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Displaying posts with tag: Open Source (reset)
OSS Ability to Accept Contributions

Clayton Christensen has some excellent insights on Modularity vs Integration in “The Innovator’s Solution”. I wrote about this for Particularly in the realm of Open Source, modularity is regarded as a panacea – a product, service or design must be modular. But  modularity is not better (or worse) than integration. Like tools, they each have their place, depending on the state of the market/ecosystem where the process/product/service operates. Part of a system can be in a modular phase, where another part of the same system needs integration!

In this context, think of an Open Source project or company’s ability to handle contributions. If the process of interaction between a contributor and the core is not (for whatever reason) clearly defined and predictable, it won’t work. Jamming an additional [in this case …

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Monitoring MySQL – The error log

It is important that you monitor the MySQL error log. There are a few different options available for defining the details of the log. If not specified the default is [datadir]/[hostname].err. This is not an ideal location for 2 reasons.

First, a correctly configured MySQL datadir will have permissions only for the mysql user, and this is generally restrictive access to the user only and no group or world permissions. Other users/groups should have limited access to the mysql error log.

Second, the datadir is for data, not logs, especially logs that can potentially fill file systems. I am referring here to more then just the error log.

I would recommend you create a separate directory for MySQL logs such as the error, slow and general logs. An example I implement for single installation environments using Linux mysql packages is:

mkdir /var/log/mysql
chown mysql:mysql /var/log/mysql
chmod 750 /var/log/mysql
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Zimbra Looking For Developer Community Manager

Been a while since we did a post for open positions but this is an important one so wanted to get it out there.

Position Overview:
Manage Zimbra’s rapidly growing technical community and launch our developer outreach program.  A key part of Zimbra’s rapid growth and ongoing success is the ability for us to engage and interact with our open source community.  This position will take the solid base we’ve grown over the past 5 yrs and define and implement a Zimbra developer program to lower the bar for external developers, partners and customers to build solutions around the Zimbra platform.  This will include expanding and leveraging the relationships between Zimbra, our customers, our developers and our sysadmin community members.  A few of the existing public tools and touch points are listed below. This position will build upon and improve the current tools and evaluate and add to these as needed.  The …

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EU Should Protect MySQL-based Special Purpose Database Vendors

In my recent post on the EU antitrust regulators' probe into the Oracle Sun merger I did not mention an important class of stakeholders: the MySQL-based special purpose database startups. By these I mean:

I think it's safe to say the first three are comparable in the sense that they are all analytical databases: they are designed for data warehousing and business intelligence applications. ScaleDB might be a good fit for those …

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Where can you find MySQL Events?

As a frequent traveler for my MySQL consulting (last 4 weeks were Sydney, San Francisco, New York and Vancouver), I like to keep abreast of any local tech event that includes MySQL that I may be able to attend.

Now there is a consolidated location that you can use, the Open Source Events Calendar. Kudos to the MySQL Community team members Lenz Grimmer and Giuseppe Maxia who have put this together.

We need your help. If you have a local event, please submit your event request. This projects needs the support of all.

You will also find valuable conference information including dates for close of proposals. A great tool for scheduling your upcoming conference year.

Why no mention of MySQL in Oracle's ad?

Matt Asay and Marten Micknos both tweeted about Oracle's ad targeted at Sun customers that ran in Wednesday's Wall Street Journal. It's also on Oracle's Web site:

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Sponsoring OpenSQLCamp

The next OpenSQLCamp will be held in Portland, Oregon, USA. It is being organized by Eric Day, well known to the open source community for his active and productive participation to several projects (especially Drizzle and Gearman).

The event is public and free. Therefore, it needs public sponsoring. I don't know yet if I can attend, but I have already donated something to the organizers, and I am officially a sponsor. You can be one too. Simply go to the sponsors page and donate a minimum of $100 as in individual or $250 as an …

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InnoDB I_S.tables.table_rows out by a factor of 100x

I’ve always believed that the MySQL Information_schema.tables.table_rows figure for Innodb tables to be while approximate, approximately accurate.

Today I found that the figures varied on one table from 10x to 100x wrong.

Before performing an ALTER I always verify sizes for reference.

| table_s | table_name | engine | row_format | table_rows | avg_row_length | total_mb   | data_mb    | index_mb  | today      |
| XXXXX   | s_a        | InnoDB | Compact    |     208993 |           7475 |  1491.5312 |  1490.0156 |    1.5156 | 2009-09-09 |

mysql> alter table s_a modify col VARCHAR(255);
Query OK, 23471 rows affected (4 min 26.23 sec)


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MySQL DML stats per table

MySQL provides a level of statistics for your INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, REPLACE Data Manipulation Language (DML) commands using the STATUS output of various Com_ variables, however it is per server stats. I would like per table stats.

You can achieve this with tools such as MySQL Proxy and mk-query-digest, however there is actually a very simple solution that requires no additional tools.
The following 1 line Linux command (reformatted for ease of reading) gave me exactly what I wanted, and it had ZERO impact on the database.

$ mysqlbinlog /path/to/mysql-bin.000999 |  \
   grep -i -e "^update" -e "^insert" -e "^delete" -e "^replace" -e "^alter"  | \
   cut -c1-100 | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' |  \
   sed -e "s/\t/ /g;s/\`//g;s/(.*$//;s/ set .*$//;s/ as .*$//" | sed -e "s/ where .*$//" |  \
   sort | uniq -c | sort -nr  

  33389 update e_acc
  17680 insert into r_b
  17680 insert into e_rec
  14332 insert into rcv_c
  13543 update e_rec
  10805 …
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Has your blog been hacked?

While not a MySQL topic, as most of my readers view my MySQL Blog, my WordPress blog has been hacked? Has yours?

Like many, I’m sure you may have read about it like at Wordpress blogs under attack from hack attack but I was surprised when my custom permlinks did not work.

Being surprised I looked at Administrator accounts, and I found that there was one more number then being displayed in the list. I had to dig into the database to find the problem.

mysql> select * from wp_users where ID in (select user_id from wp_usermeta where meta_key = 'wp_capabilities' and meta_value like '%admin%');
| ID  | user_login  | user_pass                          | user_nicename | …
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