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Displaying posts with tag: Replication (reset)
Binary Log Group Commit in MySQL 5.6

With the release of MySQL 5.6 binary log group commit is included, which is a feature focused on improving performance of a server when the binary log is enabled. In short, binary log group commit improve performance by grouping several writes to the binary log instead of writing them one by one, but let me digress a little on how transactions are logged to the binary log before going into the details. Before going into details about the problem and the implementation, let look at what you do to turn it on.


Well... we actually have a few options to tweak it, but nothing required to turn it on. It even works for existing engines since we did not have to extend the handlerton interface to implement the binary log group commit. However, InnoDB has some optimizations to take advantage of the binary log group commit implementation.

This is a …
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MySQL to Vertica Replication, Part 2: Setup and Operation

As described in the first article of this series, Tungsten Replicator can replicate data from MySQL to Vertica in real-time.  We use a new batch loading feature that applies transactions to data warehouses in very large blocks using COPY or LOAD DATA INFILE commands.  This second and concluding article walks through the details of setting up and testing MySQL to Vertica replication.

To keep the article reasonably short, I assume that readers are conversant with MySQL, Tungsten, and Vertica.  Basic replication setup is not hard if you follow all the steps described here, but of course there are variations in every setup.  For more information on Tungsten check out the Tungsten Replicator project at site well as …

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MySQL to Vertica Replication, Part 1: Enabling Real-Time Analytics with Tungsten

Real-time analytics allow companies to react rapidly to changing business conditions.   Online ad services process click-through data to maximize ad impressions.  Retailers analyze sales patterns to identify micro-trends and move inventory to meet them.  The common theme is speed: moving lots of information without delay from operational systems to fast data warehouses that can feed reports back to users as quickly as possible.

Real-time data publishing is a classic example of a big data replication problem.  In this two-part article I will describe recent work on Tungsten Replicator to move data out of MySQL into Vertica at high speed with minimal load on DBMS servers.  This feature …

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The best MySQL multi-master solution gets even better

The best (and truly the only) MySQL multi-master, multi-site solution on the market gets even better! Continuent is happy to announce immediate availability of Continuent Tungsten 1.5.New Continuent Tungsten 1.5 allows you to build multi-site, disaster recovery (DR) and multi-master solutions with ease:

Multi-Master Operations - Tungsten can support your multi-master operations today by linking

MySQL 5.6 Replication: FAQ

On Wednesday May 16th, we ran a webinar to provide an overview of all of the new replication features and enhancements that are previewed in the MySQL 5.6 Development Release – including Global Transaction IDs, auto-failover and self-healing, multi-threaded, crash-safe slaves and more.

Collectively, these new capabilities enable MySQL users to scale for next generation web and cloud applications.

Attendees posted a number of great questions to the MySQL developers, serving to provide additional insights into how these new features are implemented. So I thought it would be useful to post those below, for the benefit of those unable to attend the live webinar (note, you can listen to the On-Demand replay which is available now).

Before getting to the Q&A, there are a couple of other resources that maybe useful to …

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Webinar 5/17: MySQL High Availability Realized

High availability is about more than just making sure that applications can get to your data, even if there is a failure:

How about when you are upgrading your database schema What if you need to add memory to a database server or reconfigure/restart MySQL If your apps want to read data from a MySQL slave, how can you be sure they are not reading stale data without re-coding your apps What

If You *Must* Deploy Multi-Master Replication, Read This First

An increasing number of organizations run applications that depend on MySQL multi-master replication between remote sites.   I have worked on several such implementations recently.  This article summarizes the lessons from those experiences that seem most useful when deploying multi-master on existing as well as new applications.

Let's start by defining terms.  Multi-master replication means that applications update the same tables on different masters, and the changes replicate automatically between those masters.  Remote sites mean that the masters are separated by a wide area network (WAN), which implies high average network latency of 100ms or more.  WAN network latency is also characterized by a long tail, ranging from seconds due to congestion to hours or even days if a ship runs over the wrong undersea cable.

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Initial Reactions to MySQL 5.6

New versions of MySQL are always interesting to try out. Often they have features which I may have asked for myself so it’s satisfying to see them eventually appear on a system I use. Often other new features make life easier for the DBA. Finally we hope overall performance will improve and managing the server(s) will be come easier.

So I had a system which needs to make heavy writes, and performance was a problem, even when writing to SSDs. Checkpointing seemed to be the big issue and the ib_logfile size in MySQL 5.5 is limited to 4 GB. That seems a lot, but once MySQL starts to fill these files (and this happens at ~70% of the total I believe),  checkpointing kicks in heavily, and slows things down.  So the main reason for trying out MySQL 5.6 was to see how things performed with larger ib_logfiles. (Yes, MariaDB 5.5 can do this too.)

Things improved a lot for my specific workload which was great news, but one thing …

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Replication Is Bad for MySQL Temp Tables

Experienced MySQL DBAs know that temp tables cause major problems for MySQL replication.  It turns out the converse is also true:  replication can cause major problems for temporary tables.

In a recent customer engagement we enabled Tungsten Replicator with a MySQL application that originally ran on a server that did not use replication.  QA promptly discovered reports that previously ran in 10 seconds were now running in as many minutes.  It turned out that the reports used temp tables to assemble data, and these were being written into the master binlog.  This created bloated binlogs and extremely slow reports.  We fixed the problem by enabling row replication (i.e., binlog-format=row in my.cnf).

A common DBA response to temp table problems is to try to eliminate them completely, as suggested in the excellent …

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Percona MySQL Conference and Expo Week in Review

Thanks to all of those who came by our booth and to see Leif’s presentation on Read Optimization, and to my Lightning Talk on OLTP and OLAP at the Percona MySQL Conference and Expo. It was an incredible week and a great place to launch TokuDB v6.0 from! A big thanks to Percona for a great event, to …

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