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Displaying posts with tag: scalability (reset)
MySQL needs single master to check data integrity

Read the original article at MySQL needs single master to check data integrity

MySQL slaves can drift out of sync. Many of our clients are surprised to find some data differences in their replication topology, once we do some checking and sniffing around. Such checks require a single reliable or authoritative master to compare against. Click through to the end for multi-master solutions that work with MySQL. Reason [...]

For more articles like these go to Sean Hull's Scalable Startups

Related posts:

  1. MySQL requires an authoritative master to build slaves
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MySQL requires an authoritative master to build slaves

Read the original article at MySQL requires an authoritative master to build slaves

In MySQL database operations, you often need to rebuild slaves. They fail for a lot of different reasons, fall out of sync or crash. When this happens you may find you need to reclone and start fresh. This is normally done by finding your authoritative master database, and doing a hotbackup. Click through to the [...]

For more articles like these go to Sean Hull's Scalable Startups

Related posts:

  1. Limitations of MySQL row-based replication
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Limitations of MySQL row-based replication

Read the original article at Limitations of MySQL row-based replication

MySQL offers a few different options for how you perform replication. Statement-based has been around a lot longer, and though it has some troublesome characteristics they’re known well and can be managed. What’s more it supports online schema changes with multi-master active-passive setup. We recommend this solution. Row-based replication is newer. It attempts to address [...]

For more articles like these go to Sean Hull's Scalable Startups

Related posts:

  1. Why does MySQL replication fail?
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Why does MySQL replication fail?

Read the original article at Why does MySQL replication fail?

When considering active-active multi-master, you must consider it’s foundation technology. Although MySQL replication is straightforward to setup, it can fail in a myriad of ways. Most of those are known and well understood. We can solve them only if we use the technology in the standard way. Click through to the end for multi-master solutions [...]

For more articles like these go to Sean Hull's Scalable Startups

Related posts:

  1. 5 Ways to fortify MySQL replication
  2. Easy …
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MySQL thread pool and scalability examples

Nice article about SimCity outage and ways to defend databases:

The graphs showing throughput with and without the thread pool are taken from the benchmark performed by Oracle and taken from here:

The main take away is this graph (all rights reserved to Oracle, picture original URL):

Scalability is where throughput can grow and grow, as demand grows. I need to get more from the database, the question …

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MariaDB Galera Cluster is a unique technology worth testing

As alway with new technology there is always different approaches regarding the adoption. You can try to use the bleeding edge features or start with a very standard configuration. My personal advise to new users is to start with the most basic configuration.

This allow you to get familiar with the fundamentals : - how [...]

How scalable is your database?

Most of the time, when people say “scalability” they mean any of dozens of things. Most of the time, when I say it I mean exactly one precisely defined thing. However, I don’t claim that’s the only correct use of “scalability.” There is another, in particular, that I think is very important to understand: the inherent limitations of the system. This second one doesn’t have a single mathematical definition, but it’s vital nonetheless.

I’ll frame the discussion by asking this: how scalable is your database?

Using the two definitions I like to use the most, I answer the question in this way.

  1. Scalability in terms of the Universal Scalability Law is the degree to which you can add more workers (or units of hardware) and get equal returns in terms of system throughput.
  2. Scalability in terms of inherent …
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Forthcoming webinar: Strategies for scaling MySQL

On February 28 at 1pm EST I’ll be taking part in a webinar, sponsored by ScaleBase, on strategies for scaling MySQL.

Scalability is one of the primary drivers we’ve seen for database users considering alternatives to traditional relational databases. That could mean adopting an entirely new database for new projects or – more likely for existing applications – looking at various strategies for improving the scalability of an existing database.

During the webinar I will be joined by Doron Levari and Paul Campaniello, both from ScaleBase, which enables applications to scale without disruption to the existing infrastructure. We’ll be discussing, amongst other things:

  • Scaling-out your MySQL databases
  • New high availability strategies
  • Centrally managing a …
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Achieve the Highest Levels of MySQL Scalability, Security & Uptime

Oracle's MySQL Enterprise Edition includes the most comprehensive set of advanced features, management tools and technical support to help you reduce the cost, risk & time to deploy and manage your MySQL applications.

Access our Resource Kit to discover:

  • How to boost scalability by 20x with MySQL Enterprise Scalability
  • How to automatically detect and recover from failures with MySQL Enterprise High Availability
  • How to eliminate security vulnerabilities, improve replication and optimize performance with the MySQL Enterprise Monitor
  • How MySQL Enterprise Backup reduces the risk of data loss with …
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A close look at New Relic’s scalability chart

I’ve written a lot about modeling MySQL with the USL, and I like it best of all the scalability models I’ve seen, but it’s not the only way to think about scalability. I was aware that New Relic supports a scalability chart, so I decided to take a peek at that. Here’s a screenshot of the chart, from their blog:

Here’s how it works. It plots response time (or database time, or CPU) as the dependent variable, versus throughput as the independent variable. There’s a line through it to indicate the general shape. Samples are charted as points in a scatter plot. The points are color-coded by the time of day. Outliers are automatically removed.

The focus on response time is really good. That’s one of the things I like about New Relic. While most systems show people status counters, and imply …

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