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Displaying posts with tag: tuning (reset) – Benchmarking script now available

You can download the first release of the benchmarking script here:

Please read the README file or consult the Support page before running the benchmarks.

Kontrollbase – new version available with improved analytics

A new version of Kontrollbase – the enterprise monitoring, analytics, reporting, and historical analysis webapp for MySQL database administrators and advanced users of MySQL databases – is available for download. There are several upgrades to the reporting code with improved alert algorithms as well as a new script for auto-archiving of the statistics table based […]

What do MySQL Consultants do?

One role of a MySQL consultant is to review an existing production system. Sometimes you have sufficient time and access, and other times you don’t. If I am given a limited time here is a general list of things I look at.

  1. Review Server architecture, OS, Memory, Disks (including raid and partition type), Network etc
  2. Review server load and identify physical bottleneck
  3. Look at all running processes
  4. Look specifically at MySQL processes
  5. Review MySQL Error Log
  6. Determine MySQL version
  7. Look at MySQL configuration (e.g. /etc/my.cnf)
  8. Look at running MySQL Variables
  9. Look at running MySQL status (x n times)
  10. Look at running MySQL INNODB status (x n times) if used
  11. Get Database and Schema Sizes
  12. Get Database Schema
  13. Review Slow Query Log
  14. Capture query sample via SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST (locked …
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Benchmarking MySQL ACID performance with SysBench

A couple of question I get a lot from MySQL customers is “how will this hardware upgrade improve my transactions per second (TPS)” and “what level of TPS will MySQL perform on this hardware if I’m running ACID settings?” Running sysbench against MySQL with different values for per-thread and global memory buffer sizes, ACID settings, and other settings gives me concrete values to bring to the customer to show the impact that more RAM, faster CPUs, faster disks, or cnf changes have on the server. Here are some examples for a common question: “If I’m using full ACID settings vs non-ACID settings what performance am I going to get from this server?”

Let’s find out by running sysbench with the following settings (most are self explanatory – if not the man page can explain them):

  • sysbench –test=oltp –db-driver=mysql –oltp-table-size=1000000 –mysql-engine-trx=yes –oltp-test-mode=complex …
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The “Shadow Table” trick.

The need: Often there is a requirement where data in a particular table has to be processed, and the data processing might be slow, while the table might be a one that is used by your application extensively. For example, a logging table that logs page hits. Or there might be an archiving operation that has to be performed on a particular table. Archiving / processing / aggregating records, all these operations are slow and can really blog down a website, combine that with the added overhead if the table that needs to have these operations performed is one that...

Performance tuning using vertical partitioning.

Does having small data-sets really help? Of course it does! Are memory lookups faster that disk lookups. Of course ! So many times I have seen people complain about queries taking too long now, while they were not taking that long earlier. There is one big reason for this, earlier the size of data-set was small so it could fit into memory. Now that the data-set has grown large enough that it cannot fit entirely into memory, the disk seeks really have slowed down the queries significantly. What to do now? Vertical partitioning. Divide the data-set into separate data-sets vertically....

Tuning InnoDB Concurrency Tickets

InnoDB has an oft-unused parameter innodb_concurrency_tickets that seems widely misunderstood. From the docs: "The number of threads that can enter InnoDB concurrently is determined by the innodb_thread_concurrency variable. A thread is placed in a queue when it tries to enter InnoDB if the number of threads has already reached the concurrency limit. When a thread is allowed to enter InnoDB, it is given a number of “free tickets” equal to the value of innodb_concurrency_tickets, and the thread can enter and leave InnoDB freely until it has used up its tickets. After that point, the thread again becomes subject to the concurrency check (and possible queuing) the next time it tries to enter InnoDB. The default value is 500..."

What this means from a practical perspective is that each query is allocated 500 tickets when it begins executing. Each time it enters InnoDB, this number is decremented until it reaches zero ("entering InnoDB" …

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Tuning your Cluster with ndbinfo (7.1) part 1 of X

The new ndbinfo interface in 7.1 is really useful to assist in tuning MySQL Cluster. Here is an example (more will follow):

I started with one test where I inserted two blobs (1KB + 1KB) in one table.
From 16 threads (colocated with one mysqld, two data nodes, separate computers) and one application driving the load I reached about 6960TPS, and the utilization of the redo buffers (controlled by the parameter RedoBuffer in config.ini) looked like:

mysql< select * from ndbinfo.logbuffers;
| node_id | log_type | log_id | log_part | total | used |
| 3 | REDO | 0 | 1 | 50331648 | 196608 |
| 3 | REDO | 0 | 2 | 50331648 | 294912 |
| 3 | REDO | 0 | 3 | 50331648 | 131072 |
| …
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vBulletin session table and Hash index in MEMORY Engine

In vBulletin Board System there is session table contains online user information and tracking, in which forum now, what the current URL now, So it is have huge concurrent update statement, By default this table is MEMORY engine because its data not important in case MySQL restart.

I notice early loaded in MySQL and server, So I do full tuning for the server then analyze slow query using

Speaking At The MySQL Users Conference

My proposal has been accepted, yay!

I'll be speaking on a topic that I feel passionate about: MySQL Server Diagnostics Beyond Monitoring. MySQL has limitations when it comes to monitoring and diagnosing as it has been widely documented in several blogs.

My goal is to share my experience from the last few years and, hopefully, learn from what others have done. If you have a pressing issue, feel free to comment on this blog and I'll do my best to include the case in my talk and/or post a reply if the time allows.

I will also be discussing my future plans on sarsql. I've been silent about this utility mostly because I've been implementing it actively at work. I'll post a road map shortly based on my latest experience.

I'm excited about meeting many old friends (and most now fellow MySQL alumni) …

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Showing entries 61 to 70 of 117
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