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Displaying posts with tag: Performance (reset)
Performance tuning using vertical partitioning.

Does having small data-sets really help? Of course it does! Are memory lookups faster that disk lookups. Of course ! So many times I have seen people complain about queries taking too long now, while they were not taking that long earlier. There is one big reason for this, earlier the size of data-set was small so it could fit into memory. Now that the data-set has grown large enough that it cannot fit entirely into memory, the disk seeks really have slowed down the queries significantly. What to do now? Vertical partitioning. Divide the data-set into separate data-sets vertically....

Lock wait timeout on slaves

We had a one of our slave servers frequently stop replicating with the “Innodb Lock Wait Timeout” error. The slave IO thread would continue to fetch the binlogs while the slave SQL thread kept stopping with  the above mentioned error. The teams initial inclination was to change the innodb lock wait timeout variable from 50 secs to a higher value. It was a read-only slave. Our expectation was there would be no competing writes. Then we started listing what are the next steps possible and what could be wrong.

  1. There could be a user with “super” privilege in the system that was running updates directly on the slave
  2. A backup script that could be locking the tables out for backup
  3. Increase the “innodb lock wait timeout variable
  4. Enable the innodb lock monitor

While we were working on the system, we noticed that there were few select queries that …

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Performance gain of MySQL 5.1 InnoDB plugin
You know already that InnoDB in MySQL 5.5 has great improvements in performance and scalability. You will have to wait a few months for that, though, because MySQL 5.5 is not GA yet.
But if you need some extra performance in MySQL 5.1, you may want to use the Innodb Plugin instead of the built-in one. As of version 5.1.47, the Innodb plugin is of GA quality, and it comes with a good out-of-the-box improvement compared to the built-in engine.

To test my assumptions, I used one of my test Linux servers to perform a sysbench on 5.0.91, 5.1.47 built-in and plugin, and 5.5.4. The MySQL servers were all configured with

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Fixing MySQL group commit (part 4 of 3)

(No three-part series is complete without a part 4, right?)

Here is an analogy that describes well what group commit does. We have a bus driving back and forth transporting people from A to B (corresponding to fsync() "transporting" commits to durable storage on disk). The group commit optimisation is to have the bus pick up everyone that is waiting at A before driving to B, not drive people one by one. Makes sense, huh? :-)

It is pretty obvious that this optimisation of having more than one person in the bus can dramatically improve throughput, and it is the same for the group commit optimisation. Here is a graph from a benchmark comparing stock MariaDB 5.1 vs. MariaDB patched …

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Intra-query parallelism for MySQL queries without an appliance or closed source database

*edit* I want to point out that this test was done on a single database server which used MySQL partitioning. This is a demonstration of how Shard-Query can improve performance in non-sharded databases too.*edit*.

Over the weekend I spent a lot of time improving my new Shard-Query tool ( and the improvements can equate to big performance gains on partitioned data sets versus executing the query directly on MySQL.

I'll explain this graph below, but lower is better (response time) and Shard-Query is the red line.

MySQL understands that queries which access data in only certain partitions don't have to read the rest of the table. This partition elimination works well, but MySQL left a big optimization out of partitioning: …

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I wrote a new tool that runs aggregation queries over MySQL sharded databases using Gearman.

I created a new tool this week:

As the name Shard-Query suggests, the goal of the tool is to run a query over multiple shards, and to return the combined results together as a unified query. It uses Gearman to ask each server for a set of rows and then runs the query over the combined set. This isn't a new idea, however, Shard-Query is different than other Gearman examples I've seen, because it supports aggregation.

It does this by doing some basic query rewriting based on the input query.

Take this query for example:

select c2, 
 from t1 as s0 
 join t1 using (c1,c2) 
 where c2 = 98818 
 group by c2;

The tool will split this up into two queries.

This first query will be sent to each shard. Notice that …

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A workaround for the performance problems of TEMPTABLE views

MySQL supports two different algorithms for views: the MERGE algorithm and the TEMPTABLE algorithm. These two algorithms differ greatly. A view which uses the MERGE algorithm can merge filter conditions into the view query itself. This has significant performance advantages over TEMPTABLE views. A view which uses the TEMPTABLE algorithm will have to compute the entire contents of the view before any filter is applied. Computing the entire contents requires a temporary table and many more rows may be accessed than otherwise would had the filter been merged into the view query.

As long as a view avoids aggregation, DISTINCT, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, etc, then it can use the MERGE algorithm. Unfortunately, this means that views of any significant complexity will almost always use the TEMPTABLE algorithm.

This blog post demonstrates a workaround that allows the convenience of complex views, including those with aggregation (that is views …

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Joining on range? Wrong!

The problem I am going to describe is likely to be around since the very beginning of MySQL, however unless you carefully analyse and profile your queries, it might easily go unnoticed. I used it as one of the examples in our talk given at conference last week to demonstrate some pitfalls one may hit when designing schemas and queries, but then I thought it could be a good idea to publish this on the blog as well.

To demonstrate the issue let’s use a typical example – a sales query. Our data is a tiny store directory consisting of three very simple tables:


  1. CREATE TABLE `products` (
  2.   `prd_id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  3.   `prd_name` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
  4.   PRIMARY KEY (`prd_id`),
  5.   KEY …
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InnoDB recovery gets even faster in Plugin 1.1, thanks to native AIO

InnoDB Plugin 1.1 doesn’t add any recovery specific improvements on top of what we already have in Plugin 1.0.7. The details on the latter are available in this blog. Yet, when I tried to recover another big recovery dataset I created, I got the following results for total recovery time:

  • Plugin 1.0.7: 46min 21s
  • Plugin 1.1: 32min 41s

Plugin 1.1 recovery is 1.5 times faster. Why would that happen? The numerous concurrency improvements in Plugin 1.1 and MySQL 5.5 can’t really affect the recovery. The honor goes to Native Asynchronous IO on Linux. Let’s try without it:

  • Plugin 1.1 with –innodb-use-native-aio=0: 49min 07s

which is about the same as 1.0.7 time. My numerous other recovery runs showed that the random fluctuations account for 2-3min of a …

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MySQL 5.1.46 With InnoDB Plugin Kicks Butt

We were discussing the recommendations we issue each quarter around MySQL and the question of using InnoDB plugin came up. We usually follow Planet MySQL closely, so we read what the blogs had to say and it was all good, but we decided to provide our users some data of our own. We used our own sysbench tests on to get the information we needed.
A Word About BenchmarksI don't trust most of the benchmarks that are published online because they really apply to the use case of whomever is writing the article. They are usually many factors that can influence them and I find it difficult to apply them as-is to our environment.

I do trust the benchmarks published online as a reference on how to create and run our own benchmarks. So this article is based on this premise. I recommend you to do your own homework to …

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