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Displaying posts with tag: life (reset)
  • alias skedit='open -a skEdit' is highly useful. Now I can do skedit foo.php and it opens it up. What joy with such simple things.
  • Great to see Mono go into Rawhide, meaning FC5 Test 2 will have it. Now I can’t hardly wait. On PPC, if we had Xen working (upstream), life would be the ultimate breeze.
  • I will not be making it to 2006 in New Zealand. Despite all good attempts to get a flight leaving KL, I can’t. Well, affordably (hello coach class). Registrations however are still open. There’s a Red Hat/Fedora meetup, and Joshua Wulf would be a useful person to contact if you’re rocking up for it (email discussion still has dates
  • Is there a reason Fedora disabled updatedb running by default? Now users actually need to specify yes, in /etc/updatedb.conf. Why? Was this for laptop users?
  • FreeBSD ports has this nice advantage that …
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White Stripes tour dates - The White Stripes

Damn, damn, damn, damn damn. Only January 28th - and I’m in NZ.

Note to future organisers: make sure dates don’t overlap BDO or any really cool band tour dates.

Of course, the real disaster would be if Tool were touring at the same time as a work thing. How will people take it if i leave a company event for however long is needed to see Tool live. as many times as possible. I am dearly hoping that travel co-ordinates itself to see them in different cities, countries. Heck, even another planet if we can do that by the time the new album is ready :)

Some people don’t seem to get the Tool thing. It’s just good music. But that’s the …

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Mangoes are good

that is all.

err… okay, a bit more. Breakfast this morning consisted of doing the dishes (good first step), some toast with jam and vegemite and a mango. Yum. All the time listening to the recording of the company-wide conf call from the other day (2am was just a little bit late that night).

These conf calls are really good actually - being able to throw questions directly at the top (and have them answered) is a great thing. Also getting to know what is going on from a higher perspective is really valuable.

welcome to kl
  • Back in the land of small bosoms and pretentious girls. For a good greeting, I got massively sick - flowing nose, sneezing, tearing eyes. Its hard to believe I was born here, and yet I get all these complications everytime I rock up here.
  • Oh, and Streamyx, in both my houses, suck. Its so slow in comparison to what I’m used to sitting at home via cable. And look, their QoS is hopeless too. Sigh. Flickr uploads are slow, at best. And I’m supposed to have at least 256/384kbps upload speeds here.
  • Spent some time fighting the VPN, and it eventually succumbed. OpenVPN on Linux is a breeze (go Fedora!), but Tunnelblick took a bit more massaging to get working.
  • I have also fixed my VoIP, so you can now reach me …
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welcome to kl
  • Back in the land of small bosoms and pretentious girls. For a good greeting, I got massively sick - flowing nose, sneezing, tearing eyes. Its hard to believe I was born here, and yet I get all these complications everytime I rock up here.
  • Oh, and Streamyx, in both my houses, suck. Its so slow in comparison to what I’m used to sitting at home via cable. And look, their QoS is hopeless too. Sigh. Flickr uploads are slow, at best. And I’m supposed to have at least 256/384kbps upload speeds here.
  • Spent some time fighting the VPN, and it eventually succumbed. OpenVPN on Linux is a breeze (go Fedora!), but Tunnelblick took a bit more massaging to get working.
  • I have also fixed my VoIP, so you can now reach me …
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Change in Affiliation

Arjen was mentioning about the perks of working at MySQL. It got me interested, so I joined them :) So I guess this is my change in affiliation announcement.

A timely photo from William, that I scanned in… (circa a couple of years back)

I don’t know if I can talk about what I do yet (I’m a Community Engineer). I already have a task on hand, but I guess there are meeting times to work out, and other stuff. I’m rather excited, and my drive (that was lost for a while) is back. I’m not leaving any mentioned project either, in fact I think my Fedora goodness should be stepped up, as will the OOo (db related) stuff.

Change in Affiliation

Arjen was mentioning about the perks of working at MySQL. It got me interested, so I joined them :) So I guess this is my change in affiliation announcement.

A timely photo from William, that I scanned in… (circa a couple of years back)

I don’t know if I can talk about what I do yet (I’m a Community Engineer). I already have a task on hand, but I guess there are meeting times to work out, and other stuff. I’m rather excited, and my drive (that was lost for a while) is back. I’m not leaving any mentioned project either, in fact I think my Fedora goodness should be stepped up, as will the OOo (db related) stuff.

PortaWiki - collaboration on portability issues

At AUUG2005 last week, Arjen, myself and others were discussing the idea of trying to assemble some sort of common resources that multiple projects can use to contribute and find out about portability issues they stumble across.

The idea being that we can all then learn from each other and write better, more portable software.

So, I’ve set something up.

I present, the incredibly bare (okay, not quite completely bare) PortaWiki.

Please add whatever stuff you find, you know or anything. No idea how this is going to work - I plan to let it evolve.

(Arjen tells me that Peter Gutmann should receive credit as he thinks he came up with the idea. Kudos to him).

VGA Out and presentations

I can now give presentations from my laptop - yay.

It requires running the ATI binary drivers instead of the open source ones.

Then VGA out works without being squiggly. (that’s on my Asus V6V laptop with a Radeon X600 running Ubuntu Breezy) - there’ that should be enough google juice.

However, as if being binary only wasn’t crappy enough - suspend doesn’t work. So it’s open source drivers for all other times! I don’t use GL, so that doesn’t worry me. Of course, it may start to worry me what with all the neat cairo stuff and other accelleration coming… but not yet.

This should come in handy for the Melbourne MySQL Users Group meeting tomorrow night!

Microsoft loses in Eolas patent ruling ¦ CNET

Microsoft loses in Eolas patent ruling | CNET

Come on Microsoft - join us in the fight against software patents. This clearly hurts the entire industry - be it big vendors like yourself or small ones.

Let’s not all get royally screwed.

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