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Displaying posts with tag: installation (reset)
Installing a LAMP stack on Oracle Enterprise Linux

After successfully installing MySQL on Oracle Enterprise Linux installing a LAMP (Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP) stack can also be performed with a single command:

$ yum install -y httpd php php-mysql
# Start the Apache Httpd Process
$ /etc/init.d/httpd start

To test and confirm Apache Httpd and PHP, we can use the CLI browser lynx:

$ yum install -y lynx
$ echo "<? phpinfo() ?>" > /var/www/html/phpinfo.php
$ lynx http://localhost/phpinfo.php

If successful, you will find a web page that contains the following.

phpinfo() (p1 of 31)

   PHP Logo 

PHP Version 5.1.6

   System Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.18-164.el5 #1 SMP Thu Sep 3 04:15:13
   EDT 2009 x86_64
   Build Date Feb 11 2010 19:07:36
   Configure …
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MySQL Sandbox meets plugins
I saw it coming.
In the past year I have been working more and more with plugins. The InnoDB plugins, the semi-synchronous replication plugins, the Gearman UDFs, the Spider plugins, and every time I found myself doing a long installation process, with inevitable mistakes.

So I told myself "I wish I had a tool that installed plugins instantly and painlessly, the way MySQL Sandbox installs a server.
There you go. So yesterday I had enough of suffering and have put together an installation script that does a good job of installing several plugins with little or no effort.
OverviewHow does it work? For now, it's a separate script, but it will soon end into SBtool, the Sandbox tool.
Plugins need different operations, and the difficult part is finding a clear way of …

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InfiniDB in the Cloud at Amazon Web Services (EC2)

Let's take a quick look at installing and running InfiniDB on EC2. The short list of commands are listed to create a m1.xlarge instance, install InfiniDB, create a 4 disk raid set, create an InfiniDB instance, and connect to the database.  A more detailed description follows that shows a bulk load example, joins, and new subqueries.

 ec2-run-instances ami-86db39ef -k gsg-keypair -g calpont2 -t m1....

Building MySQL Server with CMake on Linux/Unix

CMake is a cross-platform, open-source build system, maintained by Kitware, Inc.

From the home page:

CMake is a family of tools designed to build, test and package software. CMake is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration files. CMake generates native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice.

It has been used for building the MySQL Server on Windows since MySQL 5.0 – the initial CMake build support was added in August 2006.

For …

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Kontrollbase – a simple way to install module requirements

I’ve been looking over the documentation lately and trying to find ways to improve the installation experience for new users. That said, I’ve written a short but useful description of the easiest way to install all of the Perl and PHP requirements for Kontrollbase. You can find it here: – or in the Installation [...]

Understanding installing MySQL rpm versions

I have a problem with an easy way to install MySQL via rpm without resorting to specifying the exact point release of MySQL. Presently my local yum repository has versions of 5.0, 5.1,5.4 and 5.5.

If I want to install MySQL Sever, I can just run:

$ sudo yum install -y MySQL-server
Setting up Install Process
Package MySQL-server-community-5.5.0-1.rhel5.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Nothing to do

The issue here is the most current version is installed. If I want to install the most current version of 5.1 for example, I have found no way to specify MySQL-server-5.1, or MySQL-server-community-5.1, I have to specify the point release MySQL-server-community-5.1.40

I suspect there is some internal aliasing that may be possible within rpm’s to support this. I’m seeking help from any rpm experts and would appreciate any feedback.

My current products include:

$ sudo yum list …
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Install 2 MySQL Server instances replication on Windows

At times you need to install multiple MySQL instances on same machine. This article is a brief step-by-step tutorial on the subject task which is divided into the following main…

The post Install 2 MySQL Server instances replication on Windows first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

Cluster fails to start - self diagnosis

If the Cluster fails to start, what can you do and what to check?

Initial system start
If it is the first time you start up the cluster and it fails, then check the following:

  • Network - Check /etc/hosts
    You should have (on the line for localhost) localhost
    and nothing else! Then the normal IP address host mapping follows..
    REDHAT and others can add a lot of other things to that line, and this results in that the nodes won't be able to connect to each other (they will be stuck in phase 0 or phase 1)
  • Network - Check if you can ping the machines
  • Network - Check if you have any firewalls enables ( e.g check with /sbin/iptables -L)
    Disable the firewall in that case. Exactly how depends on OS and Linux distribution.
    On Redhat systems, then SELinux might be enabled. Googling "disable firewall <your …
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MySQL Installing: Binary tarball (.tar.gz) *nix based platforms

Installing MySQL is quite an easy thing to do, especially when done using pkgs, dmgs or exes. It gets just a tad more time consuming and brain intensive when installing a .tar.gz binary package. It is when you’re compiling MySQL source directly that you’ll need some planning and playing, but the latter is only done in particular cases such as when you’ll need a particular engine not shipped with a pre-compiled package etc.

Today we’re going through the steps required for a typical MySQL installation from a .tar.gz package on a *nix based platform, including the download, installation, configuration and securing.

Steps involved:
1. Download MySQL binary tarball from
2. Create a folder structure where the installation will be held.
3. Install the package
4. Secure the installation

Step 1: Download MySQL

Go to and choose the particular …

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Running Drupal 6 on MySQL 6 using the Falcon Storage Engine

This article describes how to install the Drupal 6.2 CMS on MySQL 6.0, using the Falcon Storage Engine. The operating system is a default Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron" (x86) installation.

I will make a few assumptions here, in order to keep the instructions simple: a fresh OS install, no other MySQL databases or web services are running or have already been installed. Both MySQL and the web server are installed on the same host. You should be able to become root to install packages and to have access to the local file system and the system configuration.

This article will explain how to install and configure Apache/PHP, MySQL 6.0 and …

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