, and how to use innotop to do it more easily.

This article is part of a series on how to use innotop to make your life easier.

A little-known way to cause a database deadlock

A "little-known way," I claim, and yet it happens all the time -- precisely because it's little-known. Experts will quickly recognize where I'm going to go with this article, but I hope many others in my audience will understand deadlocks more deeply after reading it. I'll use MySQL and InnoDB for illustration purposes, but the scenario this article describes (dramatic music, please!) could happen to you, too! And probably will someday, unless you're one of the elite few (ok, enough drama) who know how to avoid it.

In this article I'll briefly introduce deadlocks, give an example of one that happened at my employer recently, analyze and explain it, and then disclose the secret way to avoid cause such deadlocks. Then I'll show you how to reproduce the deadlock and dive into the gory details of what goes on internally with InnoDB. I'll also demonstrate how …

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How to monitor InnoDB lock waits

This is one in a series of articles on how to use the innotop MySQL and InnoDB monitor. In this article I show how innotop can display locks that are causing a transaction to wait.

What to do when innotop crashes

A couple of people have written in reporting innotop crashes. Unfortunately I don't have access to enough variations of operating systems and MySQL versions to test everything myself, but if you're able to help by sending me a bug report when innotop crashes, I'm willing to work on fixing it! I hope soon I'll have a much larger test suite, and am grateful for your help with that. This article explains what information I need to reproduce and debug crashes.

Version 0.1.123 of innotop released

I've made several improvements to the innotop InnoDB and MySQL monitor, and it's ready to get from the download link on the original article.

How to find out who is locking a table in MySQL

MySQL is adding more tools to monitor its internals with every new release, but one thing it still lacks is a way to find out who is locking what, and therefore which transactions block which other ones. This is such a vital feature that I'm considering writing my own patch to the source! Still, it is possible, to a limited extent, to find out who's locking resources. In this article I'll explain how you can do that.

This article is the second in a series on how to use the innotop MySQL and InnoDB monitor.

How to install innotop

This is the first in a series of articles I?ll write on how to use innotop, the MySQL and InnoDB monitor I?m developing. This article explains how to install innotop.

Version 0.1.106 of innotop MySQL/InnoDB monitor released

I've just improved innotop substantially, and released version 0.1.106 (download innotop from the original article), and I'm also preparing a series of articles on how to use it for real, practical things. I'd like to know what you think of it, what problems you have, what features you want. It would be a huge help if you'd start it, toggle through its modes, and give me your feedback.

How to track what owns a MySQL connection

MySQL doesn't yet provide good tools for some troubleshooting tasks. Fortunately, there is some low-hanging fruit you can pluck. One example is a tool to record who owns a MySQL database connection, so long-running transactions can be traced back to the source. This article demonstrates an easy way to solve that problem.

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