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Displaying posts with tag: encryption (reset)
Redefining –ssl option

MySQL clients have long had a –ssl option.  Casual users may think specifying this option will cause clients to secure connections using SSL.  That is not the case:

D:\mysql-5.6.13-winx64>bin\mysql -uroot -P3307 --ssl
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 2
Server version: 5.6.13-log MySQL Community Server (GPL)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

mysql> \s
bin\mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.6.13, for Win64 (x86_64)

Connection id:          2
Current database:
Current user:           root@localhost
SSL:                    Not in use

This behavior is clearly explained in the …

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Notes on the AES encryption in MySQL

Oracle has improved the AES encryption/decryption functions in MySQL 5.6.17. They improved it a lot and posted a blog which explains all the details.

If you would like to know more about encryption there are two resources I would recommend:

  • The Code Book by Simon Singh. This is about the history of cryptography, but it also includes a lot of information about crypto which is currently in use. This is also a very entertaining read.
  • Crypto 101, a free/opensource book which gives a intro to crypto. The webpage also has a video of the talk on which the book is based.

And if you're going to …

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MySQL 5.6.17 – now with better encryption

Joro wrote recently about MySQL 5.6.17‘s new support for AES-256 encryption, and it’s a great improvement for people need to encrypt their data at rest.  The new session block_encryption_mode variable controls what variant of AES is used, and for backwards compatibility, the default behavior remains 128-bit key length with ECB block cipher mode.  If you’re happy with that level of encryption, nothing changes – your existing code will work the same on 5.6.17 as it has on earlier versions (note that users of statement-based replication will experience new warnings).  There are good examples of how to use …

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MySQL encryption performance, revisited

This is part two on a two-part series on the performance implications of in-flight data encryption with MySQL. In the first part, I focused specifically on the impact of using MySQL’s built-in SSL support with some rather surprising results. Certainly it was expected that query throughput would be lower with SSL than without, but I was rather surprised by the magnitude of the performance hit incurred at connection setup time. These results naturally lended themselves to some further investigation; in particular, I wanted to compare performance differences between MySQL’s built-in SSL encryption facilities and external encryption technologies, such as SSH tunneling. I’ll also be using this post to address a couple of questions posed in the comments on my original article. So, without further ado….

Test Environment

The …

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SSL Performance Overhead in MySQL

NOTE: This is part 1 of what will be a two-part series on the performance implications of using in-flight data encryption.

Some of you may recall my security webinar from back in mid-August; one of the follow-up questions that I was asked was about the performance impact of enabling SSL connections. My answer was 25%, based on some 2011 data that I had seen over on yaSSL’s website, but I included the caveat that it is workload-dependent, because the most expensive part of using SSL is establishing the connection. Not long thereafter, I received a request to conduct some more specific benchmarks surrounding SSL usage in MySQL, and today I’m going to show the results.

First, the testing …

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Why use encrypted backup with Percona XtraBackup 2.1 for MySQL?

We just released our first alpha of Percona XtraBackup 2.1 for MySQL and with it we included the ability to encrypt backups on the fly (full documentation here). This feature is different than simply piping the backup stream through the openssl or gpg binaries, which is what some people have used in the past. A big benefit of using the built-in encryption is that multiple CPU cores can be used for encryption (with the --encrypt-threads option). You can also combine compression and encryption, each using multiple CPU cores.

One advantage of …

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Transparent encryption does not make your database secure

Transparently encrypted storage of *any* kind (storage engine based data encryption, truecrypt volume encryption, bitkeeper, etc) is *just as insecure* to most types of attack as non-encrypted data.  SQL injection or security escalation vulnerabilities, operating system vulnerabilities and cross site scripting attacks could give attackers access to the database data.  It doesn't matter if you encrypt the database's physical storage in the database itself (in the storage engine layer) or on disk (at the filesystem level) since either way the data is presented unencrypted through the SQL interface. 

Transparent encryption is great for protecting your laptop data from theft by stealing your laptop.  It is very unlikely someone will attack your server by stealing it.

It doesn't protect you from a malicious SQL injection which drops all your tables or reads all your data.

If you are …

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Transparent encryption does not make your database secure

Transparently encrypted storage of *any* kind (storage engine based data encryption, truecrypt volume encryption, bitkeeper, etc) is *just as insecure* to most types of attack as non-encrypted data.  SQL injection or security escalation vulnerabilities, operating system vulnerabilities and cross site scripting attacks could give attackers access to the database data.  It doesn't matter if you encrypt the database's physical storage in the database itself (in the storage engine layer) or on disk (at the filesystem level) since either way the data is presented unencrypted through the SQL interface. 

Transparent encryption is great for protecting your laptop data from theft by stealing your laptop.  It is very unlikely someone will attack your server by stealing it.

It doesn't protect you from a malicious SQL injection which drops all your tables or reads all your data.

If you are …

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One-way Password Crypting Flaws

I was talking with a client and the topic of password crypting came up. From my background as a C coder, I have a few criteria to regard a mechanism to be safe. In this case we’ll just discuss things from the perspective of secure storage, and validation in an application.

  1. use a digital fingerprint algorithm, not a hash or CRC. A hash is by nature lossy (generates evenly distributed duplicates) and a CRC is intended to identify bit errors in transmitted data, not compare potentially different data.
  2. Store/use all of the fingerprint, not just part (otherwise it’s lossy again).
  3. SHA1 and its siblings are not ideal for this purpose, but ok. MD5 and that family of “message digests” has been proven flawed long ago, they can be “freaked” to create a desired outcome. Thus, it is possible to …
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TunnelMaker, a simple script to generate multi-hop SSH tunnels

SSH tunnels provide a very effective means to access remote services and applications. Not only does it provide encryption of data between hosts, but it allows you to route connections between a sequence of servers, thus chaining connections. A common use of this method is to provide encrypted connections to MySQL servers so that user accounts can be limited to only “localhost” privileges, yet accessed from remote workstations without having to run MySQL+SSL.

The concept is simple, for example let’s say you have three servers: localhost (your workstation in America), a server in Europe, and a server in Japan. You want to access Apache running on port 80 on the Japan server but because of firewall restrictions you cannot access port 80 remotely, and to make things more difficult the Japan server only allows SSH connections from the Europe server’s IP. We can solve this by creating a SSH tunnel that forwards localhost port 8080 …

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